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May 20, 2018
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whitePaper | December 9, 2022
Procurement and sourcing are rapidly evolving to become much more strategic, with greater ability to significantly impact operational health.
whitePaper | January 10, 2023
Life sciences business leaders around the globe agree that timely information and business insights hold the key to competing successfully in an increasingly digital world.
whitePaper | December 7, 2022
The target market for conducting global clinical trials has changed significantly, moving beyond pharmaceutical early adopters to the mainstream marketplace.
whitePaper | February 3, 2022
Value Based Procurement (VBP) is a method in which procurement decisions are made focused on total value rather than cost.
whitePaper | August 23, 2022
As the market enters the post-pandemic era, payers and providers are tasked with providing a customer and employee experience that keeps pace with that offered by a new wave of digital-native challengers.
whitePaper | October 26, 2021
James Angle, Ph.D. of Trinity Health and Erin Logue Smith of Dell Technologies provided timely information on cybersecurity in a Healthcare Innovation webinar as ransomware threats makes it mandatory tosystematically elicit and mitigateprivacy threats in software architectures.
James Angle, Ph.D. of Trinity Health and Erin Logue Smith of Dell Technologies provided timely information on cybersecurity in a Healthcare Innovation webinar as ransomware threats makes it mandatory to systematically elicit and mitigate privacy threats in software architectures.
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