Patient Engagement in Healthcare Increases ROI for the Marketing Budget

Watch and learn how patient engagement in healthcare can significantly increase your leads and provide a positive return on your marketing spend for your Bariatric Program.
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Initial Evaluation and Treatment for a Burn Patient


Learn more on burn injury, prevention and the immediate care needed for patients with burn injuries. In the United States, approximately 486,000 people seek medical treatment for burns each year. Many people may not recognize their risk of burn injury. It will cover the classification system used for burn injuries describe the local and systemic effects of a major burn injury, discuss the potential fluid and electrolyte alterations of the emergent/resuscitative and acute phases of burn management, describe care of the patient with burn injuries, and identify the appropriate patient referral to a burn center.
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Uncover Ways YOU Can Position Your Lab as a Strategic Pillar of the Healthcare Organization


In many healthcare organizations, the lab is often viewed as the black box orders come in, results come out. Reasons may vary from leadership not understanding the complexities of the lab, not understanding the breadth of accessibility or impact of the lab in other areas of the organization or simply because the percent revenue made from the lab or spend is not impactful. More broadly, laboratory leadership does not connect the critical activities of the lab to the strategic imperatives of the organization as a whole.
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Lessons Learned and What Comes Next in Improving Patient Outcomes and Cost of Care


Opioid overuse and addiction continue to contribute significantly to health issues of the nations population and to the increased cost of healthcare, making it even more vital for providers to optimally prescribe for and monitor, in the safest manner, their patients using opioid drugs.The role of clinical laboratories in developing improvements within the continuum of care for this national health crisis is key. The lab can serve a facilitative and collaborative role by helping providers better understand drug test ordering and correct interpretation, and can add tangible value by simplifying and automating delivery of straightforward and actionable information to providers.
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News of cybersecurity incidents impacting healthcare systems and medical technologies is becoming an all-too-common occurrence recently.
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