Health Care Trends & Implications

Health Care

Keeping you at the forefront of health care transformation and rebuilding means looking around the curve to what’s ahead.

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Best Practices for Online Therapy Telemental Health and Other Telepractice Arenas


Gain a better understanding of the emerging field of telepsychology, including clinical and distance education applications. Telehealth and telemental health are growing in popularity. Yet, providers and consumers continue to have questions about its appropriateness, efficacy, and how telehealth services work compared to traditional face-to-face encounters. You will benefit from this information by learning about the various formats and modalities of telehealth and how it can be applied to various populations. You will increase your competence to provide these types of services by exposure to best practice standards and guidelines and discussion of associated benefits and challenges. A thoughtful review of pragmatic, ethical, and legal considerations unique to telehealth and telemental health will also be provided along with a review of the research based efficacy of this approach.
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Occupational health in the context of COVID-19 and beyond

Health workers are at the front line of the COVID-19 outbreak response and as such are exposed to different hazards that put them at risk.
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Developing Prefrontal Circuits and Their Role in Health and Disease

Dr. Ileana Hanganu-Opatz begins with a brief introduction to the Institute for Developmental Neurophysiology and its main focus: the investigation of the origin and significance of oscillatory brain activity during postnatal development in mice.
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Midlands Blood Pressure Training


Health Education England, in collaboration with NHS England and Public Health England across the Midlands area, are funding training for pharmacists and their teams on blood pressure risk awareness and measurement technique to support a health promotion campaign. You and a pharmacy team member are invited to attend one of five live webinars to develop your blood pressure risk awareness and measurement technique. Whether you are learning for the first time, validating what you do already or checking you are doing it correctly, this training will ensure you are up to date in your practise and consistently measuring your patient’s blood pressure appropriately. In addition the training will support knowledge development on the lifestyle behaviours that may cause high blood pressure and risks of having high blood pressure.
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