A new dementia currency in primary care

There has been unparalleled interest in, and awareness of, dementia over the last five years. This was ignited by the publication of the National Dementia Strategy in 2009, energised by the first Prime Minister’s challenge on dementia in 2012 and fuelled by a raft of developments such as the hospital dementia scheme, the primary care detection initiative, the creation of Dementia Action Alliances across the country, reduction in the prescription of antipsychotic drugs by 50% and the creation of one million dementia friends.


Episirus Scientifica

With a view to promoting the research advancement, Episirus Scientifica is committed to bringing together leading experts of medical professionals, researchers, engineers, and scientists. We aspire to keep the world abreast of changing dynamics of the scientific arena through our international conferences, events, and exhibitions. Our motive is to create a nexus of distinguished scholars, young researchers and industry experts to collaborate and harness the benefit of the scholars networking through our strong chain of academicians and market experts, we always strive to bring changes to our scientific events.

Health Technology, Digital Healthcare

Boost Your Lab's Efficiency with LIMS Software

Article | August 16, 2023

Contents 1. Getting Started with LIMS Software 2. Benefits of Incorporating LIMS Software into Lab Management 3. LIMS Software Classification 4. Selecting the Right LIMS Software: A Comparison of Variants 5. How LIMS Software Revolutionized Laboratory Management 6. Future Scope 1. Getting Started with LIMS Software Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) software automates laboratory operations, improves productivity, and ensures the accuracy as well as reliability of laboratory data. It can be implemented in clinical laboratories, research & development labs, and environmental testing labs and tailored to meet specific needs. LIMS software seamlessly integrates with other laboratory systems, such as electronic lab notebooks and scientific data management systems. LIMS class software enables storing and managing all information in one place, improving day-to-day work. Yet, research reveals that still 40% of industry leaders 'had not embarked on applying digital to research and development or quality control labs'. (Source: Accenture) 2. Benefits of Incorporating LIMS Software into Lab Management By implementing LIMS software, laboratories can significantly reduce time spent locating samples and records, entering data, and generating reports. LIMS software also offers additional advantages when integrated into laboratory management, such as 1. Optimizing: LIMS automates laboratory processes, allowing for a paperless environment and increased productivity. It also ensures accurate test results by preventing the use of outdated instruments. 2. Automating: LIMS facilitates the input of essential sample information, including its source, date, time, and location of the collection as well as processing data. 3. Compliant: LIMS helps labs follow FDA regulations by creating an audit trail that tracks all activities, including record creation, modification, and deletion. It also enables electronic signatures to authenticate key activities and keep data secure and traceable. 4. Collaborative: LIMS streamlines inter-laboratory collaboration through the option to share data access. This allows lab technicians from disparate laboratories to be seamlessly assigned to different projects and obtain the required information without disruption. 5. Security: LIMS systems offer various mechanisms for managing user access, such as an in-built user management system with a unique username and password, integration with LDAP or Active Directory for user authentication, and access through an Identity Server. 3. LIMS Software Classification Laboratory Information Management System software can be classified based on several criteria, including functionality, deployment model, industry focus, and the laboratory's needs. Here is a list of critical features that can be considered while classifying LIMS software: 1. Functionality: Different LIMS software may have varying functionality, including sample tracking, data management, instrument integration, quality control, workflow management, and reporting. 2. Deployment Model: LIMS software can be deployed on-premises or in the cloud. On-premises deployment means that the software is installed and run on the laboratory's own servers, while cloud-based deployment means that the software is hosted and maintained by a third-party provider. 3. Industry Focus: LIMS software can be designed for specific industries or applications, such as pharmaceutical research, clinical laboratories, food and beverage testing, environmental testing, and more. 4. Open-Source vs. Proprietary: LIMS software can also be classified as either open-source or proprietary. Open-source software is freely available and can be modified by users, while a company owns proprietary software and requires a license to use it. 5. Scalability: The size of the laboratory and the number of users accessing the LIMS software can also be a factor in classification. Some LIMS software may be more scalable, allowing for easy expansion as the laboratory grows. 6. Integration Capabilities: LIMS software can also be classified based on its ability to integrate with other software or instruments. Some LIMS software may be more flexible and have better integration capabilities than others, allowing for seamless data exchange between different systems. 4. Selecting the Right LIMS Software: A Comparison of Variants While selecting the most appropriate LIMS variant, the wide range of available options can pose a challenge for laboratory decision-makers. To aid in this selection process, a comprehensive comparative analysis of LIMS variants is presented below: 1. Lab managers can adopt an objective approach for evaluating and comparing different LIMS solutions by creating a grading rubric. This involves designing a table with separate columns for each LIMS vendor and rows listing the desired features as well as functionalities. To provide a more comprehensive evaluation, advanced rubrics may include rating each functionality on a particular LIMS using a scale of 1 to 5. 2. Next, it is crucial to review how LIMS solutions are structured and stored. This includes determining whether the solution is on-premise or cloud-based, either as a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) or software-as-a-service (SaaS). For optimal flexibility in the laboratory's computing structure, choosing a vendor that offers LIMS as a comprehensive solution is advantageous. 3. Data access must be controlled by using unique user IDs and passwords. Furthermore, data security standards such as HIPAA compliance and SSL encryption will likely be mandatory across many laboratory industries. It is thus imperative to carefully consider and ensure the security features of any potential LIMS solution. 4. To assess the level of support that can be expected with a particular LIMS, one effective method is to directly inquire with the software vendor about outages, response time, and plans of action to address any glitches preemptively. Managing expectations around the LIMS requires asking about the frequency of LIMS updates, including how often the platform is updated, how updates are announced and deployed, and the expected duration of any update-related outages. 5. While selecting a LIMS solution, laboratories must establish a target go-live date, especially when implementing the system in response to, or preparation for, an audit. Software vendors should provide a deployment and implementation timeline, which can be used to compare with the laboratory's objectives and goals. This helps to ensure that the LIMS solution is implemented in a timely and efficient manner. 5. How LIMS Software Revolutionized Laboratory Management LIMS software has fundamentally revolutionized the laboratory management system in several ways. Before the advent of LIMS, laboratory operations were often paper-based and highly manual, leading to inefficiencies, errors, and inconsistencies. However, with the implementation of LIMS, laboratories have become more efficient, accurate, and compliant. LIMS has also improved laboratory productivity, allowing scientists to focus on higher-value tasks like data analysis and interpretation. It has enabled collaboration between different laboratories, facilitating communication and knowledge sharing between scientists, researchers, and analysts, and is also leading to more significant innovation and progress in the field of science and research. 6. Future Scope The future scope of Laboratory Information Management System software is promising as it continues to evolve and adapt to the changing needs of laboratory management. Potential developments include integrating emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robotics, cloud-based solutions for scalability and accessibility, IoT integration for automation and safety, enhanced data analytics for improved decision-making, and mobile applications for on-the-go access. Moreover, with SaaS LIMS, there are no license costs, minimal installation fees, and no need for in-house servers or databanks, resulting in reduced IT maintenance costs for hardware and software.

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Health Technology, Digital Healthcare

Transforming Digital Healthcare Software through AI-Enhanced UX Testing

Article | September 8, 2023

Embracing the AI Revolution: Transforming Digital Healthcare Software through AI-Enhanced UX Testing The wave of demographic change sweeping the United States presents an urgent call to action for healthcare providers. According to the US Census Bureau, adults over 65 will account for a quarter of the US population by 2060, signaling a drastic shift in healthcare delivery needs. More than half a million of this demographic will be centenarians, accentuating the need for digital experiences tailored to seniors' unique needs. Despite the rapid advancement of digital health technologies, research indicates that many senior citizens struggle to adapt. A recent study reported that 40% of adults over 65 believe their telemedicine visit was inferior to traditional in-person care, with a meager 5% finding it superior. The promise of convenience delivered by digital health is often overshadowed by the frustration associated with technical difficulties. An astounding 75% of senior citizens admit they need assistance when using new electronic devices. Let's consider the patient portal app, a common touchpoint in the digital health journey. Despite its apparent simplicity, seniors find processes like logging in troublesome due to issues like forgotten passwords, technical bugs, or content readability. This scenario underlines the crucial need for comprehensive User Experience (UX) testing to eliminate these barriers and provide a seamless digital health experience. The Complex Landscape of Healthcare UX Testing The complexity of UX testing in healthcare has been exacerbated by the interplay of multiple modules, services, platforms, and vendors. Take Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems, for instance, which undergo frequent updates, each one potentially impacting the system as a whole. Traditional manual testing methodologies are proving to be time-consuming and costly. Though automation has revolutionized sectors from automotive to finance, the healthcare industry appears to be lagging. A study by the Health Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) reveals that a mere 15% of healthcare providers have adopted modern test automation platforms. Meanwhile, a significant 41% still rely on manual testing. As EMR systems grow increasingly complex and customized, this over-reliance on manual testing poses daunting challenges. The gravity of this issue is amplified by a startling revelation from the HIMSS study - only 6% of healthcare executive leaders express confidence in their organizations' testing practices. In an increasingly digitized healthcare environment, such a low level of assurance raises substantial concerns about patient safety. Although 75% of the surveyed providers have invested in software testing to safeguard their bottom lines, nearly two-thirds confess feeling inadequately resourced in terms of time, money, and talent to meet future testing requirements. As the list of testing demands grows, QA teams are frequently stretched thin, leaving many potential user journey scenarios untested. The Power of AI in UX Testing for Better Patient Outcomes AI technologies hold the potential to revolutionize UX testing in healthcare. The modern healthcare application is a labyrinth of potential user journeys - a typical mobile application model can yield over 9 billion separate scenarios. To effectively navigate this colossal testing landscape, test automation tools employing Machine Learning (ML) algorithms are critical. By analyzing historical patterns, prioritized cases, and real-user insights, ML algorithms can auto-generate test cases and meticulously scrutinize each user interaction. This approach ensures an optimal digital experience and robust coverage of potential issues. The HIMSS study also provides a glimmer of hope, revealing that nearly 80% of healthcare providers plan to adopt real-time testing analytics for quality assurance. AI's role becomes pivotal in augmenting the capacity of software testing teams in this scenario. By leveraging historical patterns and prioritizing test cases, ML-powered testing tools can automate crucial tests across various platforms, devices, and operating systems. This symbiosis of human expertise and AI not only bolsters productivity but enables comprehensive testing coverage within tight time constraints. The Future of Healthcare Software UX Testing The path to perfecting a patient’s digital journey is fraught with challenges. Healthcare organizations venturing into automated software testing or contemplating in-house tool replacement must stay abreast of evolving healthcare testing requirements. This understanding is key when evaluating automation vendors against the backdrop of regulatory standards. Opting for a technology-agnostic solution ensures extensive test coverage, boosts efficiency, and guarantees longevity as technologies advance. Introducing your software QA teams to user-friendly, low/no-code test automation tools can simplify the onboarding process and fosters better collaboration with Dev teams and business testers. As we stand at the precipice of this transformative period in healthcare, it's clear that the AI revolution holds the key to unlocking the future of digital healthcare UX testing. By harnessing AI's potential, healthcare providers can ensure a user-friendly, seamless digital experience for the fastest-growing demographic, setting new industry standards in the process.

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Healthtech Security

Managing Your Fearful and Negative Thoughts

Article | November 29, 2023

There are times that we encounter negative thoughts that can be overwhelming. For some people, the more they try to get rid of their thoughts, the stronger they become. As a result, here is a brief list of techniques that a person can use to help manage their negative thinking. 1. Do not focus on your fearful thinking: The first thing a person must do is not to dwell on the fear provoking thought when it comes. The more a person tries to reason out on the fear behind the thought, the stronger it becomes. The next time you encounter a negative situation, get into the practice of not dwelling on it. 2. Think of a red stop sign: At times, a person might encounter a fearful thought that may be difficult to manage. When this happens, visualize a red stop sign which can serve as a reminder to think about something else. Regardless of how scary your negative thinking may be, do not dwell on it. This technique is great in dealing with your negative situations and depression. 3. Its only fear: The difference between an obsessive thought and a regular one is that an obsessive thought is based on fear. With this in mind, try to find the source of the fear behind your negative thinking and then find ways to get rid of your worries. 4. Your thoughts are exaggerated: Sometimes, a person may encounter a lot of scary thoughts coming at them all at once. Instead of getting upset, remember that your negative thinking is exaggerated with worry. Ignore the fear behind these obsessive thoughts, regardless how the strong the fear may be. 5. Challenge your negative thinking with positive statements and realistic thinking: When encountering thoughts that make you fearful or depressed, challenge them by asking yourself questions that will maintain objectivity and common sense. Focus on the reality of your situation and not on your negative thinking. 6. Carry a small notebook of positive statements with you: A person should keep a small notebook of positive statements that makes them feel good. Whenever they come across a positive and uplifting verse that makes them happy, write it down in a small notebook. A person can then carry this notebook around in their pocket and whenever they feel anxious, they can read their notebook. 7. Take it one day at a time: Instead of worrying about how you will get through the rest of the week or month, try to focus on today. Each day can provide us with different opportunities to learn new things and that includes learning how to deal with your situation. In addition, you will not feel overwhelmed with everything if you focus on one thing at a time. 8. Get help: Take advantage of the help that is available around you. If possible, talk to a professional who can help you manage your fears and anxieties. They will be able to provide you with additional advice and insights on how to deal with your current problem. By talking to a professional, a person will be helping themselves in the long run because they will become better able to deal with their problems in the future.

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Digital Healthcare, Medical Devices

Transforming Patient Records: Impact of Top 10 EHR Tools

Article | July 7, 2023

Delve into the EHR tools reshaping the healthcare industry for an efficient and patient-centric future. Unlock streamlined workflows and data-driven decision-making through these EHR software tools. Adopting an EHR tool has become crucial for clinics and healthcare providers striving to revolutionize their operations and deliver a high standard of care. These innovative EHR software tools possess the potential to transform healthcare workflows, enabling clinics to optimize processes, streamline operations, and provide an exceptional level of care to patients. From facilitating seamless communication and improving operational efficiency to enhancing patient satisfaction, EHR tools unlock possibilities for improved operations, accurate claims processing, and enhanced financial management within practices. This article explores the top 10 electronic health record tools that are reshaping the healthcare industry and paving the way for a more efficient and patient-centric future. 1. Avalon EHR It is an EHR evaluation tool that prioritizes robust physician-patient engagement, setting it apart from complex electronic health record (EHR) systems. With an unwavering focus on reliability and security, Avalon offers a cutting-edge solution for the future of healthcare. Its key features include CureMD's clinical overview, which presents alarms, trends, and patient histories on a single screen, ensuring comprehensive insights. The platform also boasts a specialized rheumatology section with templates for typical symptoms, simplifying documentation processes. Furthermore, Avalon provides regular updates for various medical specialties following CPT and ICD codes, ensuring compliance, proper medical procedures, and diagnosis recording. Notably, it supports automated overnight transcription of dictations into templates, significantly reducing the time and billing service partners' costs associated with finding and documenting clinical findings. 2. AdvancedBiller The AdvancedBiller Grow program offers medical billing companies a comprehensive and advantageous solution, combining industry-leading software solutions with exclusive partner benefits. This program is designed to drive optimal outcomes by providing a unified practice management workflow, excellent support, free promotional opportunities, and competitive, scalable pricing. With a focus on boosting performance and profitability, AdvancedBiller equips businesses with the necessary tools to excel in their field. The program features custom health plans that assist doctors in managing individual patient needs based on age, sex, and lab findings. Additionally, it offers customizable note-taking templates to align with specific workflows and preferences. This EHR tool also facilitates telemedicine appointments, enabling patients to communicate face-to-face with their doctors and receive important notifications. Furthermore, the program enhances data management by allowing doctors to save sensitive information and screenshots during conference calls securely. By leveraging the AdvancedBiller Grow program, medical billing companies can optimize operations, deliver superior care, and achieve notable success. 3. Halemind EHR integration tools, such as Halemind, present a game-changing solution that enables clinics to elevate their operations and provide superior patient care. This comprehensive platform offers many features, including appointment scheduling, patient registrations, check-ins, consultations, prescriptions, billing, and reporting, all aimed at delivering a seamless customer experience. With Halemind, clinics can transform their business and scale up their operations. The platform also provides specialized functionalities for pharmacies, allowing real-time access to customer histories, order tracking, invoicing, and supplier management. In addition, hospitals can benefit from Halemind's capabilities, such as operations planning, invoicing, payment collection, patient sample tracking, and customizable data display. Medical facilities can further enhance their efficiency by utilizing its in-patient module for managing wards, rooms, and beds and generating discharge reports. 4. SIMPLEX HIMES Patient Portal SIMPLEX HIMES software incorporates an optional yet powerful feature, the Patient Portal and Mobile Application, designed to revolutionize patient engagement and communication. This EHR tool seamlessly integrates with existing websites, providing healthcare facilities with a comprehensive EHR tool to enhance the patient experience. The Patient Portal enables efficient control of patient intake, bed availability monitoring, operating room scheduling, and centralized patient demographic management within hospitals. The software streamlines operations for pathology labs by managing information about referral laboratories, generating barcodes for sample tracing, and delivering timely test result alerts via email or text. Additionally, patients benefit from self-service portals, empowering them to conveniently schedule appointments, access medical records, locate service provider locations, and communicate with their doctors. 5. Patient Engagement The Patient Engagement tool offers patients unparalleled access to their personal health information, visit summaries, and lab results, empowering them to take an active role in their healthcare journey. With the help of this EHR tool, patients can conveniently book appointments online using the healow Open Access feature, efficiently manage their medications, and engage in secure messaging with their healthcare providers. In addition, the eCW software utilized within the tool provides organized data capture, trend analysis, and customizable documentation options for various healthcare specialties. Clinicians can effortlessly retrieve any aspect of the patient record through the Patient Hub, ensuring complete and efficient access to vital information. Furthermore, eClinicalWorks Version 11 introduces Eva, a computer program that assists physicians in evaluating patient records, leveraging details from the Progress Note tool and data flowsheets. This advanced functionality enhances clinical decision-making and promotes efficient patient care. 6. Electronic Prescription The Electronic Prescription tool revolutionizes prescription management in the healthcare industry, offering a seamless and efficient solution for healthcare providers. This advanced software streamlines the prescription process by eliminating traditional prescription pads, enhancing convenience and accuracy. AllegianceMD, integrated within the tool, enables patients to fill out their history and demographic information online within defined clinic limits, facilitating seamless integration of patient information. This EHR tool encompasses a range of features, including an active/inactive medicine list, e-refill requests, an allergy list, and comprehensive drug interaction checks. The software also includes a lab module for efficiently tracking test results and follow-ups. With its extended functionalities, the Electronic Prescription tool elevates prescription management, promoting patient safety and enhancing workflow efficiency for healthcare providers. 7. Telehealth WRS Health Telehealth offers healthcare providers and patients a secure and reliable virtual care experience. With seamless integration into the electronic health record (EHR), this comprehensive telehealth platform provides a single platform for managing virtual patient encounters. Designed with ease of use in mind, both patients and providers can navigate the user-friendly interface effortlessly. This EHR comparison tool is a safe alternative to in-office visits, offering private and secure online consultations that comply with HIPAA regulations. This telehealth solution ensures a smooth and efficient workflow with its seamless integration of clinical and revenue cycle management (RCM) functionalities. 8. Practice Management for Billing Companies The Practice Management tool offered by SequelMed is a comprehensive solution that streamlines operations and enhances efficiency in healthcare practices. This advanced tool automates various tasks, including billing, claim processing, revenue management & clinical procedures, and generates analytical reports for comprehensive insights, with the option of bundled or separate programs for electronic health records and practice management. The software provides interoperability with imaging systems and medical equipment through HL7 and DICOM interfaces, offering flexibility in deployment options with on-site or cloud hosting. In addition to its core functionalities, it enhances patient engagement with real-time communication, online patient registration, active prescription lists, immunization schedules, and a patient portal. The Practice Management Tool simplifies computerized prescription processes and promotes connectivity across healthcare systems, enabling healthcare providers to optimize their operations and deliver efficient, patient-centered care. 9. Medical Practice Management Software The Practice Management Software offers healthcare providers a powerful solution to streamline operations, ensure accurate claims processing, and expedite reimbursement cycles. With its intuitive design and comprehensive features, this software empowers practices to take control of their operations and optimize efficiency. Users can benefit from the HIPAA-compliant claims clearinghouse provided by NueMD, allowing for the seamless processing of unlimited claims. The software makes it easier to submit paper claims by reducing it to a single click, and it also simplifies payment transactions by incorporating credit card processing. Additionally, the ONC-ATCB-certified EHR enhances clinical workflow by providing charting capabilities, e-prescribing, laboratory report monitoring, and secure fax management. 10. LiquidEHR LiquidEHR is a cloud-based electronic health record (EHR) solution ideal for small and midsize optometry practices. It offers a range of features to manage medical records, scheduling, and billing effectively. The software includes specialized tools specific to optometry, such as historical IOP charts, drawing tools, built-in eye charts, frames data integration, and image management. Clinicians using LiquidEHR have access to electronic insurance filing tools, patient recalls, drug interactions and allergy checks, problem lists, medication recommendations, educational resources, vital signs monitoring, and more. The system also ensures data security through access controls, audit logs, and encryption features. Future Scope By staying informed about the top EHR tools highlighted in this article, medical practitioners can unlock streamlined workflows, improved communication, and data-driven decision-making to optimize clinical practices and deliver exceptional patient care. The future of EHR assessment tools looks promising, with emerging trends like artificial intelligence, machine learning, interoperability, and telehealth shaping the way forward. By embracing these advancements, healthcare professionals can stay ahead of the curve, maximize operational efficiency, and position themselves for success in the healthcare industry.

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Episirus Scientifica

With a view to promoting the research advancement, Episirus Scientifica is committed to bringing together leading experts of medical professionals, researchers, engineers, and scientists. We aspire to keep the world abreast of changing dynamics of the scientific arena through our international conferences, events, and exhibitions. Our motive is to create a nexus of distinguished scholars, young researchers and industry experts to collaborate and harness the benefit of the scholars networking through our strong chain of academicians and market experts, we always strive to bring changes to our scientific events.

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Health Technology

Springfield Clinic Partners With Cedar to Improve Patients' Digital Consumer Experience

Cedar | January 20, 2022

Springfield Clinic, the second largest multispecialty clinic in Illinois, and Cedar, a market-leading healthcare financial technology platform built for today's consumers, announced a partnership to transform patients' financial experience from co-pay to bill. The implementation of Cedar's solution is an integral part of Springfield Clinic's commitment to creating a cohesive digital engagement strategy for all patient interactions with their more than 600 providers of primary and specialty healthcare. "We are committed to making a seamless digital patient journey synonymous with the 'Springfield Clinic Experience,'" says Jack O'Hara, Chief Information Officer at Springfield Clinic. "Cedar's financial technology platform is the perfect complement to our digital front door strategy, which seeks to improve patient efficiency and accuracy of data while reducing administrative tasks for staff, empowering them to do more of what they do best: care for patients. Patient financial experiences can be notoriously frustrating, and we want to provide a superior and personalized digital experience across the healthcare journey." Cedar provides a complete and modern consumer engagement platform for patient interaction with their healthcare provider. Starting with pre-registration and following the patient through billing, Cedar will enable Springfield Clinic to deliver a seamless and simplified path that eliminates friction for patients navigating the financial journey with consumer-centric design and personalized experiences. "Making a process digital doesn't necessarily equate to making it better—what differentiates delightful experiences from mediocre ones comes down to personalization and meeting the patient where they are. We look forward to partnering with Springfield Clinic on their journey to truly transform their patients' digital experience and are honored that Cedar's platform will play such an integral role." Florian Otto, CEO and co-founder of Cedar About Springfield Clinic, LLP Springfield Clinic is a forward-thinking, physician-led multispecialty medical group devoted to providing the highest quality healthcare to its patients. More than 600 physicians and advanced practitioners deliver care in approximately 80 medical specialties and sub-specialties serving more than 20 counties, reaching more than 500,000 patients in the greater central Illinois area. As one of the largest private multispecialty medical clinics in the state, Springfield Clinic currently employs over 3,200 clinical and administrative staff members who are committed to improving health, providing value and serving the community. About Cedar Cedar's mission is to empower us all to easily and affordably pursue the care we need. As the only complete solution to address all of the challenges consumers face when paying for healthcare, Cedar enables a better and more transparent financial experience. Since 2016, Cedar has provided a smarter, more efficient way for hospitals, health systems and medical groups to manage the patient payment ecosystem and create a personalized financial experience while also dramatically improving billing operations.

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The top 6 policy priorities that could improve behavioral health care access at hospitals and save billions

Fiercehealthcare | May 13, 2019

Issues such as the opioid epidemic and an increased suicide rate in the U.S. are increasing demand for behavioral health care services even as challenges such as workforce shortages and payment policies are restricting patient access.But policy changes such as improved reimbursement could help the nation's hospitals better address those access issues, according to a new analysis from the American Hospital Association.While nearly one in five Americans is affected by a behavioral health disorder, many individuals are unable to access the services they need," the authors of the report wrote. "Hospitals and health systems play a central role in meeting the health needs of their community.

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How Much Does Healthcare Influence Longevity?

Medscape | May 13, 2019

Healthcare is only one of several factors that affect longevity in the United States, a new study reaffirms. Behavioral and social factors have much more influence.Robert Kaplan, PhD, and Arnold Milstein, MD, MPH, from Stanford University School of Medicine's Clinical Excellence Research Center in California, tested how much healthcare affects the risk for premature death using four different research methods and data sets.

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Health Technology

Springfield Clinic Partners With Cedar to Improve Patients' Digital Consumer Experience

Cedar | January 20, 2022

Springfield Clinic, the second largest multispecialty clinic in Illinois, and Cedar, a market-leading healthcare financial technology platform built for today's consumers, announced a partnership to transform patients' financial experience from co-pay to bill. The implementation of Cedar's solution is an integral part of Springfield Clinic's commitment to creating a cohesive digital engagement strategy for all patient interactions with their more than 600 providers of primary and specialty healthcare. "We are committed to making a seamless digital patient journey synonymous with the 'Springfield Clinic Experience,'" says Jack O'Hara, Chief Information Officer at Springfield Clinic. "Cedar's financial technology platform is the perfect complement to our digital front door strategy, which seeks to improve patient efficiency and accuracy of data while reducing administrative tasks for staff, empowering them to do more of what they do best: care for patients. Patient financial experiences can be notoriously frustrating, and we want to provide a superior and personalized digital experience across the healthcare journey." Cedar provides a complete and modern consumer engagement platform for patient interaction with their healthcare provider. Starting with pre-registration and following the patient through billing, Cedar will enable Springfield Clinic to deliver a seamless and simplified path that eliminates friction for patients navigating the financial journey with consumer-centric design and personalized experiences. "Making a process digital doesn't necessarily equate to making it better—what differentiates delightful experiences from mediocre ones comes down to personalization and meeting the patient where they are. We look forward to partnering with Springfield Clinic on their journey to truly transform their patients' digital experience and are honored that Cedar's platform will play such an integral role." Florian Otto, CEO and co-founder of Cedar About Springfield Clinic, LLP Springfield Clinic is a forward-thinking, physician-led multispecialty medical group devoted to providing the highest quality healthcare to its patients. More than 600 physicians and advanced practitioners deliver care in approximately 80 medical specialties and sub-specialties serving more than 20 counties, reaching more than 500,000 patients in the greater central Illinois area. As one of the largest private multispecialty medical clinics in the state, Springfield Clinic currently employs over 3,200 clinical and administrative staff members who are committed to improving health, providing value and serving the community. About Cedar Cedar's mission is to empower us all to easily and affordably pursue the care we need. As the only complete solution to address all of the challenges consumers face when paying for healthcare, Cedar enables a better and more transparent financial experience. Since 2016, Cedar has provided a smarter, more efficient way for hospitals, health systems and medical groups to manage the patient payment ecosystem and create a personalized financial experience while also dramatically improving billing operations.

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The top 6 policy priorities that could improve behavioral health care access at hospitals and save billions

Fiercehealthcare | May 13, 2019

Issues such as the opioid epidemic and an increased suicide rate in the U.S. are increasing demand for behavioral health care services even as challenges such as workforce shortages and payment policies are restricting patient access.But policy changes such as improved reimbursement could help the nation's hospitals better address those access issues, according to a new analysis from the American Hospital Association.While nearly one in five Americans is affected by a behavioral health disorder, many individuals are unable to access the services they need," the authors of the report wrote. "Hospitals and health systems play a central role in meeting the health needs of their community.

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How Much Does Healthcare Influence Longevity?

Medscape | May 13, 2019

Healthcare is only one of several factors that affect longevity in the United States, a new study reaffirms. Behavioral and social factors have much more influence.Robert Kaplan, PhD, and Arnold Milstein, MD, MPH, from Stanford University School of Medicine's Clinical Excellence Research Center in California, tested how much healthcare affects the risk for premature death using four different research methods and data sets.

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