Healthcare organizations globally continue to be targets of sophisticated cyber threats during the COVID-19 pandemic using tactics that are evolving across patient care ecosystem. These new threats are challenging organizations to evolve and adapt their defense in depth security posture as they have continued their digital transformation to support new workflows, implement new connected clinical devices, expand telemedicine and telehealth and support a remote workforce.
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In many healthcare organizations, the lab is often viewed as the black box orders come in, results come out. Reasons may vary from leadership not understanding the complexities of the lab, not understanding the breadth of accessibility or impact of the lab in other areas of the organization or simply because the percent revenue made from the lab or spend is not impactful. More broadly, laboratory leadership does not connect the critical activities of the lab to the strategic imperatives of the organization as a whole.
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McKinsey reports that by the close of 2021, behavioral health issues will impact 1 in 3 individuals. With behavioral health concerns on the rise—and with social determinants and access barriers continuing to impact how and when people obtain care—it’s never been more important to engage members who need help. In this webinar, he
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Achievement of the UNAIDS 95-95-95 targets by country are in danger due to significant variability in progress across populations and countries. Gaps are attributed to reaching vulnerable youth and key populations and ensuring equitable access to testing and treatment.
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