Strong evidence has shown that Safe Patient Handling and Mobility reduces patient-handling related injuries among healthcare workers. Research also suggests SPHM promotes early mobilization and helps reduce preventable hospital-acquired complications among intensive care unit patients.
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In an effort to reduce costs, many clinical laboratories and pathology groups have moved to a central lab system where almost all lab tests are sent. This has led to both patients and doctors incurring lengthy wait times often until the next day to learn the results, as well as myriad other inefficiencies.
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During the COVID-19 pandemic, advanced practice nursing (APN) faculty were forced to integrate simulation into APN curricula at a higher rate than in previous years. Since then, there has been substantive development in guidelines for use of simulation in APN programs.
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Adoption, utilization, and payment of medical technologies require safety, efficacy, and effectiveness data to convince the purchaser (provider, payer, or patient). In the United States (US) healthcare system, long-term data on effectiveness is critical to maintain payer confidence in the technology and serve the population.
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