Clean your hands: how a simple task could save lives

More than ten years have passed to promote the compliance of hand hygiene among health care providers. The campaign aims to reduce healthcare-associated infection (HCAI) globally, since HCAIs are still among the major problems for patient safety. This year, the improvements of hand hygiene practices in all surgical services have been focused on. The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is one of the most critical areas of the surgical services.


First Coast Service Options, Inc.

First Coast Service Options (First Coast) has proudly served as one of the nation’s largest Medicare administrators for 50 years, and is the current Medicare Administrative Contractor for Jurisdiction N (JN), which includes Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Florida.

Health Technology, Digital Healthcare

Unlocking the Puzzle: Navigating EHR Interoperability Solutions

Article | August 16, 2023

Unlock EHR interoperability solutions with this article. Discover how healthcare overcomes EHR interoperability challenges to facilitate seamless information sharing for better clinical decisions. 1. Exploring Hurdles in EHR Interoperability 2. Addressing EHR Interoperability Challenges: Mapping Effective Paths 2.1 Upgrading from Outdated Legacy Systems 2.2 Managing Inconsistent Information Across Multiple Sources 2.3 Overcoming Organizational Resistance to Sharing Data 2.4 Balancing Security and Consent 2.5 Harmonizing Data Standards Across Diverse Software Systems 2.6 Optimizing Training Resources for EHR Interoperability 2.7 Strategizing Costs for Specialist-driven Interoperability Management 2.8 Navigating Budget Constraints in EHR Interoperability 2.9 Unifying Patient Identification Standards Across HIEs 2.10 Advancing Allergy Management to Enhance Patient Care 3. Embracing Interoperability for a Connected Healthcare Future 1.Exploring Hurdles in EHR Interoperability Despite significant efforts and investments in health information systems and technology, coupled with many years of widespread availability, the full benefits of electronic health records (EHRs) still need to be realized. The reality is that most physicians continue to rely on faxing and mailing patient records, just as they did a decade ago. Numerous government-certified EHR products are being used, each utilizing distinct clinical terminologies, technical specifications, and functional capabilities. These differences make it challenging to establish a unified standard interoperability format for data sharing. Interestingly, even EHR systems built on the same platform might not be interoperable, as they are frequently highly customized to an organization’s specific workflow and preferences. Given these circumstances, the article examines ten challenges and their corresponding EHR interoperability solutions to enhance patient care. 2.Addressing EHR Interoperability Challenges: Mapping Effective Paths The primary goal of healthcare interoperability is to enable seamless sharing of health-related information between healthcare providers and patients, aiding in clinical decision-making. Here are several challenges to accomplishing this aim, along with their corresponding interoperability solutions: 2. 1 Upgrading from Outdated Legacy Systems One of the significant challenges in achieving EHR interoperability is the need to transition from outdated legacy systems. Many healthcare facilities still rely on older, proprietary EHR systems that need more compatibility and standards to communicate seamlessly with modern, interconnected healthcare networks. These legacy systems often need more data exchange capabilities, leading to inefficiencies, data inconsistencies, and barriers to collaborative patient care. The intricate process of upgrading or replacing these systems while ensuring data integrity and continuity of care poses a considerable obstacle to achieving comprehensive EHR interoperability. Healthcare institutions need to implement a strategic and phased approach to address this challenge. This involves assessing the existing EHR, identifying interoperability gaps, and selecting modern healthcare interoperability solutions that adhere to industry standards, such as Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (HL7 FHIR) and open APIs. A well-defined migration plan should be developed, including data migration, new system integration, and staff training. Collaboration with EHR vendors, IT experts, and clinical stakeholders is crucial to ensuring a smooth transition. 2.2 Managing Inconsistent Information Across Multiple Sources As patients move through different healthcare settings and encounter various medical professionals, their health information becomes distributed across multiple sources, leading to discrepancies, duplications, and variations in data. This inconsistency can compromise patient safety, treatment accuracy, and healthcare quality. Furthermore, different institutions' varying data formats, coding systems, and documentation practices exacerbate the challenge of creating a unified and accurate patient record. A potential solution to this challenge involves developing and adopting standardized data exchange protocols. By implementing common data standards and practices, healthcare providers can ensure that patient information is accurately represented and uniformly understood across different systems. In addition, robust data validation processes and reconciliation algorithms can help identify and rectify inconsistencies during data integration. Moreover, creating a centralized patient identity management system that links various patient records to a single, accurate identity can significantly mitigate the issue of duplicated or mismatched information. 2.3 Overcoming Organizational Resistance to Sharing Data This EHR interoperability challenge pertains to the reluctance of healthcare institutions, clinics, and providers to readily exchange patient information and medical records due to concerns over data privacy, competitive advantage, and operational complexities. This resistance often leads to fragmented patient care, hindered medical research, and compromised clinical decision-making. Addressing this challenge necessitates the establishment of clear data-sharing protocols, robust privacy safeguards, and incentivized collaboration. By fostering a culture of trust, emphasizing the collective benefits of data exchange, and implementing interoperability standards, the healthcare ecosystem can encourage reluctant organizations to actively share essential patient data, ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes and more efficient healthcare delivery. 2.4 Balancing Security and Consent This challenge in EHR interoperability revolves around the delicate equilibrium between ensuring patient data security and privacy while enabling the seamless sharing of EHRs across different healthcare systems. Striking the right balance involves addressing concerns about unauthorized access, data breaches, and patient consent preferences. While robust security measures are necessary to safeguard sensitive health information, overly stringent restrictions can hinder the efficient exchange of vital medical data, potentially impeding timely and informed patient care, medical research, and healthcare system efficiency. Potential EHR interoperability solutions to this challenge include implementing a layered security and consent management approach. This involves combining strong encryption, authentication protocols, and access controls to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of EHRs. Moreover, the adoption of standardized and granular consent mechanisms empowers patients to regulate both access to their data and the purposes for which it can be accessed. An integrated framework that employs advanced technologies like blockchain for secure audit trails and data-sharing logs can enhance transparency and accountability. Furthermore, patient education and awareness campaigns can empower individuals to make informed data-sharing decisions, fostering a collaborative environment where security, consent, and interoperability coexist harmoniously. 2.5 Harmonizing Data Standards Across Diverse Software Systems This challenge encompasses integrating and exchanging medical data across various software platforms and applications used within the healthcare industry. To tackle this challenge, a comprehensive solution includes the widespread adoption and adherence to standardized data formats, coding conventions, and communication protocols by developers, healthcare organizations, and EHR integration software. To address this challenge, a comprehensive solution involves the establishment of standardized data formats, coding conventions, and communication protocols widely adopted and adhered to by EHR software developers and healthcare organizations. This could be achieved through industry collaboration, government regulations, and incentives for adopting interoperability standards. Additionally, implementing APIs that translate and map data between different formats can help bridge the gap between diverse software systems. 2.6 Optimizing Training Resources for EHR Interoperability This hurdle involves preparing healthcare professionals, IT staff, and other stakeholders to effectively navigate and implement interoperable EHR systems. Ensuring that healthcare personnel possess the necessary skills and knowledge to seamlessly integrate, maintain, and utilize interconnected EHR systems amidst rapidly evolving technology and standards poses a significant hurdle. This challenge involves understanding the intricacies of interoperability protocols and grasping the broader context of data security, patient privacy, and efficient data exchange among diverse healthcare entities. To address this challenge, developing comprehensive and up-to-date training programs that cover both technical aspects (interoperability standards, APIs, and data formats) and practical considerations (security protocols, data governance) is crucial. Collaborations with vendors, industry experts, and academia can ensure the training content remains aligned and updated with current EHR trends. Integrating EHR interoperability education into medical and IT curricula can also lay a foundation for future professionals. Continuous learning opportunities, including EHR analytics courses, certifications, and knowledge-sharing platforms, can further bolster the continual development of skills and knowledge exchange. This process cultivates a skilled workforce capable of fully leveraging EHR interoperability while upholding the integrity and privacy of patient data. 2.7 Strategizing Costs for Specialist-driven Interoperability Management This challenge pertains to the complex and costly task of ensuring seamless data exchange among diverse EHR systems, mainly when managed by specialists with domain-specific knowledge. These specialists play a crucial role in tailoring EHR interoperability solutions to the unique needs of their medical domains. Still, the financial implications of such endeavors can be substantial, involving customization, integration, and maintenance expenses. Finding an effective solution requires a multi-faceted approach involving standardized interoperability frameworks, modular system design, strategic resource allocation, and collaborative partnerships among EHR vendors, healthcare institutions, and specialists. By optimizing the balance between customization and standardization and leveraging technological advances like APIs and cloud computing, healthcare ecosystems can mitigate costs while achieving efficient and secure data exchange that benefits patients and healthcare providers. 2.8 Navigating Budget Constraints in EHR Interoperability This issue relates to healthcare organizations' significant financial limitations when striving to establish seamless EHR data exchange across disparate systems. As healthcare entities aim to enhance patient care coordination and data accessibility, the cost of implementing and maintaining interoperable EHR systems becomes a substantial hurdle. This challenge necessitates a delicate balance between allocating resources for EHR integration, customization, and ongoing maintenance while ensuring that patient data remains secure and accessible to authorized stakeholders. A possible avenue to deal with the budget constraints in EHR interoperability is the strategic adoption of open-source frameworks. By leveraging open-source solutions, healthcare organizations can reduce licensing fees and development costs associated with proprietary systems, allowing them to allocate resources more efficiently. Additionally, collaborating with industry consortia and governmental initiatives that promote standardized data exchange protocols can foster economies of scale, streamlining the implementation process. Moreover, investing in cloud-based technologies can offer scalable and cost-effective data storage and sharing infrastructure. 2.9 Unifying Patient Identification Standards Across HIEs The crux of this issue involves the need for consistent patient identification methods across different healthcare systems and data-sharing networks. This inconsistency results in errors, data duplication, and compromised patient safety as information is exchanged between entities. Without a standardized patient identification system, accurate matching of patient records becomes a complex endeavor, hindering the seamless exchange of EHRs and undermining the potential benefits of interoperability. To address this challenge, a comprehensive solution involves establishing and adopting a universally recognized patient identification standard that spans all participating HIEs. This standard could include using unique patient identifiers or a combination of demographic, biometric, and cryptographic identifiers to ensure accurate and secure patient matching. Additionally, implementing advanced data governance practices, strong privacy protections, and robust data validation algorithms would enhance the accuracy and security of patient identification. Collaboration between healthcare organizations, government agencies, and technology experts is crucial to developing and implementing this standardized approach, fostering a more interconnected and effective healthcare ecosystem while safeguarding patient privacy and data integrity. 2.10 Advancing Allergy Management to Enhance Patient Care Healthcare providers need help seamlessly sharing allergy-related patient data across different EHR platforms, hindering comprehensive patient care. This lack of interoperability leads to fragmented information, potential medication errors, and compromised treatment decisions, ultimately impacting patient safety and outcomes. One viable solution for addressing this challenge is to establish standardized data exchange protocols alongside a unified health information exchange framework. Implementing FHIR standards can enable the consistent and secure sharing of allergy information among EHR systems. Additionally, incentivizing healthcare organizations to adopt these interoperability EHR standards and invest in compatible technologies will promote a cohesive ecosystem where allergy data can be accurately and swiftly exchanged. Collaborative efforts among EHR vendors, healthcare providers, and regulatory bodies are essential to ensure the seamless flow of allergy-related information, resulting in enhanced patient care, reduced medical errors, and improved healthcare efficiency. 3.Embracing Interoperability for a Connected Healthcare Future With the goal of a cohesive healthcare future in mind, the value of embracing interoperability is immeasurable. This article highlights the essential role of interoperability in overcoming the challenges posed by fragmented data and improving patient outcomes. As healthcare systems continue to develop, the smooth exchange of EHRs becomes crucial, fostering collaboration among diverse stakeholders and facilitating well-informed decision-making. By creating an environment in which EHRs can seamlessly communicate, healthcare providers have the potential to offer more comprehensive, patient-centered care, minimize duplication, and expedite both diagnoses and treatments. Although achieving an interoperable healthcare ecosystem may involve complexity, the benefits of efficiency, precision, and overall quality of care underscore its necessity as a transformative journey.

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Healthtech Security

Most Popular Healthcare Supply Chain Trends for Next 05 Years

Article | August 31, 2023

Introduction Top Upcoming Healthcare Supply Chain Trends to Know About Immediate Access to Medical Supplies Emphasis on Visibility and Tracking Investment in Technologies Artificial Intelligence Cloud Computing Data Analytics Healthcare Supply Chain Management Solutions: Features and Significance Why Is Supply Chain Management Software Gaining Prominence in Healthcare? Closing Thoughts Introduction With the ever-evolving and changing nature of the healthcare industry, organizations are discovering new methods to eliminate waste, reduce costs, and prioritize patient concerns. Despite the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic has shown the vulnerabilities of healthcare supply chains and caused shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) and other essential medical supplies, it has served as a catalyst for innovation and digital transformation in healthcare supply chain management solutions. Healthcare and medical organizations have learned the hard way to let go of the traditional ways of thinking, such as a mindset that prioritizes just-in-time supply chains and logistics optimization over everything else. Tight, fragile supply networks and lousy inventory management have caused severe shortages of pharmaceutical and medical supplies in the past. However, with the emergence of innovative technologies and trends, now is the time to adopt a new mindset that emphasizes supply chain resilience, flexibility, and agility, making supply chains stronger and adaptable. This will enable healthcare spaces to handle unexpected spikes in demand and survive unpredictable disruptions brought on by pandemics, natural disasters, or cyberattacks in the future. Top Upcoming Healthcare Supply Chain Trends to Know About In recent years, healthcare providers have been concentrating on supply chain management solutions not only to increase the effectiveness of supply chain networks but also to gain more visibility into the entire supply chain. With the goal of streamlining the ordering process, enhancing demand planning & inventory management, and informing purchasing contract decisions, healthcare providers have started to understand the potential of advanced healthcare supply chain solutions. Since then, these organizations have recognized the value of an efficient and dependable supply chain as a critical competitive differentiator. A substantial rise in medical and healthcare spending is being witnessed across the globe due to the rapidly increasing number of various diseases and conditions, such as chronic ailments, infectious diseases, and genetic disorders. According to a study, the national health expenditure in the U.S. reached US$ 4.1 trillion in 2020, including the spending of US$ 829 billion on Medicare and US$ 671 billion on medical aid. Hence, healthcare organizations, manufacturers of medical devices, and other entities participating in the medical supply chain are investing in innovative supply chain and logistic solutions to provide optimal and timely treatments to patients. Innovation is not only crucial for lowering operating expenses and simplifying business processes, but it is also necessary for providing superior care to patients and enhancing clinical outcomes. Let's see some of the top healthcare supply chain trends that are revolutionizing the healthcare sector. Immediate Access to Medical Supplies Medical equipment and component shortages are not new challenges for the healthcare industry. Hospitals and other medical establishments have faced continual disruptions in the supply chain over the last decade, starting from personal protective equipment and medical device shortages to improper management of medical inventory. This was especially witnessed in the past two years, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Healthcare producers previously adopted a strategy to either pay higher premiums for medical equipment or stockpile them on their balance sheets. However, the issue with this strategy was that during the acute and unprecedented shortage, fewer devices and parts were left to acquire and keep in inventory, which has compelled hospitals to adopt a more cautious supply chain strategy. Medical establishments need a more diverse pool of suppliers and cannot only rely on just-in-time inventory ordering. Hence, a swift rise in inclination toward adopting sophisticated supply chain solutions is being witnessed across the industry to monitor certain suppliers' run rates. This enables modern healthcare organizations to create more resilient and robust hospital supply chains and provide immediate access to medical inventory. Emphasis on Visibility and Tracking One of the most prevalent healthcare supply chain trends witnessed across the industry is the growing focus on visibility and tracking. Obtaining medical supplies, equipment, drugs and others safely, timely, and accurately from the factory floor to patients is the responsibility of the healthcare supply chain. As the industry shifts to value-based care models, the healthcare supply chain is experiencing enormous pressure to increase visibility, decline costs, and improve outcomes. With the advent of online shopping and the introduction of novel medical e-commerce platforms, manufacturers and suppliers of healthcare products are focusing on real-time tracking during transit and logistics operations. As a result, they are increasingly adopting advanced healthcare supply chain management software to enhance visibility, stream operations, and decrease delivery time. Investment in Technologies The efficient management of the healthcare supply chain is paramount for proper patient care and inventory control. The implementation of digital healthcare technology is an essential step toward the achievement of a higher level of efficiency in supply chain management. Digital healthcare logistics and supply chain solutions have the potential to generate long-term value for healthcare providers, which is one of the main aspects driving the transformation away from the conventional healthcare supply chain. It is improving patients' access to care while making it more efficient, cost-effective, and secure. In addition to this, the integration of advanced technologies is assisting hospitals and healthcare providers in reducing operational costs and identifying appropriate growth opportunities. The following are the technologies healthcare organizations are investing in to strengthen their supply chain management Artificial Intelligence The healthcare supply chain trend that is paving the way in the industry is artificial intelligence (AI). It is the future of the healthcare supply chain. The integration of the technology assists in improving logistics efficiencies via quicker data processing, continuous process improvement, and accurate demand-supply forecasting. By connecting historical data with external patterns that affect production, AI presents a chance to greatly increase the speed and precision of healthcare logistics and supply chain activities. In addition, it enables medical equipment manufacturers and suppliers to constantly record crucial operational data and preserve institutional expertise for future use. Cloud Computing Cloud computing technologies have played a significant role in transforming the healthcare supply chain management that is used today. It reduces expenses, shortens logistics operations, and increases data security by centralizing data and providing access to that data to numerous associated entities. With technological advancements, cloud computing is anticipated to gain huge popularity in creating a resilient supply chain with a well-knitted network of healthcare providers, manufacturers, and suppliers. And also provides next-generation features, such as transport route optimization and automatic inventory management. Data Analytics Data analytics provides a broader range of in-depth information that can be used to make operational processes more effective, inventory management more strategic, and decisions more accurate. It also assists in transforming the healthcare supply chain by providing access to cutting-edge methods like data mining, predictive forecasting, and predictive analytics to foresee future events with precision, assisting healthcare providers in forecasting further demand and supply interruptions. In addition to the increasing need for declining costs and transit time, drug manufacturers and healthcare aid suppliers are investing in advanced data analytics to assist them in visualizing the whole supply chain, including its pain points, inefficiencies, and strengths. Healthcare Supply Chain Management Solutions: Features and Significance The healthcare industry as a whole is thriving, and this growth is reflected in the more sophisticated and digital nature of healthcare supply chain management software. The solution helps medical facilities see the big picture by coordinating and integrating procedures that manage and control the flow of money, data, and items as a product or service, all the way from the point of production to healthcare spaces, allowing for more efficient care. The primary goals of these supply chain solutions, such as healthcare logistics software, are to improve visibility and efficiency throughout the distribution network. In recent years, these goals have expanded to include the strategic objective of improving supply chain agility and resilience— to cope with times of uncertainty, shortages, and volatility in demand and supply conditions. Getting supply chain management right in healthcare means that participating players will be able to effectively identify and resolve bottlenecks, possible interruptions, and other issues that arise anywhere along the end-to-end supply chain. As one of the features, these supply chain solutions have the potential to improve patient care and safety while reducing waste and wasteful expenses. Let's see a few more features of healthcare supply chain management software Procurement Management Logistics Management Inventory Management Order Management Warehouse Management Supplier Relationship Management Why Is Supply Chain Management Software Gaining Prominence in Healthcare? Due to increasing instances of medication and healthcare aid shortages, a strong need for modernizing the healthcare supply chain is being experienced by numerous hospitals, drug manufacturers, and suppliers. In addition, the growing use of medical e-commerce is further increasing the complexities in the inventory and logistics operations, making it difficult for the players mentioned above to provide timely delivery, reduce wastage, and ultimately save patients. To counter these challenges, medical establishments are emphasizing adopting more advanced and resilient supply chain management solutions, which assist them in streamlining and automating routine manual processes such as logistics operations, planning, forecasting, and others. The following are more reasons to encourage healthcare establishments to adopt resilient supply chain management software Logistics and Shipping Optimization Reduce Cost Effects Enhance Quality Control Increase Flexibility Better Collaboration with Suppliers Reduce Inventory and Overhead Costs Increase Output Enhance Transparency Decrease Delivery Time Closing Thoughts In today’s constantly evolving healthcare sector, medication manufacturers and hospitals are looking to adopt innovative solutions, such as healthcare logistics software, to eliminate waste, reduce costs, and improve patient care. The growing integration of AI, predictive analysis, blockchain, and other technologies is playing a major role in modernizing the healthcare supply chain and streamlining operations by automating and improving decision-making abilities. As the healthcare supply chain trends discussed above keep on creating new roads in the industry, supply chain management solutions, such as healthcare logistics software, are anticipated to become a necessity in the future. Thus, ahead-of-the-curve healthcare providers are seizing this instance as an opportunity to invest in cutting-edge technologies and shift towards using digital solutions to make their supply chains more robust and improve the flexibility of their logistics operations. FAQ What is Healthcare Supply Chain Management Software? Ans: A healthcare supply chain management software assists medication manufacturers and hospitals in sourcing, tracking, quality control, and logistics by automating operations, enabling them to manage costs, time, and inventory by planning and forecasting trends. What Are the Types of Supply Chain Management Software Used in Healthcare? Ans: The most common types of supply chain management software used across the healthcare sector are Logistics Sourcing and Procurement Inventory Management Warehouse Order Processing Shipping What Are the Key Performance Indicators of Supply Chain Management Software in the Healthcare Industry? Ans: Key performance indicators of supply chain management software in healthcare are Reduction in Cost Enhancement in Customer Service Time to Customer Forecasting Accuracy Flow of Logistics Process

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Digital Healthcare

Can Medical Providers Recommend E-cigarettes for Smoking Cessation?

Article | November 29, 2023

Smoking has a lot of consequences to one’s health. It can lead to cancer, heart disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease—all of which are chronic diseases. This is part of the reason why the Health and Human Services agency reports that 70% of adult smokers want to quit. As a medical provider, adults looking to stop smoking will come to you for advice and treatment. One alternative smoking product you might want to recommend is an e-cigarette, given their prevalence in recent years. In this article, let’s take a deeper look at whether e-cigarettes’ should be recommended for smoking cessation and what other treatment options to endorse to patients. Are e-cigarettes approved for smoking cessation? Electronic cigarettes, more commonly known as e-cigarettes, are devices that vaporize nicotine-based liquid to be inhaled by its user. It almost replicates the experience of smoking a cigarette due to the device’s shape and the vapor it produces. However, the FDA has yet to approve e-cigarettes for smoking cessation because there is currently limited research on their effectiveness, benefits, and risks for the human body. Additionally, scientists at the University of California found harmful metals in the vapor from tank-style e-cigarettes. These e-cigarettes are equipped with high-power batteries and atomizers to store more liquid. These result in high concentrations of metals like iron, lead, and nickel in the vapor. Exposure to and inhaling metallic particles may impair lung function and cause chronic respiratory diseases. As such, medical providers should not recommend e-cigarettes for smoking cessation. What can medical providers recommend for smoking cessation? Smoking cessation medication Presently, two FDA-approved prescription medicines for smoking cessation are Bupropion and Varenicline. Bupropion is an antidepressant that decreases tobacco cravings and withdrawal symptoms. It does this by increasing the brain chemicals dopamine and noradrenaline. This comes in a pill and can be used alongside other smoking cessation aids. Varenicline also reduces cravings and nicotine withdrawal symptoms. It blocks nicotine receptors in the brain, decreasing the amount of enjoyment one gets from smoking. One thing to note about this is that it will take several days for Varenicline's effects to take place. Therefore, it's best to prescribe these pills 1-2 weeks before the patient quits smoking. Like Bupropion, Varenicline may be used simultaneously with other quit-smoking products. Nicotine Replacement Therapy Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is a treatment involving nicotine consumption at gradually decreasing levels. This reduces the patient’s desire to smoke without them having to quit cold turkey. NRT involves using nicotine alternatives that don’t produce smoke, such as nicotine pouches and nicotine gum. Nicotine pouches are oral products containing ingredients like nicotine, flavoring, and plant-based fibers. These are placed between the lip and gum, where nicotine is absorbed into the bloodstream. Different variations have different strengths. On! pouches come in different strengths: 2mg, 4mg, and 8mg. Patients may start from 8mg variants and gradually decrease this dosage as their NRT progresses. Pouches also come in a wide range of flavors—including citrus, mint, and berry—to entice users. Meanwhile, nicotine gum is chewing gum that contains nicotine. It is chewed a few times before being parked between the gums and cheek for nicotine absorption. The nicotine gums by Lucy are a significantly better alternative for tobacco users. Like pouches, this gum comes in several flavors, such as cinnamon, mango, and wintergreen, and different strengths ranging from 2mg to 6mg. Counseling The recommendations mentioned above—medication and NRT—are more effective when coupled with counseling. A Primary Care Respiratory Medicine study revealed that successful smoking cessation is best attained through pharmacological treatment and counseling. Sessions typically involve a patient meeting with a counselor and they discuss their smoking habits, possible causes, and how to mitigate them. Medical providers should include counseling in addition to medication and NRT. E-cigarettes have yet to be approved by the FDA as smoking cessation aids. For now, medical providers should provide medication, NRT, and counseling to patients who want to quit smoking.

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Health Technology

What are the Key Types of Healthcare Supply Chain Management Solutions?

Article | November 18, 2022

Introduction Within the last two years, the healthcare industry saw an influx in patient care as COVID-19 swept through communities across the globe. The widespread shortage of patient care tools, personal protective equipment (PPE), and medical technology amid the pandemic led to an exponential rise in health expenditures and demand for essential supplies. In response to the medical demand-supply imbalance, the governments of numerous countries increased their medical care expenditures to counter the challenges of patient care equipment shortages. For instance, according to the National Healthcare Expenditure Data, federal government spending on healthcare and medical care grew by 36% in 2020 and is estimated to reach US$ 6.2 trillion by 2028 in the U.S. Despite the rise in medical budget allocations, medical facilities are still facing difficulties obtaining enough supplies with the growing prevalence of numerous chronic, infectious, and hereditary diseases. As a result, organizations are focusing on deploying innovative solutions, such as healthcare supply chain management software, to keep track of inventory, procurement, logistics, and others and strengthen their supply chain. Healthcare Supply Chain Management Solutions: Key Types Healthcare systems, hospitals, and other patient care sites require a broad array of supplies to perform diagnosis and treatment, from masks and gloves to catheters and implants. Inadequate supplies coupled with inflation is making supply chain management a crucial but complex component in providing optimal patient care across the healthcare industry. This has shed more light on the role of supply chain management in saving lives. Effective supply chains help various regulatory agencies, including medical goods manufacturers and insurance companies, deliver essential supplies, resources, technologies, and other patient care goods to healthcare establishments. Supply chain management solutions are thus garnering massive traction among healthcare organizations for simplifying and automating manual supply chain and logistics operations. Let’s have a look at the types of supply chain management software that assist healthcare organizations to optimize their supply chain processes Inventory Management Software Efficient medical inventory management is critical for the running of healthcare organizations. The software provides real-time inventory tracking, assisting organizations in closely monitoring inventory changes, avoiding shortages of both low-value and high-use patient care items, decreasing the wait time for access to medical supplies, and reducing the chances of late delivery. Order Management Software It is crucial for healthcare establishments to have an estimate of the demand and supply of goods to prevent shortages. Order management software enables these organizations to coordinate supply chain demand planning and forecasting. It also assists in streamlining warehouse operations, resulting in faster and more accurate order placement. Sourcing and Procurement Software By tapping into the power of sourcing and procurement solutions, healthcare organizations can develop robust sourcing processes and automate, streamline, and optimize their entire procurement processes. The software also assists establishments in improving their supply inventory levels, identifying the best supplier, and reducing their overall purchasing cost. Shipping and Tracking Software Shipping and tracking software assist in the planning and execution of the physical movement of goods. These solutions are primarily used by medical equipment manufacturers and suppliers during the delivery or relocation of patient care goods. The integration of these solutions enables organizations to track and manage numerous batches of goods in transit. The Bottom Line Growing competition, healthcare regulations, shipping costs, and increased logistics requirements from medical institutions have complicated the supply chain management processes. As a result, life-science companies are investing in cutting-edge supply chain management solutions to reduce numerous errors, improve logistics, and eliminate unnecessary costs spent to fix them. Thus, several companies are now emphasizing the incorporation of cutting-edge technologies, including artificial intelligence and data analytics, into healthcare supply chain management software to reap benefits such as process automation, streamlined inventory, reduced waste, improved decision-making, and lower labor, supply, and operational costs.

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First Coast Service Options, Inc.

First Coast Service Options (First Coast) has proudly served as one of the nation’s largest Medicare administrators for 50 years, and is the current Medicare Administrative Contractor for Jurisdiction N (JN), which includes Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Florida.

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ClareMedica Health Partners, a Leading Provider of Value-Based Primary Care, Receives Investment from Revelstoke Capital Partners

Revelstoke | February 25, 2022

Revelstoke Capital Partners ("Revelstoke"), aDenver-based private equity firm focused on investing in healthcare services companies, today announced it has made a significant growth investment in ClareMedica Health Partners, LLC ("ClareMedica" or the "Company"), a leader in value-based primary care serving Medicare Advantage members inFlorida. This partnership will accelerate ClareMedica's growth and aid the Company in expanding itsBetterCare℠model into new markets. ClareMedica will continue to be led by CEORoberto Palenzuelaand the current management team, who will retain significant ownership in the business. BPOC, aChicago-based healthcare investor, which has been an investor in ClareMedica since 2019, will also retain equity ownership. "We have always believed in a value-based care model that places a priority on high-quality coordinated care designed to improve health outcomes," said Mr. Palenzuela, who reinvested alongside Revelstoke. "We are delighted to partner with Revelstoke, which has a proven track-record of building prominent healthcare services businesses with this patient centric philosophy. We are excited to use this investment to partner with other physician-led practices, expanding ourBetterCare℠model into new markets throughoutFloridaand into neighboring states." Russell Cassella, Managing Partner at Revelstoke, said, "Our investment in ClareMedica reflects Revelstoke's avid support of the industry's transition from fee-for-service to value-based healthcare, resulting in a greater emphasis on improving patient outcomes. ClareMedica's commitment to providing high-quality care has made it a partner of choice for physicians and payors throughoutFlorida. With our experience in physician practice management and value-based care, we look forward to helping management build a broader regional platform that will increase access to high-quality care." "We look forward to our continued partnership with Roberto and his team because of their patient-centered approach and focus on improving patient outcomes. As value-based care continues to expand, we see significant long-term growth potential as ClareMedica enters new markets and expands access to high-quality care." Peter Magas, Partner at BPOC "After a multi-year outbound search in the value-based primary care sector, we are very pleased to partner with ClareMedica's management team and providers who are dedicated to transforming healthcare," said Cy Barton-Dobenin, Principal at Revelstoke. "Throughout our targeted search process, we have built significant industry knowledge and strategic relationships that we are excited to integrate into ClareMedica's growth plans." SVB Leerinkacted as financial advisor and McGuireWoods LLP acted as legal counsel to Revelstoke.Houlihan Lokeyacted as financial advisor and Kirkland & Ellis LLP andMcDermott Will& Emery LLP acted as legal counsel to ClareMedica and BPOC. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed. About Revelstoke Revelstoke is a private equity firm formed by experienced investors who focus on building industry-leading companies in the healthcare services and healthcare technology sectors. Revelstoke partners with entrepreneurs and management teams to execute on a disciplined organic and acquisition growth strategy as it strives to build exceptional companies. Revelstoke is based inDenver, Coloradoand has approximately$4.3 billionof assets under management. Since the firm's inception in 2013, Revelstoke has completed 142 acquisitions, which includes 25 platform companies and 117 add-on acquisitions. About ClareMedica Health Partners ClareMedica is a growing health care company that provides and coordinates comprehensive health care services for Medicare Advantage members and other customers through a network of employed and affiliated physicians. We deliver accountable, value-based care for all health care stakeholders by employing a patient-centric care model that provides better care for our patients and a changing health care industry. About BPOC Founded in 1996, BPOC is aChicago-based private equity firm that invests exclusively in healthcare companies and is one of the nation's most experienced investors in the industry having raised five funds with total capital commitments of nearly$1.8 billion. BPOC has invested in numerous provider, manufacturing, outsourcing, distribution and information technology companies through growth equity, management buyouts and leveraged recapitalizations.

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Digital Healthcare

Brazilian Heath Tech Company Alice Partners With TytoCare to Expand Telehealth Offerings With At-Home Medical Examinations

TytoCare | February 23, 2022

TytoCare, the global health care industry's first all-in-one modular device and examination platform for AI-powered, on-demand, remote medical exams, and Alice,Brazil'sfirst primary care-driven health insurance plan, have announced today a partnership. Alice is the first company inBrazilto integrate with TytoCare, offering its members an easy-to-use, portable examination kit to conduct virtual physical examinations anywhere, anytime, putting healthcare in the hands of consumers. TytoCare will be distributed exclusively inBrazilby Tuinda Care. Alice, which inDecember 2021received the largest venture capital round ever reported inLatin Americaby a health tech company, began operations inJune 2020as an innovative tech-enabled health plan, built on the foundation of virtual-first, team-based primary care. Besides providing each of its members a 'Health Squad' ("Time de Saúde") – composed of a family doctor, a nurse, a nutritionist, and a physical trainer – the company also serves as a private health insurance provider with access to top-of-the-line hospitals, labs, and a network of medical specialists. Most hospitals in the network are contracted under a value-based healthcare (VBHC) payment model. With the TytoCare partnership, Alice will enable seamless digital diagnostics for its members, while enabling physicians to offer clinic-quality virtual care. TytoCare is the only all-in-one telehealth solution enabling physicians to remotely connect with patients for clinic-quality physical examinations. The handheld examination kit enables users to perform comprehensive exams of the heart, skin, ears, throat, abdomen, and lungs, as well as measure heartrate and body temperature, which are key for treating many acute and chronic conditions. This allows healthcare providers to gain the vital clinical data they require to monitor, diagnose, and treat patients and avoid unnecessary in-person visits. All the data is stored in Alice's app and becomes available to all health professionals who care for the member, allowing for seamless care coordination. "This data integration – the first of its kind inBrazil– enables the member's Health Squad to easily follow up on any chronic or acute condition, providing patients with long-term care while ensuring accuracy, speed, and convenience in both diagnoses and treatment plans. TytoCare also reduces costs and the need for travel to and from hospitals and clinics. In addition, it enables the health professional to share vital information with other physicians and specialists for a second opinion." André Florence, CEO of Alice TytoCare is easy to use and requires only an internet signal for members to conduct synchronous virtual consultations with their physician who can guide them through the exams and see the results in Alice's app. The physician can then better direct the member to the appropriate care pathway, either by referring them to an emergency room or by writing a digital prescription, when necessary. Currently, 15% of digital queries use TytoCare's support and with the integration, this number is expected to grow even further. With TytoCare, Alice can offer better assistance to a member who has, for example, an earache in the middle of the night and opts to use 'Alice Now' ("Alice Agora") – an in-app, text-based virtual primary care service that supports audio and video and is available 24/7 for members who need immediate medical assistance. Within one hour, the member will receive the TytoCare device at home and the physician will guide them through a physical exam to see in real-time what is happening in the ear canal. The TytoCare examination kit can be used to support the care of children and adults as well as for patients with more complex illnesses who need frequent monitoring. "Members with medical complexities use health services more frequently and can benefit from remote monitoring, reducing the frequency of in-person visits," saidAna Carolina Lucchese, Tuinda Care director. "Easier access to medical services can also prevent further complications and hospitalization." About TytoCare TytoCare is a telehealth company using AI to transform primary care by putting health in the hands of consumers. TytoCare seamlessly connects people to clinicians to provide the best virtual home examination and diagnosis solutions.Its solutions are designed to enable a comprehensive medical exam from any location and include a hand-held, all-in-one tool for examining the heart, lungs, skin, ears, throat, abdomen, and body temperature; a complete telehealth platform for sharing exam data, conducting live video exams, and scheduling visits; a cloud-based data repository with analytics; and built-in guidance technology and machine learning algorithms to ensure accuracy and ease of use for patients and insights for healthcare providers. Co-founded byDedi GiladandOfer Tzadikin 2012, TytoCare has FDA and CE clearances and has partnered with over 170 major health systems, health plans, and strategic partners in the U.S.,Europe,Asia,Latin America, andIsrael. About Alice Alice is currently considered the most promising health tech inLatin America. AsBrazil'sfirst primary care-driven health insurance plan, its mission is to make the world healthier. Launched inJune 2020, it already has nearly 7,000 members, more than 550 employees and has raised VC rounds at historically high levels for a health tech in the region. Founded by André Florence,Guilherme AzevedoandMatheus Moraes, the health tech has raised$174.8Mfrom the funds Allen & Company LLC, Canary, Endeavor Catalyst, Globo Ventures, G Squared, Kaszek, Maya Capital, StepStone Group, SoftBank Latin America Fund (SBLA) and ThornTree Capital Partners. About Tuinda Care Tuinda Care is a Healthtech startup focused on expanding access to high quality medical care inBrazilthrough telemedicine. It's the exclusive distributor of TytoCare technology inBrazil, with the purpose to connect clinicians and patients remotely, assuring medical excellence in every online visit. Tuinda Care is accelerated by Pequeno Príncipe Hospital and Sabará Pediatric Hospital, the two most prestigious pediatric hospitals inBrazil.

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Future of Healthcare

Avalon Healthcare Solutions Announces New Collaboration with N.Y.-Based Health Insurer CDPHP

Avalon Healthcare Solutions | February 19, 2022

Avalon Healthcare Solutions, LLC, DBA Avalon Healthcare Solutions, is pleased to announce a new collaboration to provide genetic testing management to Capital District Physicians' Health Plan, Inc. (CDPHP®). Lab testing is the gateway to appropriate diagnosis and treatment plans, and there are more than 13 billion lab tests performed annually in the U.S. Those results influence 70 percent of all medical decisions. Lab testing is highly complex and constantly evolving, creating challenges for health plans to navigate. Avalon, the world's first Lab Insights company, takes lab benefit and value management services to the next level, further removing waste and abuse from the system, while also improving clinical outcomes. Avalon helps its clients provide earlier disease detection for their members and drive treatment protocols to accelerate the Triple Aim of improving the patient experience, improving the health of populations, and reducing the per member cost of healthcare. Avalon and CDPHP are focused on using the latest technology, evidence-based medicine, and provider education to ensure high-quality, cost-effective laboratory services to drive appropriate care for CDPHP members. Avalon's innovative management services unlock the power of lab data, expanding the view to encompass the entire patient journey, optimizing treatment, improving outcomes, and driving down costs. "We are pleased to join together withCDPHP and bring our proven history of management, as well as our innovative approach to unlocking new possibilities. The CDPHP focus on improving the health and well-being of its members and communities is perfectly aligned with Avalon's mission to help our clients enable value-driven care in this dynamic and increasingly challenging environment." Bill Kerr, MD, Chief Executive Officer at Avalon "For nearly 40 years, CDPHP has been committed to lowering the total cost of care while preserving the high-quality service our members and the community at-large have come to expect," saidElizabeth Warner, MD, Senior Vice President of Member Health, CDPHP. "This new venture with Avalon Healthcare Solutions will further our mission of ensuring care is delivered at the right place, at the right time, and with the best outcome possible for each and every member we serve." About Avalon Healthcare Solutions Avalon Healthcare Solutions is the world's first and only Lab Insights company, bringing together our proven Lab Benefit Management solutions, lab science expertise, digitized lab values, and proprietary analytics to help healthcare insurers proactively inform appropriate care, reduce costs, and improve clinical outcomes. Working with health plans across the country, the company covers more than 36 million lives and delivers 7-12% outpatient lab benefit savings. Avalon is pioneering a new era of value-driven care with its Lab Insights Platform that captures, digitizes, and analyzes lab results in real time to provide actionable insights for earlier disease detection, ensuring appropriate treatment protocols, and driving down overall cost. About CDPHP® Established in 1984, CDPHP is a physician-founded, member-focused and community-based not-for-profit health plan that offers high-quality affordable health insurance plans to members in 29 counties throughoutNew York.

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Future of Healthcare

ClareMedica Health Partners, a Leading Provider of Value-Based Primary Care, Receives Investment from Revelstoke Capital Partners

Revelstoke | February 25, 2022

Revelstoke Capital Partners ("Revelstoke"), aDenver-based private equity firm focused on investing in healthcare services companies, today announced it has made a significant growth investment in ClareMedica Health Partners, LLC ("ClareMedica" or the "Company"), a leader in value-based primary care serving Medicare Advantage members inFlorida. This partnership will accelerate ClareMedica's growth and aid the Company in expanding itsBetterCare℠model into new markets. ClareMedica will continue to be led by CEORoberto Palenzuelaand the current management team, who will retain significant ownership in the business. BPOC, aChicago-based healthcare investor, which has been an investor in ClareMedica since 2019, will also retain equity ownership. "We have always believed in a value-based care model that places a priority on high-quality coordinated care designed to improve health outcomes," said Mr. Palenzuela, who reinvested alongside Revelstoke. "We are delighted to partner with Revelstoke, which has a proven track-record of building prominent healthcare services businesses with this patient centric philosophy. We are excited to use this investment to partner with other physician-led practices, expanding ourBetterCare℠model into new markets throughoutFloridaand into neighboring states." Russell Cassella, Managing Partner at Revelstoke, said, "Our investment in ClareMedica reflects Revelstoke's avid support of the industry's transition from fee-for-service to value-based healthcare, resulting in a greater emphasis on improving patient outcomes. ClareMedica's commitment to providing high-quality care has made it a partner of choice for physicians and payors throughoutFlorida. With our experience in physician practice management and value-based care, we look forward to helping management build a broader regional platform that will increase access to high-quality care." "We look forward to our continued partnership with Roberto and his team because of their patient-centered approach and focus on improving patient outcomes. As value-based care continues to expand, we see significant long-term growth potential as ClareMedica enters new markets and expands access to high-quality care." Peter Magas, Partner at BPOC "After a multi-year outbound search in the value-based primary care sector, we are very pleased to partner with ClareMedica's management team and providers who are dedicated to transforming healthcare," said Cy Barton-Dobenin, Principal at Revelstoke. "Throughout our targeted search process, we have built significant industry knowledge and strategic relationships that we are excited to integrate into ClareMedica's growth plans." SVB Leerinkacted as financial advisor and McGuireWoods LLP acted as legal counsel to Revelstoke.Houlihan Lokeyacted as financial advisor and Kirkland & Ellis LLP andMcDermott Will& Emery LLP acted as legal counsel to ClareMedica and BPOC. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed. About Revelstoke Revelstoke is a private equity firm formed by experienced investors who focus on building industry-leading companies in the healthcare services and healthcare technology sectors. Revelstoke partners with entrepreneurs and management teams to execute on a disciplined organic and acquisition growth strategy as it strives to build exceptional companies. Revelstoke is based inDenver, Coloradoand has approximately$4.3 billionof assets under management. Since the firm's inception in 2013, Revelstoke has completed 142 acquisitions, which includes 25 platform companies and 117 add-on acquisitions. About ClareMedica Health Partners ClareMedica is a growing health care company that provides and coordinates comprehensive health care services for Medicare Advantage members and other customers through a network of employed and affiliated physicians. We deliver accountable, value-based care for all health care stakeholders by employing a patient-centric care model that provides better care for our patients and a changing health care industry. About BPOC Founded in 1996, BPOC is aChicago-based private equity firm that invests exclusively in healthcare companies and is one of the nation's most experienced investors in the industry having raised five funds with total capital commitments of nearly$1.8 billion. BPOC has invested in numerous provider, manufacturing, outsourcing, distribution and information technology companies through growth equity, management buyouts and leveraged recapitalizations.

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Digital Healthcare

Brazilian Heath Tech Company Alice Partners With TytoCare to Expand Telehealth Offerings With At-Home Medical Examinations

TytoCare | February 23, 2022

TytoCare, the global health care industry's first all-in-one modular device and examination platform for AI-powered, on-demand, remote medical exams, and Alice,Brazil'sfirst primary care-driven health insurance plan, have announced today a partnership. Alice is the first company inBrazilto integrate with TytoCare, offering its members an easy-to-use, portable examination kit to conduct virtual physical examinations anywhere, anytime, putting healthcare in the hands of consumers. TytoCare will be distributed exclusively inBrazilby Tuinda Care. Alice, which inDecember 2021received the largest venture capital round ever reported inLatin Americaby a health tech company, began operations inJune 2020as an innovative tech-enabled health plan, built on the foundation of virtual-first, team-based primary care. Besides providing each of its members a 'Health Squad' ("Time de Saúde") – composed of a family doctor, a nurse, a nutritionist, and a physical trainer – the company also serves as a private health insurance provider with access to top-of-the-line hospitals, labs, and a network of medical specialists. Most hospitals in the network are contracted under a value-based healthcare (VBHC) payment model. With the TytoCare partnership, Alice will enable seamless digital diagnostics for its members, while enabling physicians to offer clinic-quality virtual care. TytoCare is the only all-in-one telehealth solution enabling physicians to remotely connect with patients for clinic-quality physical examinations. The handheld examination kit enables users to perform comprehensive exams of the heart, skin, ears, throat, abdomen, and lungs, as well as measure heartrate and body temperature, which are key for treating many acute and chronic conditions. This allows healthcare providers to gain the vital clinical data they require to monitor, diagnose, and treat patients and avoid unnecessary in-person visits. All the data is stored in Alice's app and becomes available to all health professionals who care for the member, allowing for seamless care coordination. "This data integration – the first of its kind inBrazil– enables the member's Health Squad to easily follow up on any chronic or acute condition, providing patients with long-term care while ensuring accuracy, speed, and convenience in both diagnoses and treatment plans. TytoCare also reduces costs and the need for travel to and from hospitals and clinics. In addition, it enables the health professional to share vital information with other physicians and specialists for a second opinion." André Florence, CEO of Alice TytoCare is easy to use and requires only an internet signal for members to conduct synchronous virtual consultations with their physician who can guide them through the exams and see the results in Alice's app. The physician can then better direct the member to the appropriate care pathway, either by referring them to an emergency room or by writing a digital prescription, when necessary. Currently, 15% of digital queries use TytoCare's support and with the integration, this number is expected to grow even further. With TytoCare, Alice can offer better assistance to a member who has, for example, an earache in the middle of the night and opts to use 'Alice Now' ("Alice Agora") – an in-app, text-based virtual primary care service that supports audio and video and is available 24/7 for members who need immediate medical assistance. Within one hour, the member will receive the TytoCare device at home and the physician will guide them through a physical exam to see in real-time what is happening in the ear canal. The TytoCare examination kit can be used to support the care of children and adults as well as for patients with more complex illnesses who need frequent monitoring. "Members with medical complexities use health services more frequently and can benefit from remote monitoring, reducing the frequency of in-person visits," saidAna Carolina Lucchese, Tuinda Care director. "Easier access to medical services can also prevent further complications and hospitalization." About TytoCare TytoCare is a telehealth company using AI to transform primary care by putting health in the hands of consumers. TytoCare seamlessly connects people to clinicians to provide the best virtual home examination and diagnosis solutions.Its solutions are designed to enable a comprehensive medical exam from any location and include a hand-held, all-in-one tool for examining the heart, lungs, skin, ears, throat, abdomen, and body temperature; a complete telehealth platform for sharing exam data, conducting live video exams, and scheduling visits; a cloud-based data repository with analytics; and built-in guidance technology and machine learning algorithms to ensure accuracy and ease of use for patients and insights for healthcare providers. Co-founded byDedi GiladandOfer Tzadikin 2012, TytoCare has FDA and CE clearances and has partnered with over 170 major health systems, health plans, and strategic partners in the U.S.,Europe,Asia,Latin America, andIsrael. About Alice Alice is currently considered the most promising health tech inLatin America. AsBrazil'sfirst primary care-driven health insurance plan, its mission is to make the world healthier. Launched inJune 2020, it already has nearly 7,000 members, more than 550 employees and has raised VC rounds at historically high levels for a health tech in the region. Founded by André Florence,Guilherme AzevedoandMatheus Moraes, the health tech has raised$174.8Mfrom the funds Allen & Company LLC, Canary, Endeavor Catalyst, Globo Ventures, G Squared, Kaszek, Maya Capital, StepStone Group, SoftBank Latin America Fund (SBLA) and ThornTree Capital Partners. About Tuinda Care Tuinda Care is a Healthtech startup focused on expanding access to high quality medical care inBrazilthrough telemedicine. It's the exclusive distributor of TytoCare technology inBrazil, with the purpose to connect clinicians and patients remotely, assuring medical excellence in every online visit. Tuinda Care is accelerated by Pequeno Príncipe Hospital and Sabará Pediatric Hospital, the two most prestigious pediatric hospitals inBrazil.

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Future of Healthcare

Avalon Healthcare Solutions Announces New Collaboration with N.Y.-Based Health Insurer CDPHP

Avalon Healthcare Solutions | February 19, 2022

Avalon Healthcare Solutions, LLC, DBA Avalon Healthcare Solutions, is pleased to announce a new collaboration to provide genetic testing management to Capital District Physicians' Health Plan, Inc. (CDPHP®). Lab testing is the gateway to appropriate diagnosis and treatment plans, and there are more than 13 billion lab tests performed annually in the U.S. Those results influence 70 percent of all medical decisions. Lab testing is highly complex and constantly evolving, creating challenges for health plans to navigate. Avalon, the world's first Lab Insights company, takes lab benefit and value management services to the next level, further removing waste and abuse from the system, while also improving clinical outcomes. Avalon helps its clients provide earlier disease detection for their members and drive treatment protocols to accelerate the Triple Aim of improving the patient experience, improving the health of populations, and reducing the per member cost of healthcare. Avalon and CDPHP are focused on using the latest technology, evidence-based medicine, and provider education to ensure high-quality, cost-effective laboratory services to drive appropriate care for CDPHP members. Avalon's innovative management services unlock the power of lab data, expanding the view to encompass the entire patient journey, optimizing treatment, improving outcomes, and driving down costs. "We are pleased to join together withCDPHP and bring our proven history of management, as well as our innovative approach to unlocking new possibilities. The CDPHP focus on improving the health and well-being of its members and communities is perfectly aligned with Avalon's mission to help our clients enable value-driven care in this dynamic and increasingly challenging environment." Bill Kerr, MD, Chief Executive Officer at Avalon "For nearly 40 years, CDPHP has been committed to lowering the total cost of care while preserving the high-quality service our members and the community at-large have come to expect," saidElizabeth Warner, MD, Senior Vice President of Member Health, CDPHP. "This new venture with Avalon Healthcare Solutions will further our mission of ensuring care is delivered at the right place, at the right time, and with the best outcome possible for each and every member we serve." About Avalon Healthcare Solutions Avalon Healthcare Solutions is the world's first and only Lab Insights company, bringing together our proven Lab Benefit Management solutions, lab science expertise, digitized lab values, and proprietary analytics to help healthcare insurers proactively inform appropriate care, reduce costs, and improve clinical outcomes. Working with health plans across the country, the company covers more than 36 million lives and delivers 7-12% outpatient lab benefit savings. Avalon is pioneering a new era of value-driven care with its Lab Insights Platform that captures, digitizes, and analyzes lab results in real time to provide actionable insights for earlier disease detection, ensuring appropriate treatment protocols, and driving down overall cost. About CDPHP® Established in 1984, CDPHP is a physician-founded, member-focused and community-based not-for-profit health plan that offers high-quality affordable health insurance plans to members in 29 counties throughoutNew York.

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