We are living through the greatest challenge our health and care system has ever faced. The Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic caused an unprecedented external shock,
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In the current world of outsourcing, it can be hard to see who has privileged access to what on your systems. These days, the lowest paid people have the highest privileges - and they may not even work for your organisation. Osirium readdresses this balance for end-user organisations and uniquely allows MSSPs to manage tens of thousands of account credentials, outsource safely and keep their clients happy on the compliance front.
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November 27, 2024
Dicom Systems and Pure Storage conducted testing to evaluate if high-performance data storage affects medical image transmission latency and transfer speed. The testing focused on the routing functionality of the Dicom Systems Unifier enterprise imaging platform.
We tested various workflow functions including but not limited to Unifier DICOM routing and tag morphing, supported by PureStorage® hardware.Ourgoalwasto confirm if transmission time and transfer speeds correlated with storage performance. Measurements included large, regular, and small DICOM studies. We tested a maximum throughput of 1,280 megabytes (MB) and assessed I/O performance and latency.
November 27, 2024
Adopting the Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) standard in pathology has typically been driven by the crucial need for interoperability among various slide scanners and IT systems. The DICOM standard offers superior performance in displaying, viewing, and storing images, achieved by dividing large images into smaller tiles stored in two- dimensional arrays. This method allows for faster image retrieval by enabling quick access to specific sub-regions without loading extensive data. Digital Whole Slide Images (WSI) management has many pathology organizations seeking scalable, simple, and cost-optimized solutions experienced in DICOM and non-DICOM.
Processing digitized pathology slides into DICOM format and routing the images across the organization significantly affects the network and the DICOM application handling that traffic. Bottlenecks may arise from processing, routing, transformation, and impact of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms used in imaging workflows. Multiple factors contribute to these challenges, such as complex imaging workflows, disparate systems operating in varied environments, outdated enterprise imaging platforms, or inadequate data storage for high-volume imaging.
August 07, 2023
Improving patient safety and protecting healthcare from cybersecurity threats is our top priority at Health-ISAC. The healthcare sector is essential to a country’s national security infrastructure. Cyber-attacks on healthcare systems can have broader implications for public health and national security.
July 20, 2023
June 24, 2023
June 20, 2023
May 16, 2023
May 12, 2023
May 04, 2023
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