Selecting an RTBC Solution for Your Health System

Epic recently announced the availability of real-time benefit check (RTBC) functionality as a build option in 2018. Multiple RTBC solutions are available in Epic, each offering different capabilities. In the search for discovering the most valuable RTBC solution for your health system, it’s important to ask the right questions. According to research uncovered in the 2018 Real-Time Benefit Check National Adoption Scorecard, providers indicated that functionality such as cash price, patient assistance/affordability programs and prior authorization requirements are critical to adoption of an RTBC solution.
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Common Themes from Medical Device Manufacturers

The Date of Application for Medical Device Regulation 2017/745 established several new documents and support services to help manufacturers adjust to the new regulatory environment.
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Uncover Ways YOU Can Position Your Lab as a Strategic Pillar of the Healthcare Organization


In many healthcare organizations, the lab is often viewed as the black box orders come in, results come out. Reasons may vary from leadership not understanding the complexities of the lab, not understanding the breadth of accessibility or impact of the lab in other areas of the organization or simply because the percent revenue made from the lab or spend is not impactful. More broadly, laboratory leadership does not connect the critical activities of the lab to the strategic imperatives of the organization as a whole.
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Engaging Patients and Technology for Healthier Living


John Sharp, Senior Manager of Consumer Health IT with HIMSS, will share how the growing availability of consumer wearables, home IoT smart devices, and smart homes create an opportunity for a connected life which supports health. Join us to discuss examples of how: Consumers are increasingly aware of how technology and apps can engage them in healthier lifestyles. Remote patient monitoring is increasingly being used to monitor chronic conditions and showing success in reducing hospital admissions for some (KLAS Report).
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Postage Trends and Mitigation Strategies for Partners

Change Healthcare

Recent USPS policy changes and expanding consumerism in healthcare, pose real challenges for member engagement and communication. The good news is that there are solutions that can help your clients counter increasing mailing costs and engage members through their preferred channels, helping them throughout their healthcare journey. Listen to the webinar to learn how postage trends and data and new developments from the Postal Regulatory Commission decision can impact paper-based communications. Our experts share their insights on making communications more efficient to reduce overall costs and provide strategies/tips for implementing digital adoption to help improve member engagement.
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