Healthy and safe swimming week 2019

May 29, 2019

Infographics are images that are used to describe complex data in a visually appealing and easy to understand way. The Communicable Disease Control and Prevention Bureau has developed a series of infographics to provide a different perspective of disease statistics in Montana. New infographics are added frequently and sorted by category. Learn more about communicable diseases by selecting a tab below. Each thumbnail image is linked to a pdf version of the infographic.


Evidation Health

Evidation Health helps healthcare companies quantify outcomes in the digital era, using real life data from connected patients. The company developed its Real Life Study Solution to accelerate and enhance outcomes research through pragmatic trials-- virtually enrolling study participants 10x faster than traditional methods and rapidly measuring the value of digital health and traditional interventions.

Other Infographics
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Hacking Healthcare – A Sensitive Industry Under Attack

Infographic | January 8, 2020

Healthcare organizations collect and store vast amounts of personal information, making them a major target for cyber-criminals. Healthcare breaches are especially serious because personal data can, in some cases, mean the difference between life and death. For example, says Carlisle, it could cause medications to become mixed up – or people might fail to get treatment for conditions such as diabetes.

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PII Theft in Healthcare

Infographic | May 26, 2021

Healthcare organizations must do more to authenticate personnel accessing patient data to prevent personal identifiable information (PII) theft and other security breaches. They must improve their defenses by implementing strong multi-factor authentication solutions that adhere to modern security standards like FIDO 2.0.

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Infographic | January 21, 2022

Enhanced data capabilities, conversational AI, and interoperability enable connected care

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How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected depression and anxiety around the world

Infographic | October 8, 2021

A report in The Lancet provides the first global estimates of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health in 2020, and suggests an additional 53 million cases of major depressive disorder and 76 million cases of anxiety disorders were due to the pandemic. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, major depressive disorder and anxiety disorders – which can increase the risk of other health outcomes such as suicide – were major contributors to the global burden of disease, affecting millions of men and women of all ages around the world. This study is the first to assess global impacts of the pandemic on major depressive disorder and anxiety disorders, quantifying the prevalence and burden of the disorders by age, sex, and location in 204 countries and territories in 2020.

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Next-gen Laboratory Management for Enhanced Data Analysis

Infographic | May 9, 2023

Explore how next-generation laboratory management techniques can unlock the full potential of laboratory operations for efficient data management and analysis.

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Unleashing the Impact of Cloud-Based EHR in Healthcare

Infographic | July 11, 2023

Elevate healthcare services with cloud-based EHR solutions, enabling superior accessibility, fortified data security, and comprehensive patient care.

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Evidation Health

Evidation Health helps healthcare companies quantify outcomes in the digital era, using real life data from connected patients. The company developed its Real Life Study Solution to accelerate and enhance outcomes research through pragmatic trials-- virtually enrolling study participants 10x faster than traditional methods and rapidly measuring the value of digital health and traditional interventions.
