Sunburn for 5.18.16 – Zika on the brain

By Peter Schorsch, Phil Ammann, Jenna Buzzacco-Foerster, Mitch Perry, Ryan Ray and Jim Rosica. There are more than 500 cases of Zika in the United States. All of those are travel related. Forty-eight involve pregnant women. And 116 cases are in Florida. Sunshine State lawmakers have been leading the charge to curb the spread of Zika...


Queens Long Island Medical Group

Welcome to the LinkedIn account of the Queens-Long Island Medical Group, P.C. (QLIMG™), the largest physician-owned and operated medical practice group in the tri-state area...

Healthtech Security

Wearable Technology is the New Healthcare!

Article | November 29, 2023

Do you know you can now wear technology? With the help of wearable technology, it's now easier to keep track of useful information in one go! This go-to technology has made people’s lives easier and smoother health-wise. In the last five years, more people have started using wearable technology to monitor health data and live healthier lifestyles. According to the Deloitte Global Survey, today, more than 80% of people are interested in using wearable technology. Statista also studied that the ear-worn wearable technology market will be worth more than 44.16 billion US dollars by 2023. These data show that customers are gravitating toward wearable technology due to its simplicity and convenience. The Tech is Getting Smarter Wearable technology has enabled the concept of self-checking, evaluation and monitoring of certain health conditions. The Internet of Things (IoT) technology is transforming and improving the entire lifestyles of millions of people. So it's no surprise that the technology is spreading. Thanks to IoT and AI, which have pushed these technologies into individuals’ hands in the form of smartwatches, fitness bands, and other devices. In this case, app development has also been a critical success factor. Consumers of all age groups actively use wearable technology for multiple physical benefits, such as monitoring daily activities (running, walking), water intake, heartbeat, sleep cycles, blood pressure, oxygen level, and mobility levels. In fact, the tech helps them to stay motivated by maintaining and extending their good habits. Wearables can measure these characteristics through an effective data model that is instantly responsive. The readings can be saved, displayed, or forwarded to a doctor for medical study. This interface of wearable technology saves money and time traveling to clinics, hospitals, GPs, and other medical facilities. The next feature that only wearable technology provides is reminders and inspiring information! Due to the addition of automatic functionalities, users have invested considerably in wearables and sparked the usage at the current time. Furthermore, wearable technology is also seen in other medical devices such as ECG monitors, which is again a cutting-edge consumer electronic device that users can use to measure electrocardiograms at home. A Deloitte study found that due to the rising demand and supply together, nearly 200 million wearable gadgets will be marketed globally by 2023. Transforming Healthcare Towards Intelligence The pandemic accentuated the importance of wearable technology the most, particularly for health monitoring. As a result, the technology was available in every second home. Wearable innovation is exceptional with the advancements in sensors, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and algorithms. Sensor data provides insights regarding an individual's activity levels, cardiac pattern discrepancies, and other aspects. For example, many companies and manufacturers employ PPG, Raman spectroscopy and infrared spectrophotometers to enable blood pressure monitoring features in smartwatches and portable medical devices. The combination of technology with intelligence is creating a whole new world of healthcare where individuals can track, record, and improve their health issues in a lesser timeframe. A Committed Future of Healthcare So, will technology for health improvement thrive? The answer is yes. Wearable technology delivers real-time health data and allows consumers to improve their health without incurring high costs. Consumers' willingness to share their data with healthcare professionals indicates a surge in future demand for wearable technology gadgets.

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Health Technology, Digital Healthcare

Busy Professionals Should Stop These 5 Behaviors for Their Mental Health

Article | September 7, 2023

Combating stress and anxiety can be a major challenge these days, but there are certain behaviors that contribute to those feelings, and you can take action right now to stop them and focus on your wellbeing. By taking a look at the way you react to others, how you practice self-care, and what kind of attitude you approach new tasks with, you can make some positive changes to your lifestyle that affect both your personal and professional lives. Stop stressing over your current job Almost everyone experiences job-related stress at some point in their lives, but when those feelings become overwhelming, it may be time to consider your options, according to Those in corporate positions and high-level management often cope with the most stress or anxiety due to the number of people they have working under them. If you find yourself bringing home feelings of irritability, or if you suffer from insomnia or a lack of focus during the day, take a look at open positions elsewhere and think about how much moving on could help you maintain a higher level of mental health. It can be scary to think about making such a major life change, but you’ll never know what possibilities lie out there if you don’t take a leap. Stop competing with others While some competition in the business world is a healthy motivator, other types can leave you feeling terrible about yourself. Rather than comparing your lifestyle or achievements to someone else’s, try to practice gratitude each day by using mindfulness techniques that allow you to focus on your own actions. Focus on your strengths and remind yourself that you’re doing the absolute best you can each day. Make it a point to congratulate others on their achievements, especially your coworkers, and do what you can to build others up. When it comes to social media, remember that the things we share only give a glimpse into the whole story, and that comparing your life to another’s can be detrimental to your mental wellbeing. Stop ignoring your physical needs While your mental wellbeing is obviously an important focus, it’s also crucial to think about how you can make sure your body is getting everything it needs. Working a corporate job often means sitting stationary at a desk for long hours, working through lunch hours, or working at home even after you’ve clocked out for the day. Allow yourself to rest by setting boundaries once you’re home, and give yourself the tools to get better sleep by creating an end-of-day routine that will help you relax and prepare to let the workday go. Eat plenty of lean protein and leafy greens to keep your energy up, and make it a point to get up and move around at work. You might also invest in a standing desk, as those come with multiple health advantages for individuals who spend much of the day sitting. Stop dreading the new week It can be helpful to set some boundaries where work is concerned, but it’s also important to get organized in order to banish that dread you feel on Monday morning. Facing a busy week can bring on stress and anxiety that leaves you feeling unprepared, but if you take the time to write out a to-do list on Friday, you can jump right in at the beginning of the week without feeling frazzled. It can also help to have something to look forward to, such as promising yourself a little treat once you get a certain amount of work done. Staying productive can be a big help, so if you have time left toward the end of the day and there’s a small task still to be done, don’t let your desire to leave early on a Friday afternoon take over. Finishing up can give you a sense of satisfaction and will keep you from feeling overwhelmed once the new week starts. Stop saying yes to everything Another behavior that leads to feeling overwhelmed is saying “yes” to anyone who asks for your time or energy. You may feel that doing so contributes to a helpful, team-oriented atmosphere at work, but it becomes a problem when you take on too much without focusing on your own needs at least part of the time. Learning how to diplomatically say no when you can’t take on any more responsibilities is a form of self-care that can banish stress and allow you to focus on your own needs without feeling guilty. Letting go of stress, anxiety, and poor health habits can take some time, but by creating some new routines you can learn new habits that help you tackle anything life throws your way. Write down a strategy that encompasses your daily schedule, and get organized both at work and at home for maximum mental health benefits.

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Health Technology, Digital Healthcare

Hangover Alcohol Syndrome

Article | July 14, 2023

Ha, ha, ha, it’s me, alcohol hangover syndrome. Oh no, it feels like I have a fire burning through my head, that cannot be put out. What a pain, the hang-over. I can't get up. My eyes are red and blurred. I feel sick and body is tired. My body aches like French fries sizzling in scalding hot oil. Ouch, what a pain it is. Ouch is not a strong enough expression. So I Scream! Damn is the toe nail fungus vomiting too, I am sick. Screaming; oh no my head cannot handle it, it spinning and blazing like fire. My eyes are red, like a red eyed dragon. Well you are feeling the side effects of drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, referred to as intoxication - hang-over. Alcohol is labeled as the gateway to addiction and may lead to other drugs. The Lancet Medical Journal advises alcohol increases the risk of hypertension, stroke and heart attack. Alcohol intoxication is the result of high consumption of alcohol increase in the blood stream. The higher the amount of alcohol within blood stream the more impaired you become. According to statistics of 2015 an average of 6 people die each day due to alcohol poisoning or drinking so much that the body become overwhelmed. The body resistance to alcohol intoxication poison aligns in the critical or essential areas of the brain that control heart rate and breathing causing the heart rate and breathing to shut down and can lead to death. Frequent intoxication can inhibit ones' ability to think, focus, health, work, communicate, behavior and relationships. Frequent intoxication also influences one to become isolated, trying not to disclose habits by lying about drinking to family, friends or associates and even hiding alcohol in some cases whether it be at home or work. Hazardous harm of alcohol poison to the body begin as a craving for alcohol. This chain reaction is similar to the body becoming tired and fatigue and demands sleep which you cannot control, you must get sleep or pass out. Groans are similar to a choking frog that cannot control it voice. The craving or urge to drink may be triggered by internal or external factors. Attention and insight or consciousness to what triggers urge to drink is an advantage to assist in controlling the (ABV) alcohol beverage volume consumed. Mentioned in the beginning intoxication poison is not pleasurable and intoxication is unhealthy, so has this habit of excessive drinking become an uncontrollable addiction? My rap song is you are hooked and chorus is: Unforgettable, Unforgettable, Unforgettable You have made me your number one love You take me with you like a shadow You hold me with such a grasping hold of touch I am yours and you live just to be with me! Risk Factors of Alcohol Toxic obstacle of future damage Reality is a hard hitter and a definite strike out Consequences and penalties exist! Many times with a toast, alcohol is the toaster to recognize an individual are group of individuals. Toast with alcohol can lead the way to consumption of more alcohol. There is a chicle that friends don’t let friends drink drunk. Well when the friend is seeing through eyes of alcohol themselves who become the helper? Drinking and drinking is a serious violation of the law. Risk factors are costly, expensive and devastating. Risk factors include but are not limited to: DUI- (Driving under the influence) Driving under the influence of alcohol is prohibited by law and punishable by law. Consequences for illegally operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol can range from imprisonment, fines, community service and limited operating driving privileges. These factors are enforced under Misdemeanor Offense based on the merits, history of the first time offense. If the BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration) is above .08 consumption while driving a vehicle one can be arrested. DWI- (Driving while intoxicated) Driving while intoxicated is also prohibited by law and is punishable by law. DUI and DWI are related and both are violations that have penalties. Multiple DUI’s are DWI’s fines can range from $2000 0r more, are or imprisonment depending on state which the violation occurred. The violation is governed under Gross Misdemeanor or felony. Factors include subject pass history, accidents and drug use. Related obligations imposed are rate of operating a vehicle insurance increase, storage and towing fees, attorney fees, DUI classes, restitution, possible criminal and court fees, scarred background record, possible driver license suspension or driver license being revoked. Accidents- According to National Institution on Drug Abuse report “Drinking and driving can add up to tragic ending. In the U.S. about 4300 people under the age 21 die each year from injuries caused by underage drinking, more than 35 percent in car crashes.” Relationships- Relationships are a valued connection, resource, positive interaction, communication and socially are viewed as binding or a bond. When a relationship becomes troubled an uncomfortable strain effects the stability of comfort and sometimes trust. Drugs for instance can cause damage to a good relationship with family, friends and acquaintances. Relationships should be positive, supported and loving. Jail- A sentence for punishment of an unlawful crime. Risk Factors of Alcohol Divorce – Divorce can carry the burden of a setback. Change is transition and sometimes stressful. An individual can feel pressure and seek relief that may eventually lead to depression anxiety or harmful opioids without medical advice. License Suspension- A period of time which a valid driver license privilege is suspend temporary. Financial Burden- Fines, fees, loss of driver privilege and other costly expenses create financial burden or loss of income that may be saved or distribute differently. Health Issues- Quote your health is wealth has merit and valuable. Your health matters and chemical dependency addiction impairs the body system with side effects such as strokes, hypertension, seizers, respiratory problems and heart failure. Employment- EAP (Employment Assistance Program) EAP is an employment assistance agency providing services to assist in personal, financial and work related occurrences. Court Ordered Rehabilitation – The risk factors associated with alcohol related court can be positive. The individual who takes advantage of this opportunity could overcome alcohol addiction and improve his or her behavior to become a more productive citizen. This also helps one to rebuild their lives. Alcohol rehabilitation also allows people to heal from addiction and dependence issues. Most people prefer alcohol rehabilitation programs to avoid a Criminal sentencing and to get their lives back on track. Risk factors can work out very well for one and help one redeem his or her positive life back. Children Neglect- Family and especially children struggle and suffer as they learn to live without your guidance. Being absent in your children life signal a lack of love and trust for them. They begin to doubt themselves despite your habit of addiction. Grief – Regret and self-emotional punishment for the injury, harm or death inflicted upon another while impaired by the use of alcohol (Drinking and driving) Don’t drive and drink is a safety factor that should not be ignored!

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Future of Telehealth Reimbursement: Offering Medicare Telehealth Services?

Article | May 24, 2021

While many United States healthcare providers are returning to their in-person offices, many others are digging in to offer hybrid telehealth or exclusive telehealth practices moving forward. Understanding the future of telehealth reimbursement is then a pivotal issue. As a hub for telehealth consultants and trainers, the Telebehavioral Health Institute (TBHI) is receiving daily requests for assistance from behavioral health groups and independent practitioners seeking to position themselves for telehealth expansion optimally.

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Queens Long Island Medical Group

Welcome to the LinkedIn account of the Queens-Long Island Medical Group, P.C. (QLIMG™), the largest physician-owned and operated medical practice group in the tri-state area...

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