Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Healthcare and Life Sciences Market Opportunities

Natural language processing (NLP) is the innovation which helps machines in understanding both written and spoken human language by analyzing human to computer collaboration. NLP strategies extraction of data from the large amount of clinical information and enhance it viably for improved preparing and examination. Because of this, various healthcare services suppliers are searching for arrangements that consolidate top of the line NLP innovations. Key Players in Global Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Healthcare and Life Sciences Market.


UHS Hospitals

UHS is the largest comprehensive healthcare system and leading private employer in the Greater Binghamton, N.Y., region. With more than 60 locations in Broome and surrounding counties, the system is composed of providers and supporting organizations serving the 600,000 residents of the Southern Tier of upstate New York and portions of Northeast Pennsylvania...

Health Technology, Digital Healthcare

Why Should Hospitals Invest in Healthcare Supply Chain Management Technology?

Article | September 8, 2023

The use of technology in hospitals has been increasing for the last decade and at present, it has reached an all-time high. However, it may be surprising to realize that the healthcare supply chain management (SCM) area of hospitals has not fully embraced technology. According to a survey conducted among 100 hospitals recently, nearly half of these hospitals use less sophisticated/outdated tools or manual processes, such as Excel spreadsheets, to manage supply expenses, inventory, and other supply chain activities. According to the Association for Healthcare Resource & Materials Management (AHRMM), healthcare supply chain management costs will surpass labor costs shortly for the number one position. But there is good news; similar surveys show potential for significant healthcare supply chain management cost savings. For example, an analysis by Navigant consulting estimates that, by standardizing and streamlining the healthcare supply chain management processes, hospitals can save an average of US$11 million per hospital or 17.7% annually. What is Healthcare Supply Chain Management Procurement, distribution, and movement of products and services from the receiving deck to the patient encompass the process of healthcare supply chain management. There are a lot of challenges in healthcare supply chain management processes. The major issues include demand for specific types of product in inventory, hoarding of supplies, out-of-stock issues that may lead to expensive delivery charges, product expirations, unwarranted increase in inventory dollars based on demand, and pilferage, among others. These issues may contribute to out-of-budget supply costs. Healthcare supply chain management is an extremely complex process. Poor product standardization, inadequate data reporting, a lack of automation throughout the process, and increasing regulatory requirements only add to the difficulties. Thus, an easy way to get rid of all these complexities is to incorporate advanced technologies in the healthcare supply chain management process. Healthcare Supply Chain Management Technology Advanced healthcare supply chain management technologies are developed to transform the supply chain process to a more efficient one by automating repetitive manual tasks in hospitals and other healthcare organizations. Minimizing waste, enabling timely data-based decision-making, streamlining inventory, and reducing labour, supply, and operational costs are the major benefits of healthcare supply chain management software. There are mainly two types of healthcare supply chain management technology solutions, enterprise resource planning systems and niche healthcare inventory and healthcare supply chain management solutions. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems ERP systems are not the best for healthcare supply chain management specifically because these systems are used in many industries. Also, the concerned vendors often do not have the required healthcare expertise. As this is mainly implemented by larger and non-healthcare related businesses, it may take a longer time to implement. Also, it requires dedicated customization resources. This makes it inflexible for the healthcare industry supply chain management. Niche Healthcare Inventory and Supply Chain Solutions This type is known as the best-of-breed healthcare supply chain management solutions. They provide healthcare-directed and flexible solutions as they are affordable and incorporate deeper industry knowledge. These systems can also focus on specific areas such as interventional medicine, surgery, and other healthcare departments. Why Should Hospitals Invest in Healthcare SCM Technology Although hospitals and other healthcare organizations have demonstrated excellent performance in fighting COVID-19, the pandemic exposed vulnerabilities in the present healthcare supply chain management process. Supply shortages, especially lack of personal protective equipment (PPE), highlighted how poor healthcare supply chain management affected healthcare providers. The underlying concern behind the supply shortage is that hospitals’ supply chains are not well prepared for the future of healthcare. Organizations are depending upon old models, which are not innovative, agile, or advanced enough to cater to the requirements of the modern data and technology-driven world. Automating Healthcare supply chain management will be a major differentiator for hospitals at present and in future, impacting all aspects, including brand reputation, consumer trust, and quality of care. Healthcare leaders, such as organization heads and hospital administrators, require a new healthcare supply chain management system to deliver care at a lower cost. To realize this requirement, they have to make bold decisions and speed up the transformation of their healthcare supply chain. Acceleration of healthcare supply chain management transformation will be grounded in many imperatives, which are related to process, people, and technology. The digital transformation focusing on these areas will fasten the long-term growth and sustainability of healthcare supply chain management. Digital Transformation to Raise Healthcare Supply Chain to New Levels The Healthcare industry has given importance, other than information systems and key enterprise technologies, to electronic health record platforms in the last decade. Currently, the healthcare industry is on the brink of a digital revolution. Several technologies, such as robotic process automation (RPA), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML), are opening new doors for healthcare organizations to evolve to a level beyond anything previously imagined. It will surely affect healthcare supply chain management. However, the healthcare supply chain has not yet kept pace with changing technologies. To create a fully developed supply chain, hospitals should find innovative ways to integrate their physical process with digital data. Hospitals should start using tools such as predictive analytics along with digital statistics and information to drive decisions. Investing in this technology integrated healthcare supply chain management, hospitals, and other healthcare organizations will help achieve optimal benefits. However, it needs an efficient deployment of new technologies, such as the integration of ML and AI, and maintain a functioning healthcare system. Collaboration Between People and Technology for Better Results Years of operating in traditional systems has delayed the progress of healthcare supply chain management. As the consequences of running out of stock can be devastating in the healthcare system, leaders and clinical professionals have to look at supply chain differently. The COVID-19 pandemic has elevated and strengthened the necessity of better collaboration. Now leaders need to act timely to solidify these changes, brought out by the pandemic, to stop people reverting to behaviours that were problematic in the past. Automation will make the future of the workforce and supply chain workflows more efficient. The greatness of the impact on future healthcare supply chain management performance depends upon the greatness of the automation of work. Hospitals should highly focus on technology to perform various repetitive tasks, including delivering patient food trays, gathering supplies and bringing them to caregivers, picking case carts, and transporting supply carts to storage rooms. Staff efficiency is increased, when repetitive tasks and predictable work are automated and performed by robots. This helps staff focus on more complex tasks that drive innovation and value. Digital transformation occurs only when there is strong leadership and a conducive culture. Hospitals should realize the value of data in decision making and change their view about the supply chain leader. Modern healthcare supply chain management leaders are those who excel in education, governance, collaboration and communication, and change management. In hospitals, the supply chain management leader position should be elevated to executive level and they should be capable of using modern technologies for effectively handling the healthcare supply chain management process. The Future of Supply Chain Operations The sole aim of effective healthcare supply chain management has been finding the lowest cost products for the end-user without considering much about the profit of the manufacturer. The alarming product shortages and supply chain disruptions during the pandemic have changed that. Now, leaders are much more focused on how to diversify manufacturer product origins. Technological advancements and digital transformation will encourage the efforts to evolve vendor and inventory management, which is evident in procure-to-pay strategies. In case of procure-to-pay strategies, hospitals can reduce cost and increase efficiency by integrating technology assistance in areas such as accounts payable, including invoice discrepancies, match exceptions, and placing purchase orders electronically. In hospitals, healthcare supply chain management should evolve quickly to forecast and adjust the changing flow of patient volumes and care sites. Increased acute care in the home, utilization of telehealth, and remote patient monitoring will surely change demand for care facilities and supply demands from consumers. Efficiently catering to these requirements with the assistance of the latest technologies will determine the future of hospitals and healthcare supply chain management. In the healthcare supply chain management, technologies will play a vibrant role in boosting competence and reducing cost from now. Get yourself updated to avoid getting outdated! Frequently Asked Questions What is the value of supply chain management in healthcare? The healthcare supply chain management process ensures the right time availability of medicines, maximizing patient care, minimizing inventory wastage, and minimizing human errors. Healthcare supply chain management ensures timely availability of medicines for all patients at right time at lower cost possible. What are the 5 basic components of supply chain management? The five basic components of supply chain management are plan, source, manufacture, deliver, and return. Through these five components of supply chain management hospitals ensure the availability of all the medicines in hospitals. Shortage of essential medicines and other articles brings total chaos to the system. Why is Supply Chain Management important for a hospital? Supply chain management is essential for hospitals and other healthcare organizations as it ensures the availability of medicines and medical equipment so that patients get access to all facilities in time. In order to keep a consistent patient experience, an efficient supply chain management is necessary for all hospitals.

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Healthtech Security

Hangover Alcohol Syndrome

Article | November 29, 2023

Ha, ha, ha, it’s me, alcohol hangover syndrome. Oh no, it feels like I have a fire burning through my head, that cannot be put out. What a pain, the hang-over. I can't get up. My eyes are red and blurred. I feel sick and body is tired. My body aches like French fries sizzling in scalding hot oil. Ouch, what a pain it is. Ouch is not a strong enough expression. So I Scream! Damn is the toe nail fungus vomiting too, I am sick. Screaming; oh no my head cannot handle it, it spinning and blazing like fire. My eyes are red, like a red eyed dragon. Well you are feeling the side effects of drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, referred to as intoxication - hang-over. Alcohol is labeled as the gateway to addiction and may lead to other drugs. The Lancet Medical Journal advises alcohol increases the risk of hypertension, stroke and heart attack. Alcohol intoxication is the result of high consumption of alcohol increase in the blood stream. The higher the amount of alcohol within blood stream the more impaired you become. According to statistics of 2015 an average of 6 people die each day due to alcohol poisoning or drinking so much that the body become overwhelmed. The body resistance to alcohol intoxication poison aligns in the critical or essential areas of the brain that control heart rate and breathing causing the heart rate and breathing to shut down and can lead to death. Frequent intoxication can inhibit ones' ability to think, focus, health, work, communicate, behavior and relationships. Frequent intoxication also influences one to become isolated, trying not to disclose habits by lying about drinking to family, friends or associates and even hiding alcohol in some cases whether it be at home or work. Hazardous harm of alcohol poison to the body begin as a craving for alcohol. This chain reaction is similar to the body becoming tired and fatigue and demands sleep which you cannot control, you must get sleep or pass out. Groans are similar to a choking frog that cannot control it voice. The craving or urge to drink may be triggered by internal or external factors. Attention and insight or consciousness to what triggers urge to drink is an advantage to assist in controlling the (ABV) alcohol beverage volume consumed. Mentioned in the beginning intoxication poison is not pleasurable and intoxication is unhealthy, so has this habit of excessive drinking become an uncontrollable addiction? My rap song is you are hooked and chorus is: Unforgettable, Unforgettable, Unforgettable You have made me your number one love You take me with you like a shadow You hold me with such a grasping hold of touch I am yours and you live just to be with me! Risk Factors of Alcohol Toxic obstacle of future damage Reality is a hard hitter and a definite strike out Consequences and penalties exist! Many times with a toast, alcohol is the toaster to recognize an individual are group of individuals. Toast with alcohol can lead the way to consumption of more alcohol. There is a chicle that friends don’t let friends drink drunk. Well when the friend is seeing through eyes of alcohol themselves who become the helper? Drinking and drinking is a serious violation of the law. Risk factors are costly, expensive and devastating. Risk factors include but are not limited to: DUI- (Driving under the influence) Driving under the influence of alcohol is prohibited by law and punishable by law. Consequences for illegally operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol can range from imprisonment, fines, community service and limited operating driving privileges. These factors are enforced under Misdemeanor Offense based on the merits, history of the first time offense. If the BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration) is above .08 consumption while driving a vehicle one can be arrested. DWI- (Driving while intoxicated) Driving while intoxicated is also prohibited by law and is punishable by law. DUI and DWI are related and both are violations that have penalties. Multiple DUI’s are DWI’s fines can range from $2000 0r more, are or imprisonment depending on state which the violation occurred. The violation is governed under Gross Misdemeanor or felony. Factors include subject pass history, accidents and drug use. Related obligations imposed are rate of operating a vehicle insurance increase, storage and towing fees, attorney fees, DUI classes, restitution, possible criminal and court fees, scarred background record, possible driver license suspension or driver license being revoked. Accidents- According to National Institution on Drug Abuse report “Drinking and driving can add up to tragic ending. In the U.S. about 4300 people under the age 21 die each year from injuries caused by underage drinking, more than 35 percent in car crashes.” Relationships- Relationships are a valued connection, resource, positive interaction, communication and socially are viewed as binding or a bond. When a relationship becomes troubled an uncomfortable strain effects the stability of comfort and sometimes trust. Drugs for instance can cause damage to a good relationship with family, friends and acquaintances. Relationships should be positive, supported and loving. Jail- A sentence for punishment of an unlawful crime. Risk Factors of Alcohol Divorce – Divorce can carry the burden of a setback. Change is transition and sometimes stressful. An individual can feel pressure and seek relief that may eventually lead to depression anxiety or harmful opioids without medical advice. License Suspension- A period of time which a valid driver license privilege is suspend temporary. Financial Burden- Fines, fees, loss of driver privilege and other costly expenses create financial burden or loss of income that may be saved or distribute differently. Health Issues- Quote your health is wealth has merit and valuable. Your health matters and chemical dependency addiction impairs the body system with side effects such as strokes, hypertension, seizers, respiratory problems and heart failure. Employment- EAP (Employment Assistance Program) EAP is an employment assistance agency providing services to assist in personal, financial and work related occurrences. Court Ordered Rehabilitation – The risk factors associated with alcohol related court can be positive. The individual who takes advantage of this opportunity could overcome alcohol addiction and improve his or her behavior to become a more productive citizen. This also helps one to rebuild their lives. Alcohol rehabilitation also allows people to heal from addiction and dependence issues. Most people prefer alcohol rehabilitation programs to avoid a Criminal sentencing and to get their lives back on track. Risk factors can work out very well for one and help one redeem his or her positive life back. Children Neglect- Family and especially children struggle and suffer as they learn to live without your guidance. Being absent in your children life signal a lack of love and trust for them. They begin to doubt themselves despite your habit of addiction. Grief – Regret and self-emotional punishment for the injury, harm or death inflicted upon another while impaired by the use of alcohol (Drinking and driving) Don’t drive and drink is a safety factor that should not be ignored!

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Healthtech Security

Top 10 Best Practices for EHR Ethical Issues

Article | August 31, 2023

Discover the potential of EHR implementation in revolutionizing clinical processes. Uncover strategies for addressing EHR ethical issues, ensuring integration that prioritizes patient-centered care. Amidst the fusion of healthcare and technology, integrating electronic health records (EHRs) has emerged as a transformative element in modern medical practice. As a digital repository for a patient's medical journey, EHRs present unprecedented prospects for elevated care quality, improved data accessibility, and cost-effectiveness. Nevertheless, these advancements bring forth an array of EHR ethical issues that demand meticulous attention. In this context, establishing and adhering to the best practices for the ethical training of EHRs assumes paramount importance and a moral obligation. By skillfully navigating the intricate convergence of technology, patient confidentiality, and conscientious healthcare, these ethical EHR best practices illuminate the path toward a future where innovation and ethical principles harmoniously coexist. 1. Upholding Privacy and Confidentiality Revealing a patient's information to external parties should strictly happen with the patient's explicit consent or within the parameters defined by legal regulations. Data stemming from clinical interactions is confidential and requires rigorous protection. The effective operation of EHRs requires authorized access by healthcare institutions, insurers, and related entities. Access by users is contingent upon predefined role-based privileges. The administrator identifies users, specifies the extent of information accessibility, and allocates exclusive usernames and passwords. Users must be conscientious about responsibly utilizing the information they access within their designated roles. Therefore, assigning user privileges plays a pivotal role in securing medical records. However, while regulating data access remains crucial, it doesn’t completely ensure confidentiality. Strengthening security through comprehensive privacy and security protocols remains essential for reinforcing patient data's inviolabilit. 2. Safeguarding Against Data Breaches Ensuring patient privacy and safeguarding sensitive medical data is paramount in EHR ethical training. The imperatives of inadequate data security, encompassing compromised medical information, unauthorized access due to weak password safeguards, and the lack of encryption, accentuate the immediate need for a holistic approach. Employing strategies such as secure cloud storage, robust password protocols, two-factor authentication, and encryption is pivotal in enhancing data security, preventing the mishandling of patient records, and abiding by ethical standards. The potential legal and financial consequences of breaches underscore the criticality of these practices in maintaining patient trust and confidentiality within the digital healthcare domain. 3. EHR System Implementation The integration of EHRs within healthcare organizations poses significant challenges, including resource waste, provider dissatisfaction, diminished patient trust, and potential safety risks. Successful EHR development, implementation, and upkeep demand substantial investment and collaboration among stakeholders, including clinicians, IT experts, educators, and consultants. Clinicians' active engagement is often underestimated, leading to the failure of EHR projects; therefore, clinician-led guidance is crucial in tasks such as EHR selection, workflow design, and quality improvement. Thoroughly mapping workflows before selecting an EHR is crucial, while maintaining user-friendly interfaces remains essential for success. Neglecting these aspects can reduce efficiency, compromise care, and increase safety threats. By prioritizing comprehensive planning, engaging clinicians, and optimizing user interfaces, healthcare institutions can ensure ethical and efficient EHR integration, ultimately enhancing patient care and safety. 4. Maintaining Data Accuracy Upholding data accuracy stands as a fundamental principle in the ethical EHR domain. The integrity of information guarantees its unaltered and precise nature, contributing significantly to the enhancement of patient safety, reduction of healthcare errors, mitigation of health disparities, and betterment of public health. Nevertheless, concerns have been voiced regarding the reliability of data input into electronic records. The improper utilization of functionalities such as 'cut and paste' can lead to misleading portrayals of a patient's condition and treatment, breaching ethical standards. This practice poses elevated risks to patients and increases the liability of clinicians and institutions. Challenges also arise from drop-down menus that limit a clinician's choices, potentially giving rise to substantial errors, especially under time constraints. The collaborative efforts of clinicians and vendors can address software concerns, promoting user-friendly, reliable EHRs while tackling EHR ethical issues. Furthermore, data loss during transfers raises pertinent concerns about the accuracy of the database, a critical aspect as patient care decisions hinge on this data. 5. Guaranteeing Data Authenticity The assurance of documentation integrity pertains to the accurate and precise nature of the comprehensive health record. This includes principles of information governance, identifying patients, validating authorship, handling amendments and corrections in records, and auditing documentation validity while submitting reimbursement claims. EHR tools offer flexible documentation options through the utilization of templates and smart phrases, assisting in precise record-keeping. However, if these tools are misused, doubts about data integrity can arise, making information unreliable and possibly raising concerns about fraudulent activity. Established policies and procedures, including audit functions, must be in place to ensure proper billing. With adequate safeguards, records may accurately represent the patient's condition at admission and over time. Providers must understand the importance of reviewing and refining default data to ensure that only patient-specific information for that visit is recorded. In contrast, irrelevant data from default templates is removed. 6. Validating Dictation to Prevent Errors Voice recognition systems lacking a validation step pose considerable challenges in maintaining data accuracy and preventing documentation errors within organizations, particularly when it comes to ethical issues with electronic health records. EHR companies need to implement a protocol requiring providers to promptly assess, modify, and validate dictated information. Given these documents' frequent use and sharing, precise and high-quality documentation in EHR systems is of utmost significance. The adoption of EHRs has led to substantial shifts in provider workflows and documentation processes. However, providers still need to clearly outline or fully understand comprehensive best practices for maintaining high-quality documentation in EHRs. Advancements are necessary to enhance documentation tools and methods, with a renewed emphasis on the essential aspects of data accuracy and quality. This should precede the widespread implementation of interoperable health information exchange initiatives. 7. Ensuring Accurate Documentation Maintaining the integrity of documentation is compromised when incorrect information finds its way onto the wrong patient's health record. Patient identification errors can influence clinical decisions, endanger patient safety, violate privacy and security, and lead to redundant testing and escalated expenses for patients as well as providers. The propagation of patient identification mistakes can rapidly expand within EHR, personal health records, and Health Information Exchange (HIE) networks as information disseminates. Failing to implement advanced front-end solutions that incorporate robust matching algorithms or innovative techniques like biometrics or fingerprinting can expose organizations to risk. EHRs can incorporate targeted alerts to anticipate safety problems, like blood type inconsistencies or allergies, during treatment, addressing EHR issues. Organizations must institute a patient identity integrity program, integrating performance improvement metrics to monitor error rates and duplicate records in their electronic master patient index. Policies and procedures must ensure the accuracy of critical demographic data, facilitating the linkage of records within and across systems. Addressing the initial point of data capture as a primary front-end verification is also vital within policies. 8. Preserving the Authenticity of Audit Trails Effective audits are crucial to ensuring that the health record documentation aligns with the reported level of service, fulfills reimbursement requirements set by payers, and guarantees that only authorized personnel access patient medical records and make entries. The audit trail must encompass the user's name, the triggering application, workstation details, the specific document, a description of the audited event (such as amendments, corrections, or deletions), and the timestamp. This audit trail outlines modifications (including deletions) within the health record and provides auditors with a foundation for compliance audits. Inadequate audit trail functionality within EHRs raises concerns about the integrity of health record documentation, potentially exposing organizations to legal liabilities and inadvertently fostering or shielding criminal activities. It may become challenging to ascertain if corrections or amendments were executed, who authorized the changes, or the nature of the modifications. In addition to the inherent unintentional errors that documentation might encounter, audit trail functionality can aid in detecting instances where records are altered to obstruct the disclosure of detrimental information. Organizations can utilize EHR trends to leverage audit trail features for identifying and analyzing patterns in health record usage. Typically, users can generate reports over specific time frames categorized by provider or provider type, with results directed to a compliance committee or the organization's governing body. 9. Fostering Compliance Awareness Enhancing ethical EHR training involves a strategic focus on ensuring providers are well-versed in compliance and legal risks, starting from the EHR training phase. To address EHR problems, organizations should implement educational initiatives aimed at mitigating compliance issues. Staff education must emphasize the integrity of health record documentation, with a continuous program monitored and provided quarterly or annually. Addressing the 'who, what, why, and how' ensures a solid grasp of organizational practices that uphold individual best practices, encompassing identifying potential fraud, universal and administrative security measures, data validity, authorship, continual education's significance, and strategies for daily fraud prevention. 10. Conducting Feedback Sessions Contrary to common assumptions, ongoing training is essential post-EHR implementation. After installing the EHR and initiating patient interactions, challenges inevitably emerge—be it staff unfamiliarity with functions or the need to revamp workflow processes. Promptly identifying these concerns to prevent errors and swiftly resolving them involves collecting feedback from EHR users among the staff, particularly in relation to EHR ethical issues. During the weeks after the system's launch, contemplate arranging routine meetings to gather insights. Ensuring diverse representation, including clinical staff, physicians, administrators, billing, and front desk personnel, is crucial. Seek input on their adaptation to changes and areas requiring improvement. Determine if specific training concepts need reinforcement. Surveys can be used in place of frequent meetings. Subsequently, prioritizing problem areas aids focused resolution by promptly addressing critical matters. The introduction of incremental changes helps staff adapt to the EHR seamlessly, safeguarding patient care continuity during the transition. The Path Ahead Following these ethical EHR training best practices ensures the accuracy and reliability of patient data, leading to improved clinical decision-making and patient safety. By maintaining documentation integrity, professionals can confidently provide quality care and reduce the risk of errors. Ethical EHR training further strengthens compliance with legal regulations, safeguarding both the organization as well as the healthcare provider from potential legal liabilities. Moreover, adhering to best practices promotes efficient workflows, enhancing productivity, and streamlining operations. Patient trust and confidence are strengthened as professionals demonstrate their commitment to data security, confidentiality, and ethical conduct. Ultimately, by upholding ethical EHR training standards, professionals contribute to a robust healthcare system by fostering positive patient outcomes, maintaining trust, and supporting the principles of ethical healthcare delivery.

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Health Technology

3 IT Investment Strategies Hospitals Can Use to Improve Patient Care

Article | July 5, 2022

Rural, community, and independent hospitals are constantly facing mounting challenges in the form of staff shortages, accessibility to patient care and a multitude of cost concerns. Getting even one of these areas under control can help hospitals drastically boost their outcomes. Here are three areas of IT investment that hospitals must control to go beyond staying functional and create an excellent patient experience. Telehealth for Staff Shortage Healthcare currently face massive staff shortage with a projected gap of up to 48,000 primary care physicians and up to 77,100 specialty physicians till 2034. The effects of this shortage could be lessened by using virtual care, which would allow hospitals to care for patients through remote staffing. Digitalizing Patient Care with Asynchronous Telehealth Async telehealth of patients sending photos and videos to fast-track diagnosis. Async telehealth makes it easier for doctors to connect with more patients. This shortens the time it takes to see specialists and get important care services. Remote Patient Monitoring According to a CDC report, 90% of all healthcare spending goes into treating chronic conditions. Considering that U.S. nonmetropolitan areas have a high number of patients diagnosed with chronic conditions, accessibility is one of the contributing factors. Remote patient monitoring enhances patient care for people with chronic conditions. Wearable medical devices are already driving the move towards remote patient monitoring. Whether it’s through wearable weight scales, heart monitors, blood pressure bands, or pulse oximeters, clinicians can generate regular updates about a patient’s health readings and ensure a timely response in order to avert complications. Conclusion There is much to be achieved on the healthcare front when it comes to digitalizing care. The above technologies are enabling healthcare providers take delivery of medical care further than ever and ensure they generate more traction from their IT investments in these areas of medtech.

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UHS Hospitals

UHS is the largest comprehensive healthcare system and leading private employer in the Greater Binghamton, N.Y., region. With more than 60 locations in Broome and surrounding counties, the system is composed of providers and supporting organizations serving the 600,000 residents of the Southern Tier of upstate New York and portions of Northeast Pennsylvania...

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2020 Elections Healthcare Debate Truths, Half-Truths, And Falsehoods | July 08, 2019

Healthcare may emerge as the number one issue in the 2020 election. In itself this isnt surprising, given that for many decades the electorate has considered healthcare a key issue.And, the truth is healthcare access continues to be a major problem in the U.S., along with inequalities in outcomes, relatively high prices for healthcare services, and high out-of-pocket spending. Democratic presidential candidates have weighed in on these issues.Without more clarity, however, the debate runs the risk of unraveling into exercises in sophistry.Politicians in America have had a knack for telling half-truths or even untruths about healthcare. For example, in 2012, John Boehner claimed that the U.S. has the best healthcare delivery system in the world. And, just prior to signing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law, President Obamastated if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it.

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Adelaide IT services provider Chamonix lands $8 million govt healthcare software deal

Nico Arboleda | July 08, 2019

Adelaide-based IT services provider Chamonix IT Management Consulting has scored an $8 million contract with the Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA).The contract is to develop and support a Health Identifier and PCEHR System HIPS, and a PCHER is a Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record.HIPS is a My Health Record (MHR) integration software that is owned by ADHA. The software is used by hospitals and private diagnostic providers to connect to the national My Health Record infrastructure.An ADHA spokesperson told CRN that Chamonix was picked out from an open tender process.Chamonix was founded in 2010 in Adelaide and was a CRN Fast50 lister in 2014 due to its work with Microsoft, achieving Gold Partner status in 2012. The company also has an office in Brisbane, which opened in 2016.

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3 exciting small cap ASX healthcare shares to watch in FY203 exciting small cap ASX healthcare shares to watch in FY20

Unified Health care Home Healthcare COPD | July 08, 2019

Because of positive tailwinds such as ageing populations, increased chronic disease burden, and better technologies, I believe demand for healthcare services will grow strongly over the next decade. In light of this, I think the healthcare sector could be a great place to look for small cap shares to buy and hold.Three growing healthcare shares that I think are worth looking closely at are listed below. Heres why I like them. Alcidion is an informatics solutions provider which develops and sells healthcare analytics software for hospitals and other healthcare providers. This software aims to improve the efficacy and cost of delivering services to patients and reduce hospital-acquired complications. Earlier this year the company won its first major contract with the Dartford and Gravesham National Health Service (NHS) Trust in the United Kingdom. Given how the NHS is currently transitioning to a paperless environment, I wouldnt be surprised to see more and more large contracts being won over the coming 12 months.

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2020 Elections Healthcare Debate Truths, Half-Truths, And Falsehoods | July 08, 2019

Healthcare may emerge as the number one issue in the 2020 election. In itself this isnt surprising, given that for many decades the electorate has considered healthcare a key issue.And, the truth is healthcare access continues to be a major problem in the U.S., along with inequalities in outcomes, relatively high prices for healthcare services, and high out-of-pocket spending. Democratic presidential candidates have weighed in on these issues.Without more clarity, however, the debate runs the risk of unraveling into exercises in sophistry.Politicians in America have had a knack for telling half-truths or even untruths about healthcare. For example, in 2012, John Boehner claimed that the U.S. has the best healthcare delivery system in the world. And, just prior to signing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law, President Obamastated if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it.

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Adelaide IT services provider Chamonix lands $8 million govt healthcare software deal

Nico Arboleda | July 08, 2019

Adelaide-based IT services provider Chamonix IT Management Consulting has scored an $8 million contract with the Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA).The contract is to develop and support a Health Identifier and PCEHR System HIPS, and a PCHER is a Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record.HIPS is a My Health Record (MHR) integration software that is owned by ADHA. The software is used by hospitals and private diagnostic providers to connect to the national My Health Record infrastructure.An ADHA spokesperson told CRN that Chamonix was picked out from an open tender process.Chamonix was founded in 2010 in Adelaide and was a CRN Fast50 lister in 2014 due to its work with Microsoft, achieving Gold Partner status in 2012. The company also has an office in Brisbane, which opened in 2016.

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3 exciting small cap ASX healthcare shares to watch in FY203 exciting small cap ASX healthcare shares to watch in FY20

Unified Health care Home Healthcare COPD | July 08, 2019

Because of positive tailwinds such as ageing populations, increased chronic disease burden, and better technologies, I believe demand for healthcare services will grow strongly over the next decade. In light of this, I think the healthcare sector could be a great place to look for small cap shares to buy and hold.Three growing healthcare shares that I think are worth looking closely at are listed below. Heres why I like them. Alcidion is an informatics solutions provider which develops and sells healthcare analytics software for hospitals and other healthcare providers. This software aims to improve the efficacy and cost of delivering services to patients and reduce hospital-acquired complications. Earlier this year the company won its first major contract with the Dartford and Gravesham National Health Service (NHS) Trust in the United Kingdom. Given how the NHS is currently transitioning to a paperless environment, I wouldnt be surprised to see more and more large contracts being won over the coming 12 months.

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