What Does Robotic Process Automation Look Like in Healthcare?

In an effort to streamline business processes, more CIOs are turning to robotic process automation, or RPA. KPMG estimates the value of the global IT robotic automation market to reach roughly $5 billion this year. The technology shows great potential to save companies time and money by performing repetitive, routine tasks at a quicker pace. Still, despite its maturing process and growing number of use cases — which include updating electronic medical records, simplifying claims processing and managing staffing levels — RPA isn’t yet widespread in healthcare settings. Logistical challenges could be to blame. A 2019 article from McKinsey suggests that RPA’s slow foray into healthcare may not be due to the technology itself, but rather rushed implementations that have postponed or scrapped many robotics initiatives. For organizations seeking a path forward, here’s an overview of the emerging technology, including what role RPA can play in a healthcare environment and what organizations should consider before they implement.


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