The Need for Cost Clarity

Cost Clarity

With consumers’ share of healthcare costs expanding, we need to do a better job making charges more transparent and more predictable 

My husband recently stubbed his toe. Badly. Badly enough that I encouraged him to go see a doctor. He was reluctant. While I suspected he’d rather just garner sympathy by complaining to me while limping around the house (just kidding, honey), his stated reason was all too familiar: “I have no idea what we’ll have to pay. They’ll want to do an X-ray, it might need surgery, and I have no idea what it’ll cost.” All true. We have good health insurance; but like most Americans, when we go to the doctor or have a procedure, what we will actually have to pay out of pocket remains a mystery. This is something that we can and should change

As consumers we are shouldering more and more of the cost of healthcare. And the biggest increases are for those of us with employer-sponsored plans. According to an analysis of federal data by the Commonwealth Fund, deductibles in employer plans more than doubled between 2008 and 2017, from $869 to $1,808. Especially troubling, an accompanying Commonwealth Fund survey revealed that only 62% of adults were very or somewhat confident in their ability to afford healthcare. 

This increasing burden is also evident when you look at the crushing levels of medical debt in the United States. According to a new study by JAMA, medical debt is now the largest contributor to personal debt. And the data for this study was collected before the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Some of this debt is driven by unpredictability—if the heart procedure you needed costs several thousand dollars more out of pocket than you thought it would, you may not be prepared, emotionally or financially, to pay it. This is a bad outcome, obviously. The risk of nonpayment rises for the provider; and a recuperating patient is burdened with the stress of a large, unexpected bill. 

More skin in the game 

So as consumers are paying more out of pocket, some may become reluctant to seek care (like my husband) or seek more information about what they will have to pay for the care they receive. Consumers are also armed with incredible levels of price transparency with other products—everything from hotel rooms to clothing to household items. With so much skin in the game, and the internet providing so much information, consumers’ expectations are changing when it comes to healthcare.  

State and federal regulators are also beginning to take action, a trend that will likely accelerate. Most hospitals are now required to publicly disclose the prices they charge. This does not, however, solve the issue for consumers. While it provides a measure of visibility into pricing for insurance companies, Medicare, and Medicaid, it doesn’t show what share the patient will ultimately pay.

Making the complicated simple 

The complexity of pricing in healthcare is well documented. Niall Brennan, CEO of the Health Care Cost Institute, a nonprofit that analyzes medical costs, suggests that healthcare costs are too high. As a recent Wall Street Journal article reported, a price of a C-section varied from $6,241 to $60,584 at one hospital. This all has to do with the vagaries of the agreements that hospitals sign with multiple insurance companies and government payers. In turn, each insurance company will have its own deductible and out-of-pocket schedules, which providers don’t have access to. 

We are seeking to change this at Change Healthcare. We are piloting our Care Cost Estimator with a few innovative providers. With the Care Cost Estimator, we leverage our unique dataset, and the largest eligibility network in the industry, to make the unpredictable, predictable. Because we’ve managed 15 billion healthcare transactions—and our network covers 1 million physicians, 6,000 hospitals, and 2,400 payers—we have an unmatched ability to analyze what real-world patients are paying for practically any procedure, performed at almost any hospital or clinic. 

With a cloud-based transaction engine, providers will now be able to tell their patients how much they will have to pay out of pocket for a given procedure. And this analysis takes place in real time. 

Removing unpredictability in pricing 

This gives providers the opportunity to offer added value for their patients, taking some unpredictability out of what is often a stressful transaction. In addition, it accelerates patient payment cycles which, as the patient’s share of the cost burden increases, is becoming more and more important. We’re not talking $50 co-pays anymore; it’s thousands of dollars per transaction. If necessary, providers can also help the patient plan for the expense, offering financing options, thus reducing unpaid bills. For the patient, it allows more informed decision-making and peace of mind. 

Testing the beta version of our Care Cost Estimator with our partners will allow us to receive real-world feedback and collaborate with customers on how to continuously improve the product as we scale it. We expect the ROI for providers, in addition to the payment-cycle improvements, will include greater patient satisfaction and loyalty. For the patient, it provides information necessary to help make proper decisions and plan emotionally and financially; in other words, giving the consumer the same information for vital healthcare transactions that’s available to them for practically any other purchase.  

This kind of win-win solution is at the core of Change Healthcare’s mission to improve the healthcare experience for everyone—including my husband and his broken toe!


HCR ManorCare

HCR ManorCare is a leading provider of short- and long-term medical and rehabilitation care. Care is provided through a nationwide network of skilled nursing and rehabilitation centers, assisted living facilities, outpatient rehabilitation clinics, and hospice and home care agencies. The company operates primarily under the respected Heartland, ManorCare Health Services and Arden Courts names.

Digital Healthcare, Medical Devices

Unlocking the Puzzle: Navigating EHR Interoperability Solutions

Article | June 14, 2023

Unlock EHR interoperability solutions with this article. Discover how healthcare overcomes EHR interoperability challenges to facilitate seamless information sharing for better clinical decisions. 1. Exploring Hurdles in EHR Interoperability 2. Addressing EHR Interoperability Challenges: Mapping Effective Paths 2.1 Upgrading from Outdated Legacy Systems 2.2 Managing Inconsistent Information Across Multiple Sources 2.3 Overcoming Organizational Resistance to Sharing Data 2.4 Balancing Security and Consent 2.5 Harmonizing Data Standards Across Diverse Software Systems 2.6 Optimizing Training Resources for EHR Interoperability 2.7 Strategizing Costs for Specialist-driven Interoperability Management 2.8 Navigating Budget Constraints in EHR Interoperability 2.9 Unifying Patient Identification Standards Across HIEs 2.10 Advancing Allergy Management to Enhance Patient Care 3. Embracing Interoperability for a Connected Healthcare Future 1.Exploring Hurdles in EHR Interoperability Despite significant efforts and investments in health information systems and technology, coupled with many years of widespread availability, the full benefits of electronic health records (EHRs) still need to be realized. The reality is that most physicians continue to rely on faxing and mailing patient records, just as they did a decade ago. Numerous government-certified EHR products are being used, each utilizing distinct clinical terminologies, technical specifications, and functional capabilities. These differences make it challenging to establish a unified standard interoperability format for data sharing. Interestingly, even EHR systems built on the same platform might not be interoperable, as they are frequently highly customized to an organization’s specific workflow and preferences. Given these circumstances, the article examines ten challenges and their corresponding EHR interoperability solutions to enhance patient care. 2.Addressing EHR Interoperability Challenges: Mapping Effective Paths The primary goal of healthcare interoperability is to enable seamless sharing of health-related information between healthcare providers and patients, aiding in clinical decision-making. Here are several challenges to accomplishing this aim, along with their corresponding interoperability solutions: 2. 1 Upgrading from Outdated Legacy Systems One of the significant challenges in achieving EHR interoperability is the need to transition from outdated legacy systems. Many healthcare facilities still rely on older, proprietary EHR systems that need more compatibility and standards to communicate seamlessly with modern, interconnected healthcare networks. These legacy systems often need more data exchange capabilities, leading to inefficiencies, data inconsistencies, and barriers to collaborative patient care. The intricate process of upgrading or replacing these systems while ensuring data integrity and continuity of care poses a considerable obstacle to achieving comprehensive EHR interoperability. Healthcare institutions need to implement a strategic and phased approach to address this challenge. This involves assessing the existing EHR, identifying interoperability gaps, and selecting modern healthcare interoperability solutions that adhere to industry standards, such as Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (HL7 FHIR) and open APIs. A well-defined migration plan should be developed, including data migration, new system integration, and staff training. Collaboration with EHR vendors, IT experts, and clinical stakeholders is crucial to ensuring a smooth transition. 2.2 Managing Inconsistent Information Across Multiple Sources As patients move through different healthcare settings and encounter various medical professionals, their health information becomes distributed across multiple sources, leading to discrepancies, duplications, and variations in data. This inconsistency can compromise patient safety, treatment accuracy, and healthcare quality. Furthermore, different institutions' varying data formats, coding systems, and documentation practices exacerbate the challenge of creating a unified and accurate patient record. A potential solution to this challenge involves developing and adopting standardized data exchange protocols. By implementing common data standards and practices, healthcare providers can ensure that patient information is accurately represented and uniformly understood across different systems. In addition, robust data validation processes and reconciliation algorithms can help identify and rectify inconsistencies during data integration. Moreover, creating a centralized patient identity management system that links various patient records to a single, accurate identity can significantly mitigate the issue of duplicated or mismatched information. 2.3 Overcoming Organizational Resistance to Sharing Data This EHR interoperability challenge pertains to the reluctance of healthcare institutions, clinics, and providers to readily exchange patient information and medical records due to concerns over data privacy, competitive advantage, and operational complexities. This resistance often leads to fragmented patient care, hindered medical research, and compromised clinical decision-making. Addressing this challenge necessitates the establishment of clear data-sharing protocols, robust privacy safeguards, and incentivized collaboration. By fostering a culture of trust, emphasizing the collective benefits of data exchange, and implementing interoperability standards, the healthcare ecosystem can encourage reluctant organizations to actively share essential patient data, ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes and more efficient healthcare delivery. 2.4 Balancing Security and Consent This challenge in EHR interoperability revolves around the delicate equilibrium between ensuring patient data security and privacy while enabling the seamless sharing of EHRs across different healthcare systems. Striking the right balance involves addressing concerns about unauthorized access, data breaches, and patient consent preferences. While robust security measures are necessary to safeguard sensitive health information, overly stringent restrictions can hinder the efficient exchange of vital medical data, potentially impeding timely and informed patient care, medical research, and healthcare system efficiency. Potential EHR interoperability solutions to this challenge include implementing a layered security and consent management approach. This involves combining strong encryption, authentication protocols, and access controls to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of EHRs. Moreover, the adoption of standardized and granular consent mechanisms empowers patients to regulate both access to their data and the purposes for which it can be accessed. An integrated framework that employs advanced technologies like blockchain for secure audit trails and data-sharing logs can enhance transparency and accountability. Furthermore, patient education and awareness campaigns can empower individuals to make informed data-sharing decisions, fostering a collaborative environment where security, consent, and interoperability coexist harmoniously. 2.5 Harmonizing Data Standards Across Diverse Software Systems This challenge encompasses integrating and exchanging medical data across various software platforms and applications used within the healthcare industry. To tackle this challenge, a comprehensive solution includes the widespread adoption and adherence to standardized data formats, coding conventions, and communication protocols by developers, healthcare organizations, and EHR integration software. To address this challenge, a comprehensive solution involves the establishment of standardized data formats, coding conventions, and communication protocols widely adopted and adhered to by EHR software developers and healthcare organizations. This could be achieved through industry collaboration, government regulations, and incentives for adopting interoperability standards. Additionally, implementing APIs that translate and map data between different formats can help bridge the gap between diverse software systems. 2.6 Optimizing Training Resources for EHR Interoperability This hurdle involves preparing healthcare professionals, IT staff, and other stakeholders to effectively navigate and implement interoperable EHR systems. Ensuring that healthcare personnel possess the necessary skills and knowledge to seamlessly integrate, maintain, and utilize interconnected EHR systems amidst rapidly evolving technology and standards poses a significant hurdle. This challenge involves understanding the intricacies of interoperability protocols and grasping the broader context of data security, patient privacy, and efficient data exchange among diverse healthcare entities. To address this challenge, developing comprehensive and up-to-date training programs that cover both technical aspects (interoperability standards, APIs, and data formats) and practical considerations (security protocols, data governance) is crucial. Collaborations with vendors, industry experts, and academia can ensure the training content remains aligned and updated with current EHR trends. Integrating EHR interoperability education into medical and IT curricula can also lay a foundation for future professionals. Continuous learning opportunities, including EHR analytics courses, certifications, and knowledge-sharing platforms, can further bolster the continual development of skills and knowledge exchange. This process cultivates a skilled workforce capable of fully leveraging EHR interoperability while upholding the integrity and privacy of patient data. 2.7 Strategizing Costs for Specialist-driven Interoperability Management This challenge pertains to the complex and costly task of ensuring seamless data exchange among diverse EHR systems, mainly when managed by specialists with domain-specific knowledge. These specialists play a crucial role in tailoring EHR interoperability solutions to the unique needs of their medical domains. Still, the financial implications of such endeavors can be substantial, involving customization, integration, and maintenance expenses. Finding an effective solution requires a multi-faceted approach involving standardized interoperability frameworks, modular system design, strategic resource allocation, and collaborative partnerships among EHR vendors, healthcare institutions, and specialists. By optimizing the balance between customization and standardization and leveraging technological advances like APIs and cloud computing, healthcare ecosystems can mitigate costs while achieving efficient and secure data exchange that benefits patients and healthcare providers. 2.8 Navigating Budget Constraints in EHR Interoperability This issue relates to healthcare organizations' significant financial limitations when striving to establish seamless EHR data exchange across disparate systems. As healthcare entities aim to enhance patient care coordination and data accessibility, the cost of implementing and maintaining interoperable EHR systems becomes a substantial hurdle. This challenge necessitates a delicate balance between allocating resources for EHR integration, customization, and ongoing maintenance while ensuring that patient data remains secure and accessible to authorized stakeholders. A possible avenue to deal with the budget constraints in EHR interoperability is the strategic adoption of open-source frameworks. By leveraging open-source solutions, healthcare organizations can reduce licensing fees and development costs associated with proprietary systems, allowing them to allocate resources more efficiently. Additionally, collaborating with industry consortia and governmental initiatives that promote standardized data exchange protocols can foster economies of scale, streamlining the implementation process. Moreover, investing in cloud-based technologies can offer scalable and cost-effective data storage and sharing infrastructure. 2.9 Unifying Patient Identification Standards Across HIEs The crux of this issue involves the need for consistent patient identification methods across different healthcare systems and data-sharing networks. This inconsistency results in errors, data duplication, and compromised patient safety as information is exchanged between entities. Without a standardized patient identification system, accurate matching of patient records becomes a complex endeavor, hindering the seamless exchange of EHRs and undermining the potential benefits of interoperability. To address this challenge, a comprehensive solution involves establishing and adopting a universally recognized patient identification standard that spans all participating HIEs. This standard could include using unique patient identifiers or a combination of demographic, biometric, and cryptographic identifiers to ensure accurate and secure patient matching. Additionally, implementing advanced data governance practices, strong privacy protections, and robust data validation algorithms would enhance the accuracy and security of patient identification. Collaboration between healthcare organizations, government agencies, and technology experts is crucial to developing and implementing this standardized approach, fostering a more interconnected and effective healthcare ecosystem while safeguarding patient privacy and data integrity. 2.10 Advancing Allergy Management to Enhance Patient Care Healthcare providers need help seamlessly sharing allergy-related patient data across different EHR platforms, hindering comprehensive patient care. This lack of interoperability leads to fragmented information, potential medication errors, and compromised treatment decisions, ultimately impacting patient safety and outcomes. One viable solution for addressing this challenge is to establish standardized data exchange protocols alongside a unified health information exchange framework. Implementing FHIR standards can enable the consistent and secure sharing of allergy information among EHR systems. Additionally, incentivizing healthcare organizations to adopt these interoperability EHR standards and invest in compatible technologies will promote a cohesive ecosystem where allergy data can be accurately and swiftly exchanged. Collaborative efforts among EHR vendors, healthcare providers, and regulatory bodies are essential to ensure the seamless flow of allergy-related information, resulting in enhanced patient care, reduced medical errors, and improved healthcare efficiency. 3.Embracing Interoperability for a Connected Healthcare Future With the goal of a cohesive healthcare future in mind, the value of embracing interoperability is immeasurable. This article highlights the essential role of interoperability in overcoming the challenges posed by fragmented data and improving patient outcomes. As healthcare systems continue to develop, the smooth exchange of EHRs becomes crucial, fostering collaboration among diverse stakeholders and facilitating well-informed decision-making. By creating an environment in which EHRs can seamlessly communicate, healthcare providers have the potential to offer more comprehensive, patient-centered care, minimize duplication, and expedite both diagnoses and treatments. Although achieving an interoperable healthcare ecosystem may involve complexity, the benefits of efficiency, precision, and overall quality of care underscore its necessity as a transformative journey.

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Health Technology, Digital Healthcare

Top 15 EMR Conferences to Look Out for in 2023

Article | September 8, 2023

Electronic medical records (EMR) conferences are vital for professionals who wish to stay updated on latest healthcare innovations. Join industry experts to tackle challenges and seize opportunities. Electronic medical records (EMR) are digital versions of patients’ medical information. These can be managed, accessed, and shared by authorized healthcare providers within a single healthcare organization. Staying informed with the latest updates on EMR conferences is crucial for healthcare providers, administrators, and IT professionals responsible for implementing and maintaining these systems. Attending these conferences offers the opportunity to keep up with the latest trends and technologies, network with experts, earn continuing education credits, and enhance professional development in the rapidly-evolving healthcare landscape. Explore the EMR conference schedule and highlights for the healthcare industry, featuring the best EMR conferences for medical professionals with a focus on digital health, electronic patient records, and other notable advancements. Attend these top events to stay informed and connect with industry experts: 1.MedInfo 2023 July 8 to 12 | Sydney MedInfo, a health informatics event with the theme ‘The Future is Accessible’, will take place at the International Convention Centre (ICC). The conference aims to explore digital healthcare beyond borders and will feature 700 keynote speakers addressing over 3,000 delegates from more than 50 countries. The event will cover a diverse range of topics, with particular emphasis on nursing and digital health. 2.e-Health 2023 Conference and Tradeshow May 28 to 30 | Toronto e-Health, a premier event for Canadian digital health professionals, will be held at Beanfield Centre. Committed to making a difference in health and healthcare delivery, this annual conference & tradeshow has remained a vital epicenter of digital health discussion and debate since 2000, attracting a diverse line-up of in-demand speakers, expert panelists, presenters, and leading-edge exhibitors. Attendees can expect a wonderful platform to learn, connect, and engage with peers both nationally and globally, along with networking and knowledge-sharing opportunities. 3. Digital Healthcare World Congress 2023 May 23-24 | London Digital Health World Congress 2023, slated to take place at Kensington Conference & Event Centre, will feature discussions on various medical and mobile technologies such as e-health, m-health, telehealth, telemedicine, genomics, biotech, life sciences, healthtech, genetics, pharma, and healthcare IT. This event will be crucial for healthcare professionals looking to gain insights into the latest developments in electronic medical records. 4. 11th International Conference on Internal Medicine & Patient Care July 20-21 | Florida The conference aims to explore the latest developments and advancements in the field of internal medicine through the theme of ‘Current Research and Advances in Internal Medicine’. It will cover topics such as dermatology, cosmeceuticals, and laser treatments, with a significant scientific session on ‘Electronic Medical Record and Disease Management’. Attendees can take advantage of opportunities to present their research, learn about career development, and gain insights into the latest tools & technologies. The conference promotes collaboration among young researchers and offers a chance to interact with peers and established leaders globally. 5. openEHR Conference June 6 | Barcelona openEHR aims to bring together healthcare professionals, medical informatics experts, care providers, researchers, authorities, regulators, and service providers. The event's theme 'No time to waste: building the lifelong, patient-centric EHR,' emphasizes raising awareness about the current state of semantic interoperability in healthcare. The objective is to enable different healthcare systems and applications to share and utilize patient data seamlessly and accurately, irrespective of the technology used, to create patient-centric electronic records that can be accessed and used throughout a patient's lifetime. 6. Oracle Health Conference September 18-20 | Las Vegas Attend the Oracle Health Conference to discover how Oracle Health is revolutionizing healthcare technology. Formerly known as the Oracle Cerner Health Conference, this event features innovative product demos, education sessions on industry challenges, and networking opportunities with like-minded peers. Gain insights into how technology can improve patient outcomes, enhance clinical efficiency, and drive innovation in healthcare organizations. 7. Electronic Medical Records Boot Camp August 21-22 | Virtual The upcoming Electronic Medical Records Boot Camp invites attendees to gain valuable insights into biostatistical methods for analyzing EMR data. This intensive two-day program features seminars and hands-on analytical sessions, providing attendees with an overview of electronic health data opportunities, statistical challenges, and the latest techniques related to electronic medical records. The program aims to help attendees leverage electronic medical records for better healthcare outcomes. 8. The Healthcare Innovation Congress June 20 – 22, 2023 | Washington, DC The Healthcare Innovation Congress (thINc360), formerly known as The World Health Congress, aims to bring together executives from a wide range of healthcare sectors. Over the course of three days, the conference will offer tailored educational experiences specifically designed for executives representing healthcare professionals, health plans, and hospitals. 9. Digital Health Transformation Summit 2023 May 22-24 | Chicago This event aims to highlight how innovation is driving change across the healthcare industry, leading to gains in quality, affordability, accessibility, and sustainability. The panel of Modern Healthcare's Top 25 Innovators will discuss the latest innovative projects, products, and developments in healthcare, including the use of AI to leverage the abundance of patient data from EHRs and digital tools for improved diagnoses, treatments, and disease prevention. 10. World Medical Innovation Forum June 12-14 | Boston World Medical Innovation Forum (WMIF) is a global event that brings together leaders in healthcare investment, technology, manufacturing, and regulation at Westin Boston Seaport District. The forum, presented by Mass General Brigham and Bank of America, aims to advance patient-benefitting technologies by exploring the promise of new patient care and addressing the challenges to their development and investment. The ultimate goal is to find solutions to medical, operational, and economic challenges to benefit patients, providers, and healthcare organizations at the earliest feasible time. 11. Bits & Pretzels Healthtech June 20-21 |Munich Conference will focus on technology-driven healthcare innovation and its potential to enhance patient outcomes. The conference will explore the patient journey from prevention to aftercare, with a focus on technology's role in driving innovation. Attendees will examine how new technologies such as AI, bio 2.0, and IoT ingestible can improve healthcare delivery. 12. IHI Patient Safety Congress May 22-24 | Maryland Organized by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), the event, which will take place at National Harbor, aims to bring individuals together who are passionate about ensuring safe and equitable care for patients in all settings, including hospitals, outpatient facilities, and homes. It will feature engaging speakers who will share their vision for smarter, safer care, and attendees will have access to practical workshops, which will provide real-world insights that can be implemented within their organizations. This event is a must-attend for anyone interested in shaping the future of patient safety. 13. Intelligent Health Conference 2023 June 14 | Pilestredet The Intelligent Health Conference 2023 is an event organized by Intelligent Health Initiative at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University to provide an update on the latest developments & research in the field of digital health. The event will bring together experts & researchers in the field to discuss the use of digital technologies such as AI and wearable devices for improved health services. The conference will focus on various technologies that are becoming an integrated part of daily life, including mobile health and applications, electronic medical records, and telehealth as well as telemedicine. 14. HealthTech Innovation Days October 24-25 | Paris October 27 | Virtual The fifth edition of HealthTech Innovation Days (HTID) event, organized by the non-profit organization HealthTech Care and initiated by France Biotech, aims to facilitate faster delivery of innovative products to patients by providing a platform for European life sciences stakeholders. The HTID event provides various activities to facilitate the progress of innovation, such as the chance to engage with knowledgeable professionals, participate in panel discussions led by experts from around the world, and obtain valuable insights into critical subjects. 15. Digital Health Innovation Summit June 6-7, 2023 | California The 23rd rebranded edition of Digital Health Innovation Summit, organized by World BI, will take place at Hyatt Regency San Francisco Embarcadero Waterfront Hotel. The event aims to provide a unique opportunity for professionals in the pharma, healthcare, and medtech industries to connect with thought leaders, explore the latest trends in digital health technologies & advancements in electronic medical records, and gain valuable insights to enhance patient care. With the participation of clinicians, scientists, entrepreneurs, biomedical engineers, patient advocates, and top technology providers, this summit will serve as a crucial gathering for professionals driving innovation in healthcare. Wrapping Up Participating in electronic medical records conferences can facilitate professional development, accrue continuing education credits, and help individuals stay abreast of the rapidly-evolving healthcare landscape. EMR conferences frequently offer focused conference tracks or sessions dedicated to various EMR-related topics such as implementation, data analytics, interoperability, privacy and security, and patient engagement. Participating in these specialized tracks can provide attendees with a more targeted and comprehensive learning experience, and can contribute significantly to improving the quality of healthcare delivery, enhancing patient outcomes, and driving innovation in the healthcare industry.

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Health Technology, Digital Healthcare

How To Choose The Right Healthcare Software Development Company?

Article | July 14, 2023

The world is moving towards digitalization in every domain. And now COVID-19 has imposed a need for remote work and communication environments. In that case, healthcare organizations have started utilizing medical software with cutting-edge technologies that could offer mobile health solutions. And they could cater to such needs through a healthcare software development company. Therefore, the medical institutions must opt for the right healthcare software vendor that is familiar with the new trends in the healthcare sector. Such companies can help optimize digital patient care through health care application development. Importance of healthcare software development company Or why you need one? Healthcare software development companies process applications to store, retrieve, and share user data. They are connected globally through cloud services. Partnering with a healthcare software company can avail you of many benefits like: Better Patient Experience A professional healthcare software developer can manage your medical software very smoothly and effectively. This could help in delivering better patient experiences. It also enables you to get access to the patient’s information before the appointment. A dedicated healthcare development company will ensure to deliver faster patient checks with lesser paperwork. The information is filed electronically and considers order prescriptions smoothly. Easy Scheduling and Maintenance Healthcare software development services offer a strong scheduling system. It helps in finding out the convenient date and time for the patient’s appointment at their comfort. The medical software is flexible to perform such tasks smoothly. It also solves the issues of overbooking through proper scheduling. Easy Billing and EHR Billing is an intimidating task in the healthcare industry. A good healthcare software offers easy billing and EHR facilities. It also helps you automate the processes involved in the EHR model. Healthcare software development services: Important factors to consider Focus on usability and ease of use Healthcare employees have a busy job. So, they prefer a user-friendly and easy-to-navigate interface. Only such an interface could ensure a high user adoption rate. Additionally, healthcare institutions need to prepare their employees for any changes in their working process that the new software solutions might bring. For that, they need to provide adequate training and support, so that when the time comes, they can derive the maximum advantages out of the software solutions according to Vishal Shah from Integration with various applications Various system integration requirements are used to make sure the new solutions work properly with other systems. You should also look further for whether current legacy systems need any upgrades to integrate them with the new solutions. A professional administration Access to the data by specialist doctors to update the data is necessary. However, access to the data should be strictly restricted with proper arrangements. Information security Medical care organizations need proper security measures with laws on data, protection, and other security principles. A leak of patient information is a critical issue that may cause weighty business misfortune. Only the approved staff with rights to oversee the admittance to information and patient records can approach the necessary data. Development costs Development costs depend on the size and complexity of the software or applications which is directly connected to the specific business needs of the healthcare organizations. First, an organization needs to identify key problems that require software solutions. Also, consider the future IT needs of healthcare institutions such as potential business expansion and its scalability and integration requirements. A mobile workforce can help your organization attain more efficient workflow and enhanced productivity. Healthcare IT infrastructure IT infrastructure includes hardware, devices, internet connection speed, and/or mobile 4G connection, and many more. Healthcare agencies need to consider whether such infrastructure will be offered by the development company or if the organization has to use its resources. While using employees’ resources may compromise security, it is suggested that employees must be given the devices and technologies by the companies. The devices and technology need to be updated on the regular basis. Questions to Ask Healthcare Software Development Company We have compiled a list of some questions that could help you get the best and most suitable medical IOS and Android app development partner. Do you know/understand how HIPAA privacy protection rules might apply to healthcare software products? HIPAA can be subtle and complicated. Federal and state laws have included HIPAA Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification Rules for the privacy and security protections for hospitals and medical institutions. There will be many healthcare software developers who won’t be familiar with HIPAA and how it is applied to the products. You must check that out. Can we sign an NDA? If your business idea is precious from the IP (Intellectual Properties) perspective then you must ask the app development company to sign the NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) before you discuss any details of the project. It is also signed to protect sensitive business details from any third party. Can I have the contact information of your former clients? It is vital to have a look at the mobile application development agency before you consider them to hire. However, you won’t get the entire picture and other details but to get that you can ask the company for the contact information of some of their former clients. Get in touch with their former clients, ask them about their experience working with the agency. The goal is to not only have a great app at the end but also go through an app development process that is stress-free, easy, and enjoyable. Checking for reviews and references is the key when it comes to hiring mobile application developers. What is your Software development methodology? Latest best practices like scrum and agile development are far more reliable compared to conventional methods. Software development companies nowadays practice them to be more efficient and productive. They understand that the market changes quickly and to cope up with it, they need to be capable of adapting to the changes quickly. How experienced are your healthcare software developers? Check for the experience of the developers employed by your medical software development partner. They need to be qualified to build medical solutions and deliver them within a predetermined budget and timeline. How to choose? Even if you have decided to work with a healthcare software development company, there are hundreds of companies out there, and all claim to be the best in the field. How would you choose the one that can help you achieve your goals? Analyze their Area of Expertise and their Experience as a Healthcare Software Developer Quality is the one thing that should be never compromised no matter how complex your demands are. In the software development healthcare industry there are many standards and compliance requirements like HIS and HIPAA that need to be catered to. Therefore, you need to analyze their area of expertise and their experiences. Only experienced healthcare software vendors can understand and fulfill the critical needs of customers. However, expertise isn't enough. You also need to look at the certifications to gain deeper knowledge about the healthcare solution developers’ level of professionalism. Go Through Their Healthcare Software Development Portfolio to Get a Better Idea of Projects and Quality Go through the portfolio of the potential healthcare software development partner. Look at their past projects in the healthcare domain and check if it matches your requirements. Research about their market reputation and reach as well as find out whether they serve the organizations in your niche. The key factors to look for in the portfolio: Types of healthcare software they have delivered in the past Clients they have served- names, strength, and value The complexity of projects they’ve handled The kind of experience they provide to the users Technologies they excel in Reviews and Ratings Could Be Helpful Find out what the customers are talking about this company. Analyze their reviews and ratings. Understand how a particular healthcare software development company deals with their clients and cater to their services. Carefully Understand their Process Almost every company has a unique process to provide their healthcare software development services. But all processes generally consists of the following: 1. Requirement analysis 2. Scope freezing 3. Product prototyping 4. Product development 5. QA and testing 6. Deployment 7. Post-launch support These software development processes could follow any approach from waterfall to agile methodology. Know the details of the process from your healthcare software development partner and understand how it aligns with your goals. And never hesitate to clear your doubts. Know the Cost to Develop a Healthcare Software Everyone has a budget and make sure you have communicated well about your software development budget with your potential healthcare technology partner. Ask them about the cost to build the software and look for the cost to quality ratio. After gathering all the necessary details, make an informed decision. Understand the Engagement Models to Choose the Best Engagement models are the ways of collaboration for the business relationship. You can choose from the following: A. Turnkey Engagement Model It is also known as the fixed price model. When you share your demands, you get a fixed quote for the work. This is an ideal model for: Short-term projects Projects with a well-defined scope For assigning test tasks to the developers B. Time and Material Basis Model In this model, hiring is done based on time and material. A client agrees to pay a hired software development company based on the time the developers spend after developing their products and other relevant tasks. The payments are done according to the mutually agreed hourly rate. The model is suitable when: Unclear requirements or specifications, A long-term project with dynamic pricing The client needs more flexibility C. Dedicated Hiring Model As the name suggests, it enables you to hire dedicated resources from the web development company. One can hire a web development company for your project, depending on the number of hours spent by the developers on your project. This model is best suited for: Clients who are looking for an extension to their in-house team Those who have unclear project requirements The hirer is looking for more flexibility Find out What Does the Healthcare Software Development Company has to Offer Post-launch You are mistaken if you believe that the healthcare software development cycle ends with the launch of the product. There are chances of hitting obstacles any time and do not forget that the market keeps changing in terms of technology and user demands. This means you might need to upgrade your software or need to add some features to it. For all such requirements, the healthcare software development agency offers support and maintenance services for a limited time post-launch. There could be specific terms and conditions for it too. So, before you hire any agency, do not forget to inquire about the support and maintenance services offered by them and its price. What is the Team Structure that They Would Provide You? Ask about the team structure offered by the company for your software development project. You can interview a potential team of software developers if you want to. You should do it to assess the capacity of the team. In general, a software development team consists of: 1. Requirement analyst 2. Project manager 3. UI/UX designer 4. Software developer 5. QA tester and engineer Also, you need to convey your requirements clearly to the software development agency so that they can do justice to your project. Ability of a Healthcare Software Development Company to Assist You For Expanding Your Software’s Features The main goal of developing medical software is to increase the efficiency of your operations, automate them, enhance them, and last but not least: offer a better patient experience. Therefore, above all other things, you must check out the ability of the custom healthcare software development company to expand or scale-up the product as per your needs. Areas of Use Custom healthcare development is used in the following areas: Telemedicine Telemedicine is a flourishing branch for custom software development companies in the healthcare business. App development is crucial for telemedicine and healthcare providers because it facilitates teleconsultation and healthcare information. Mobile applications play a key role in sharing medical services and information among patients. Healthcare portals and patient databases There is a wide scope for a healthcare app or a patient portal that could compile and store the data categorically over long periods. This type of storage of health data can be accessible by the doctors in the form of medical records when they are seeing the patient, even if it is the first time. One can pull the data off the EMR and EHR which maintains such a set of data records. To ensure the protection of the data, personal information is kept confidential and only between the patient and doctor, on the portals. E-consultations and e-prescription E-consultation is one of the latest practices in digital healthcare services. Mobile apps are developed that are compatible with both iOS as well as Android and are user-friendly. Such applications enable patients to consult with the doctors remotely based on their healthcare needs and get e-prescriptions as well. They can also get online treatment plans for certain diagnoses through this. The healthcare software developers have similar solutions for virtual billing software and e-pharmacy management. VR and AR healthcare software development Since their initial release, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality have been very helpful in medical care especially in the COVID-19 remote healthcare scene. Ran through a powerful technology stack, AR-VR enables the patient to feel and see how a treatment or a medical device works. Big Data and AI solutions for healthcare Healthcare is one of the Big Data industries. It manages the flow of large volumes of medical data daily. To ensure that the collected data is used well, healthcare services are now powered by AI. Health tracking and fitness apps Wearable technology is gaining immense popularity these days. The products include smartwatches and bands that could track heart rate, sleep cycles, number of steps walked, and many more. These kinds of applications built by expert healthcare developers are among the most downloaded on the internet. Conclusion Custom healthcare software is important for healthcare organizations to make their process easier as possible. The COVID-19 pandemic is further popularizing telemedicine, e-consultation, AI solutions, fitness, and other health applications. I know choosing a suitable healthcare software development company is not easy, but if you follow the process mentioned in this article, you can get the best and top-rated software developers who create apps for the medical and health care industries. I hope this article has guided you well to understand better about healthcare software development companies. However, if you have any queries or suggestions, please connect with us in the comments section below.

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Future of Healthcare

Unveiling EHR’s Future: Key Events for Industry Professionals

Article | July 6, 2023

Unleash the power of attending EHR events, empowering healthcare providers with accessible patient information for enhanced care. Stay updated with the latest trends at these top EHR summits. Electronic health records (EHRs) have sparked a transformative revolution in the healthcare industry, empowering providers with readily accessible patient information. With technology progressing and digital healthcare solutions becoming increasingly vital, staying up-to-date with the latest EHR trends and developments has become crucial for healthcare professionals and C-suite executives. This article highlights a curated list of EHR events that gather visionaries, experts, and pioneers from diverse domains to foster knowledge exchange, collaborations, and exploration of cutting-edge EHR advancements propelling the industry to new frontiers. 1. The MedTech Conference October 9-11, 2023 | California This EHR conference offers attendees an opportunity to stay abreast of the latest updates and insights through an extensive program featuring over 100 sessions that showcase diverse perspectives. From examining physicians' viewpoints on value-based care to exploring the approaches of policymakers in cybersecurity and trade considerations, as well as delving into the innovative applications of AI by scientists, the conference provides a platform for knowledge exchange. With world-class speakers, comprehensive educational programming, valuable networking opportunities, and the potential for business development, this EHR summit serves as a homecoming for the global medtech community, fostering collaboration and forming partnerships that drive innovative solutions for a healthier world. 2. IEEE International Conference on Digital Health July 2-8, 2023 | Chicago The IEEE International Conference on Digital Health (ICDH) stands as a powerful global platform where esteemed researchers and industry practitioners converge to exchange cutting-edge advancements in digital health technologies. With a focus on both the current state-of-the-art and practical applications, ICDH facilitates discourse on emerging research themes and the future trajectory of digital health. Its overarching objective is to unite prominent researchers, community leaders, visionaries from academia and industry, end-users, and healthcare professionals in the digital health domain. It fosters the exchange of research findings, practical expertise, and forward-looking perspectives on sustainable health and social care transformations. 3. EAI MobiHealth 2023 November 28-30, 2023 | Portugal The 12th EAI International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare (MobiHealth 2023) serves as a testament to the significant growth of the healthcare industry, propelled by factors such as an aging population, the prevalence of chronic diseases, and technological advancements. The healthcare sector has been greatly influenced by wireless communication & mobile computing and is constantly evolving with new technologies like 5G, IoT, robotics, and smart buildings. The integration of these innovations, along with e-health, m-health, edge computing, software-defined networks, and network function virtualization, has further revolutionized the industry. This hybrid conference aims to unite individuals and organizations worldwide in wireless communication, mobile computing, and healthcare applications. 4. 3rd IEEE International Conference on ICT Solutions for eHealth July 9-12, 2023 | Tunisia e-Health has emerged as a significant research area, attracting cross-disciplinary research groups interested in deploying new ICT technologies for healthcare, particularly cloud computing, IoT, and computational intelligence. After five successful workshop editions, ICTS4eHealth, which has transitioned into an International IEEE Conference, now announced its third edition. The conference brings together researchers from academia, industry, government, and medical centers to present the latest advancements in cloud systems for connected health infrastructure and applications and the utilization of IoT and computational intelligence techniques in eHealth. By fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange, this EHR conference aims to advance the field of e-Health and contribute to developing innovative ICT solutions for improved healthcare outcomes. 5. DigiHT 2023 October 19-20, 2023 | Virtual The International Conference on Digital Health and Telemedicine 2023 (DigiHT 2023) will serve as a global platform for diverse participants, including academics, practitioners, technologists, application developers, students, and industry professionals. The conference will feature parallel sessions, enabling attendees to engage in knowledge-sharing and networking opportunities. It will also offer avenues for publishing research findings and host high-level forums featuring speeches from esteemed hospitals and health systems, both national and international, who will provide valuable perspectives, insights, and expertise. The central focus of the conference revolves around the theme 'Enhancing Health Equity and Improving Patient Outcomes: Empowerment Strategies for Patients to Take Control of Their Care and Well-being through Digital Healthcare.' EHR events like this one aim to increase access to health technology research and innovations while fostering collaboration and innovation among global digital health and telemedicine professionals. 6. MEDITECH LIVE 2023 September 20-22, 2023 | Massachusetts This EHR conference aims to convene a diverse group of experienced healthcare innovators who are deeply committed to fostering collaboration amidst the ongoing transformation of health information technology. Through engaging in high-level panel discussions and specialized breakout sessions, participants will collectively explore the disruptive forces that impact the industry and brainstorm tangible solutions. EHR events like this serve as a platform for redefining the intersection of healthcare leadership and technology, focusing on making a meaningful impact on communities. Distinguished speakers at the event include Paul Keckley (Healthcare Policy Analyst and Managing Partner of Keckley Group) and Amer Kaissi, a nationally-recognized speaker, author & executive coach who will bring valuable insights to the discourse. 7. Electronic Medical Records Boot Camp August 21-22, 2023 | Virtual 'Electronic Medical Records Boot Camp: Biostatistical Methods for Analyzing EMR Data' is a comprehensive two-day virtual event that offers seminars and interactive analytical sessions, providing participants with an in-depth understanding of electronic health data opportunities, statistical challenges, and the latest techniques. The widespread implementation of EHRs and EMRs in US hospitals has resulted in vast amounts of patient information, enabling cohort-wide investigations and personalized medicine. However, analyzing such extensive and diverse observational data poses technical difficulties. This intensive workshop addresses the potential of EMR/EHR data for health studies, statistical challenges, and advanced techniques through hands-on computer lab sessions and case studies. Participants will learn about data integration, addressing biases and missing data, comparative effectiveness studies, and predictive analysis. By the end of the boot camp, attendees will be well-versed in harnessing the power of EMR/EHR data for transformative healthcare research. 8. eClinicalWorks National Conference October 20-22, 2023 | Tennessee Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center in Nashville will host electronic health records events like eClinical Works National Conference. This EHR summit will be an engaging and informative event for healthcare professionals. Attendees can delve into the latest enhancements and developments related to the V12 and Healow products for three days. The event will showcase these products' cutting-edge features and functionalities, demonstrating their potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry. 9. 2023 GSA Conference Workshop November 8-12, 2023 | Florida At the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting in November, multiple principal investigator Vincent Mor, Ph.D., and colleagues will conduct a workshop titled 'The Long-Term Care Data Cooperative: Leveraging Nursing Home Electronic Health Records for Research.' Funded by National Institute of Aging, this initiative aims to enhance care quality in skilled nursing facilities by compiling comprehensive electronic health records data from over 2,100 nursing homes nationwide. The workshop will allow attendees to explore sample data, understand the core data model, and learn how to request access for research purposes. Additionally, interested participants can apply for 'real-world data scholars' training grants to leverage this valuable resource further. 10. International Conference on Global Healthcare November 16-18, 2023 | France The 10th edition of the upcoming scientific conference (Global Healthcare 2023) will be held in Paris. With a central theme of 'Fostering the Endeavors to Enhance Global Healthcare, ' this EHR summit aims to be the largest and most comprehensive event in the worldwide healthcare industry. The conference will focus on various aspects such as clinical best practices, research advancements, innovation, discoveries, and emerging trends in healthcare. Attendees can expect an enriching scientific program featuring symposiums, seminars, keynote addresses, oral presentations, and poster presentations showcasing the latest global best practices, research findings, industry regulations, and technological breakthroughs. EHR events like this one are held to empower attendees by providing comprehensive insights and fostering knowledge exchange in electronic health records and beyond. Final Analysis These electronic health records events offer medical professionals a comprehensive conference track that is tailored to their specific needs and interests. Attendees can engage in face-to-face conversations, access high-quality programming focused on current hot topics, and benefit from unparalleled networking with industry leaders, making these EHR events a must-attend! Furthermore, the conference track provides medical professionals with specialized sessions, workshops, and presentations that delve deep into the practical aspects of implementing, optimizing, and utilizing electronic health record systems. By actively participating in these sessions, medical professionals can gain practical skills, learn best practices, and acquire valuable insights that can directly impact their daily routine and patient care.

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HCR ManorCare

HCR ManorCare is a leading provider of short- and long-term medical and rehabilitation care. Care is provided through a nationwide network of skilled nursing and rehabilitation centers, assisted living facilities, outpatient rehabilitation clinics, and hospice and home care agencies. The company operates primarily under the respected Heartland, ManorCare Health Services and Arden Courts names.

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Digital Healthcare

UCI Health Reaches Definitive Agreement to Acquire Four Southern California Hospitals From Tenet Healthcare Corporation

UCI Health | February 02, 2024

The Regents of the University of California, on behalf of the University of California, Irvine, has entered into a definitive agreement with Tenet Healthcare Corporation to acquire Tenet's Pacific Coast Network. The network will become part of UCI Health, the clinical enterprise of UC Irvine. "UC Irvine has deepened its healthcare commitment to the future of Orange County, our region and California," said UC Irvine Chancellor Howard Gillman. "This journey in healthcare is deeply intertwined with the University of California's dedication to bettering our communities, expanding access to premier healthcare, and pioneering the medical innovations of tomorrow, today. Our vision will bridge gaps in regional care and reinforce UCI's place among the nation's leading academic health systems while advancing solutions to challenges facing healthcare." Pending customary regulatory approvals, clearances, and closing conditions, the proposed acquisition would bring four medical centers in Lakewood, Los Alamitos, Fountain Valley and Placentia and associated outpatient locations into the UCI Health system. UCI Health currently delivers care at UCI Medical Center in Orange and a growing network of multispecialty care centers. "At UCI Health, we are excited to add these new care sites to the UCI Health network and extend the benefits of our compassionate, high-level care, clinical innovation, and scientific discovery," said Chad Lefteris, president and chief executive officer of UCI Health. "As Orange County's only academic health system, UCI Health is unique in its ability to offer the highest level of advanced care powered by the research and innovation of a world-class public research institution." UCI Health recognizes a unique opportunity to build on the quality care already being delivered in the communities served by Tenet Healthcare's Pacific Coast Network. "These four hospitals are well-regarded in their communities for providing high-quality, compassionate care," said Saum Sutaria, M.D., chairman and chief executive officer of Tenet Healthcare. "The local communities will benefit from the nationally recognized advancements, medical knowledge, research, and community focus that UCI Health brings as an innovative academic health system. UCI Health recognizes a unique opportunity to build on the quality care already being delivered in the communities served by the Pacific Coast Network." In a region with a population greater than that of two dozen states, UCI Health operates the only Level I trauma center, locally based National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer center, high-risk perinatal-neonatal service and is the largest regional burn center and leading provider of complex tertiary and quaternary care. The system's clinical excellence has consistently placed UCI Health in the top 10 for quality and safety among the nation's leading comprehensive academic health systems. The acquisition also means more patients will have access to advanced therapies in the region's largest and most diverse portfolio of clinical trials, ranging from cancer to neurosciences, digestive diseases, orthopedics and internal medicine specialties. UCI Health and Tenet Healthcare's Pacific Coast Network patients can continue receiving care at their local facilities as they normally would from the care teams they know and trust. The transaction is expected to be completed in spring 2024, subject to customary regulatory approvals, clearances, and closing conditions. "It is a privilege to provide world-class care to Californians and we are excited to welcome the clinicians and co-workers from these Tenet Healthcare sites to UCI Health as partners in improving the health of local communities," Lefteris said. About UCI Health UCI Health is the clinical enterprise of the University of California, Irvine, and the only academic health system in Orange County. Patients can access UCI Health at primary and specialty care offices across Orange County and at its main campus, UCI Medical Center in Orange, Calif. The 459-bed, acute care hospital, listed among America's Best Hospitals by U.S. News & World Report for 23 consecutive years, provides tertiary and quaternary care, ambulatory and specialty medical clinics, behavioral health and rehabilitation services. UCI Medical Center is home to Orange County's only National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer center, high-risk perinatal/neonatal program and American College of Surgeons-verified Level I adult and Level II pediatric trauma center, gold level 1 geriatric emergency department and regional burn center. About UC Irvine About the University of California, Irvine: Founded in 1965, UCI is a member of the prestigious Association of American Universities and is ranked among the nation's top 10 public universities by U.S. News & World Report. The campus has produced five Nobel laureates and is known for its academic achievement, premier research, innovation and anteater mascot. Led by Chancellor Howard Gillman, UCI has more than 37,000 students and offers 224 degree programs. It's located in one of the world's safest and most economically vibrant communities and is Orange County's second-largest employer, contributing $7 billion annually to the local economy and $8 billion statewide. About Tenet Healthcare Tenet Healthcare Corporation is a diversified healthcare services company headquartered in Dallas. Our care delivery network includes United Surgical Partners International, the largest ambulatory platform in the country, which operates or has ownership interests in more than 480 ambulatory surgery centers and surgical hospitals. We also operate 58 acute care and specialty hospitals, approximately 110 other outpatient facilities, a network of leading employed physicians and a global business center in Manila, Philippines. Our Conifer Health Solutions subsidiary provides revenue cycle management and value-based care services to hospitals, health systems, physician practices, employers, and other clients. Across the Tenet enterprise, we are united by our mission to deliver quality, compassionate care in the communities we serve.

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Healthcare Analytics

Keystone Healthcare Partners Establishes Partnership with Trinity Medical to Expand Emergency Medicine Footprint into Louisiana

Keystone Healthcare Partners | February 05, 2024

Keystone Healthcare Partners a leading provider of emergency medicine, hospital medicine, critical care medicine, and telehealth staffing and management services, as well as revenue cycle management, recently announced that it has formed a partnership with Trinity Medical in Ferriday, Louisiana. Keystone's delivery of emergency medicine services at Trinity Medical will commence on February 1, 2024. This contract represents an exciting expansion of Keystone's regional influence into Louisiana; the company has managed contracts in Mississippi for decades. Glenn Adams, Keystone's CEO & Co-founder, notes, "We are excited to kick off another partnership with a client where we see opportunity for real impact. We've hit the ground running to shore up areas of frustration for the client and bring value-add and innovative solutions, such as Keystone Connect AI technology to the emergency medicine program." While the healthcare landscape has been challenging for rural and critical access hospitals, the two entities share a patient-centered ethos that will be paramount to the partnership. The two entities share a community- and patient-focus that is embodied by Trinity's motto, "People you know, caring for people you love." "We are very excited to start our partnership with Keystone Healthcare," states Keisha Smith, CEO of Trinity. "My goal for Trinity Medical has always been to provide our patients with the best healthcare and customer service possible in the Miss-Lou area. We feel that Keystone shares the same goals that we have and will be a true asset to our hospital. Henry Ford stated, 'Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.' We are looking forward to a long lasting, successful partnership with Keystone Healthcare." Trinity Medical, a 23-bed licensed facility, continues to grow and upgrade their services and facilities in addition to recruiting physicians to meet the growing needs of their expanding community. About Keystone Healthcare Keystone Healthcare™ is a leading provider of Emergency Medicine, Hospital Medicine, Critical Care Medicine and Telehealth clinical management services and staffing solutions for hospitals. We efficiently deliver high-quality, patient-centered care through strong physician leadership and involved management that drive our innovative and integrated business model. About Trinity Medical Trinity Medical is operated by Concordia Parish Hospital Service District No. 1. Trinity Medical, formerly Riverland Medical Center, opened in 1964 as Concordia Parish Hospital and has continuously served the residents of the area for more than 55 years. In addition to emergency and acute care, Trinity Medical offers surgical services, diagnostic imaging, infusion center, cardio-respiratory care, gastroenterology, lab services, otolaryngology, urology, and an in-hospital rehabilitation service as well as an extensive range of out-patient services, both diagnostic and for treatment.

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Health Technology

Rudolf Riester GmbH Announces Global Market Launch of Telemedicine Solution, Showcases ri-sonic® E-Stethoscope + eMurmur® AI Integration

Rudolf Riester GmbH | January 29, 2024

Rudolf Riester GmbH, a global leader in medical technology, proudly announces the full market launch of its comprehensive Telemedicine offering. Already in active use across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, the solution from the trusted Riester brand delivers industry-leading quality and versatility through integration of a broad range of medical devices to meet the needs of diverse user scenarios. "Since its founding 75 years ago, Riester has been a pioneer in providing accurate and efficient diagnostic devices for front-line healthcare. We have brought this passion and expertise to the creation of our telemedicine solution," said Dr. Georgiana Gasquères, Global Business Unit Director, Telemedicine at Riester. "Now we empower healthcare providers worldwide with the tools they need to deliver accurate diagnosis and exceptional care to every patient, everywhere, and to do it more sustainably." Riester is demonstrating its Telemedicine Case and Cart offerings at the Arab Health show in Dubai, 29 January – 1 February 2024, at booth SA.E30. Traveling nurses with South African healthcare innovator EQiGate are already evaluating dozens of patients every week with the Riester Telemedicine Case. "EQiGate selected the Riester Telemedicine solution for its high quality, comprehensiveness, and versatile, Windows-based compatibility with our portfolio of operating applications," stated Braam Kruger, CEO at EQiGate. "The Riester solution integrates seamlessly with our Hospital at Home concept, enabling us to bring the hospital to the patient, a healthcare paradigm shift that yields significant cost and time savings for both the healthcare system and the patient." At Arab Health, Riester is showcasing the integration of their industry-leading ri-sonic® E-stethoscope with the eMurmur® AI platform. Digital auscultation with ri-sonic and eMurmur AI enables the early detection and analysis of heart murmurs, informing better, more timely decisions about treatment pathways. To demonstrate their commitment to raising heart health awareness and improving quality of life through accurate and efficient diagnosis, Riester is offering complimentary advisory heart checks to all exhibition attendees at their booth at Arab Health, conducted by a professional cardiologist. "Our participation at Arab Health reaches beyond showcasing our technological advancements; it is about educating and engaging with the public – including Arab Health attendees – and healthcare professionals," said Irina Zhdanova, CEO of Riester. "By providing free advisory heart checks, we emphasise the significance of regular cardiac health assessments and demonstrate how innovative technology can be a pivotal tool in advancing diagnostic cardiac care to improve health outcomes. This is a perfect way to honor Riester’s 75-year heritage and act on our vision and mission." About Rudolf Riester GmbH Since its founding in Germany in 1948, Rudolf Riester GmbH has been a pioneering force in improving quality of life through accurate and efficient diagnosis on the front-line of healthcare. By developing and manufacturing high-quality, market-leading medical diagnostic products, Riester has earned a global reputation for quality, reliability, and innovation in the healthcare sector, with a presence in over 150 countries. Specializing in diagnostic devices, Riester's product portfolio includes telemedicine solutions as well as stethoscopes, blood pressure monitors, otoscopes, ophthalmoscopes, and other medical equipment. Riester is part of the Halma plc group of companies.

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Digital Healthcare

UCI Health Reaches Definitive Agreement to Acquire Four Southern California Hospitals From Tenet Healthcare Corporation

UCI Health | February 02, 2024

The Regents of the University of California, on behalf of the University of California, Irvine, has entered into a definitive agreement with Tenet Healthcare Corporation to acquire Tenet's Pacific Coast Network. The network will become part of UCI Health, the clinical enterprise of UC Irvine. "UC Irvine has deepened its healthcare commitment to the future of Orange County, our region and California," said UC Irvine Chancellor Howard Gillman. "This journey in healthcare is deeply intertwined with the University of California's dedication to bettering our communities, expanding access to premier healthcare, and pioneering the medical innovations of tomorrow, today. Our vision will bridge gaps in regional care and reinforce UCI's place among the nation's leading academic health systems while advancing solutions to challenges facing healthcare." Pending customary regulatory approvals, clearances, and closing conditions, the proposed acquisition would bring four medical centers in Lakewood, Los Alamitos, Fountain Valley and Placentia and associated outpatient locations into the UCI Health system. UCI Health currently delivers care at UCI Medical Center in Orange and a growing network of multispecialty care centers. "At UCI Health, we are excited to add these new care sites to the UCI Health network and extend the benefits of our compassionate, high-level care, clinical innovation, and scientific discovery," said Chad Lefteris, president and chief executive officer of UCI Health. "As Orange County's only academic health system, UCI Health is unique in its ability to offer the highest level of advanced care powered by the research and innovation of a world-class public research institution." UCI Health recognizes a unique opportunity to build on the quality care already being delivered in the communities served by Tenet Healthcare's Pacific Coast Network. "These four hospitals are well-regarded in their communities for providing high-quality, compassionate care," said Saum Sutaria, M.D., chairman and chief executive officer of Tenet Healthcare. "The local communities will benefit from the nationally recognized advancements, medical knowledge, research, and community focus that UCI Health brings as an innovative academic health system. UCI Health recognizes a unique opportunity to build on the quality care already being delivered in the communities served by the Pacific Coast Network." In a region with a population greater than that of two dozen states, UCI Health operates the only Level I trauma center, locally based National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer center, high-risk perinatal-neonatal service and is the largest regional burn center and leading provider of complex tertiary and quaternary care. The system's clinical excellence has consistently placed UCI Health in the top 10 for quality and safety among the nation's leading comprehensive academic health systems. The acquisition also means more patients will have access to advanced therapies in the region's largest and most diverse portfolio of clinical trials, ranging from cancer to neurosciences, digestive diseases, orthopedics and internal medicine specialties. UCI Health and Tenet Healthcare's Pacific Coast Network patients can continue receiving care at their local facilities as they normally would from the care teams they know and trust. The transaction is expected to be completed in spring 2024, subject to customary regulatory approvals, clearances, and closing conditions. "It is a privilege to provide world-class care to Californians and we are excited to welcome the clinicians and co-workers from these Tenet Healthcare sites to UCI Health as partners in improving the health of local communities," Lefteris said. About UCI Health UCI Health is the clinical enterprise of the University of California, Irvine, and the only academic health system in Orange County. Patients can access UCI Health at primary and specialty care offices across Orange County and at its main campus, UCI Medical Center in Orange, Calif. The 459-bed, acute care hospital, listed among America's Best Hospitals by U.S. News & World Report for 23 consecutive years, provides tertiary and quaternary care, ambulatory and specialty medical clinics, behavioral health and rehabilitation services. UCI Medical Center is home to Orange County's only National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer center, high-risk perinatal/neonatal program and American College of Surgeons-verified Level I adult and Level II pediatric trauma center, gold level 1 geriatric emergency department and regional burn center. About UC Irvine About the University of California, Irvine: Founded in 1965, UCI is a member of the prestigious Association of American Universities and is ranked among the nation's top 10 public universities by U.S. News & World Report. The campus has produced five Nobel laureates and is known for its academic achievement, premier research, innovation and anteater mascot. Led by Chancellor Howard Gillman, UCI has more than 37,000 students and offers 224 degree programs. It's located in one of the world's safest and most economically vibrant communities and is Orange County's second-largest employer, contributing $7 billion annually to the local economy and $8 billion statewide. About Tenet Healthcare Tenet Healthcare Corporation is a diversified healthcare services company headquartered in Dallas. Our care delivery network includes United Surgical Partners International, the largest ambulatory platform in the country, which operates or has ownership interests in more than 480 ambulatory surgery centers and surgical hospitals. We also operate 58 acute care and specialty hospitals, approximately 110 other outpatient facilities, a network of leading employed physicians and a global business center in Manila, Philippines. Our Conifer Health Solutions subsidiary provides revenue cycle management and value-based care services to hospitals, health systems, physician practices, employers, and other clients. Across the Tenet enterprise, we are united by our mission to deliver quality, compassionate care in the communities we serve.

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Healthcare Analytics

Keystone Healthcare Partners Establishes Partnership with Trinity Medical to Expand Emergency Medicine Footprint into Louisiana

Keystone Healthcare Partners | February 05, 2024

Keystone Healthcare Partners a leading provider of emergency medicine, hospital medicine, critical care medicine, and telehealth staffing and management services, as well as revenue cycle management, recently announced that it has formed a partnership with Trinity Medical in Ferriday, Louisiana. Keystone's delivery of emergency medicine services at Trinity Medical will commence on February 1, 2024. This contract represents an exciting expansion of Keystone's regional influence into Louisiana; the company has managed contracts in Mississippi for decades. Glenn Adams, Keystone's CEO & Co-founder, notes, "We are excited to kick off another partnership with a client where we see opportunity for real impact. We've hit the ground running to shore up areas of frustration for the client and bring value-add and innovative solutions, such as Keystone Connect AI technology to the emergency medicine program." While the healthcare landscape has been challenging for rural and critical access hospitals, the two entities share a patient-centered ethos that will be paramount to the partnership. The two entities share a community- and patient-focus that is embodied by Trinity's motto, "People you know, caring for people you love." "We are very excited to start our partnership with Keystone Healthcare," states Keisha Smith, CEO of Trinity. "My goal for Trinity Medical has always been to provide our patients with the best healthcare and customer service possible in the Miss-Lou area. We feel that Keystone shares the same goals that we have and will be a true asset to our hospital. Henry Ford stated, 'Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.' We are looking forward to a long lasting, successful partnership with Keystone Healthcare." Trinity Medical, a 23-bed licensed facility, continues to grow and upgrade their services and facilities in addition to recruiting physicians to meet the growing needs of their expanding community. About Keystone Healthcare Keystone Healthcare™ is a leading provider of Emergency Medicine, Hospital Medicine, Critical Care Medicine and Telehealth clinical management services and staffing solutions for hospitals. We efficiently deliver high-quality, patient-centered care through strong physician leadership and involved management that drive our innovative and integrated business model. About Trinity Medical Trinity Medical is operated by Concordia Parish Hospital Service District No. 1. Trinity Medical, formerly Riverland Medical Center, opened in 1964 as Concordia Parish Hospital and has continuously served the residents of the area for more than 55 years. In addition to emergency and acute care, Trinity Medical offers surgical services, diagnostic imaging, infusion center, cardio-respiratory care, gastroenterology, lab services, otolaryngology, urology, and an in-hospital rehabilitation service as well as an extensive range of out-patient services, both diagnostic and for treatment.

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Health Technology

Rudolf Riester GmbH Announces Global Market Launch of Telemedicine Solution, Showcases ri-sonic® E-Stethoscope + eMurmur® AI Integration

Rudolf Riester GmbH | January 29, 2024

Rudolf Riester GmbH, a global leader in medical technology, proudly announces the full market launch of its comprehensive Telemedicine offering. Already in active use across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, the solution from the trusted Riester brand delivers industry-leading quality and versatility through integration of a broad range of medical devices to meet the needs of diverse user scenarios. "Since its founding 75 years ago, Riester has been a pioneer in providing accurate and efficient diagnostic devices for front-line healthcare. We have brought this passion and expertise to the creation of our telemedicine solution," said Dr. Georgiana Gasquères, Global Business Unit Director, Telemedicine at Riester. "Now we empower healthcare providers worldwide with the tools they need to deliver accurate diagnosis and exceptional care to every patient, everywhere, and to do it more sustainably." Riester is demonstrating its Telemedicine Case and Cart offerings at the Arab Health show in Dubai, 29 January – 1 February 2024, at booth SA.E30. Traveling nurses with South African healthcare innovator EQiGate are already evaluating dozens of patients every week with the Riester Telemedicine Case. "EQiGate selected the Riester Telemedicine solution for its high quality, comprehensiveness, and versatile, Windows-based compatibility with our portfolio of operating applications," stated Braam Kruger, CEO at EQiGate. "The Riester solution integrates seamlessly with our Hospital at Home concept, enabling us to bring the hospital to the patient, a healthcare paradigm shift that yields significant cost and time savings for both the healthcare system and the patient." At Arab Health, Riester is showcasing the integration of their industry-leading ri-sonic® E-stethoscope with the eMurmur® AI platform. Digital auscultation with ri-sonic and eMurmur AI enables the early detection and analysis of heart murmurs, informing better, more timely decisions about treatment pathways. To demonstrate their commitment to raising heart health awareness and improving quality of life through accurate and efficient diagnosis, Riester is offering complimentary advisory heart checks to all exhibition attendees at their booth at Arab Health, conducted by a professional cardiologist. "Our participation at Arab Health reaches beyond showcasing our technological advancements; it is about educating and engaging with the public – including Arab Health attendees – and healthcare professionals," said Irina Zhdanova, CEO of Riester. "By providing free advisory heart checks, we emphasise the significance of regular cardiac health assessments and demonstrate how innovative technology can be a pivotal tool in advancing diagnostic cardiac care to improve health outcomes. This is a perfect way to honor Riester’s 75-year heritage and act on our vision and mission." About Rudolf Riester GmbH Since its founding in Germany in 1948, Rudolf Riester GmbH has been a pioneering force in improving quality of life through accurate and efficient diagnosis on the front-line of healthcare. By developing and manufacturing high-quality, market-leading medical diagnostic products, Riester has earned a global reputation for quality, reliability, and innovation in the healthcare sector, with a presence in over 150 countries. Specializing in diagnostic devices, Riester's product portfolio includes telemedicine solutions as well as stethoscopes, blood pressure monitors, otoscopes, ophthalmoscopes, and other medical equipment. Riester is part of the Halma plc group of companies.

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