Applying Deep Learning to Transform Breast Cancer Diagnosis

July 25, 2019

According to the World Health Organization, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and is the leading cause of cancer deaths among women worldwide.


Santis Health

Santis Health is a consultancy dedicated to providing value-added strategic advisory services to clients within the Canadian health care sector. Santis navigates the intersection of public policy, advocacy, and communications. Our services include strategic planning, policy analysis and development, public affairs, and communications.

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Delivering new treatments faster with a data flow ecosystem

whitePaper | February 14, 2023

Capturing and combing through various data sets can be overwhelming, especially in today’s clinical trial environment. An end-to-end data environment creates new opportunities.

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The 2022 Healthcare Cyber Trend Research Report

whitePaper | June 15, 2022

Infoblox is pleased to publish our 2022 Healthcare Cyber Trend Research Report. This report includes analysis of the major healthcare data breaches directly attributed to cyber attacks within the United States during calendar year 2021.

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The Path Forward: Improving Data to Advance Health EquitySolutions

whitePaper | January 4, 2023

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) relies on data to inform planning and execution of policies that affect more than 170 million individuals enrolled in CMS programs nationwide, including but not limited to Medicare, Medicaid & the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

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Value Based Procurement in MedTech

whitePaper | February 3, 2022

Value Based Procurement (VBP) is a method in which procurement decisions are made focused on total value rather than cost.

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Protecting Privacy in the Cloud and Cyber Resiliency Are Key for Healthcare Organizations

whitePaper | October 26, 2021

James Angle, Ph.D. of Trinity Health and Erin Logue Smith of Dell Technologies provided timely information on cybersecurity in a Healthcare Innovation webinar as ransomware threats makes it mandatory tosystematically elicit and mitigateprivacy threats in software architectures.

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Maximize Self-Pay Revenue With Better Coverage Detection

whitePaper | December 9, 2022

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, an estimated 48 million people1 in the U.S. (under the age of 65) lost their jobs.

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Santis Health

Santis Health is a consultancy dedicated to providing value-added strategic advisory services to clients within the Canadian health care sector. Santis navigates the intersection of public policy, advocacy, and communications. Our services include strategic planning, policy analysis and development, public affairs, and communications.
